Royal Berkshire Squash
Rackets Association
Minutes of the 2011-2012 Annual General Meeting
Held at the Milestone Centre, CavershamParkVillage
Wednesday 13th June 2012
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Present:John CarrActing Chair, County Secretary & League Secretary
Peter BrackleyTreasurer
Sandy BurnettJunior Representative
Des SchalkwykChild Protection
Andy BurrellReferee & Marking
Andy LongmanS Area Rep.
Number of Attendees: 30
- Apologies for Absence
Darren Gray – Wellington
Stuart Humphries – Bounty
Kristy Willoughby – Army
Alexandra Gray – Windsor
Andy Stangroom – Windsor
Mark Quinton – Windsor
Adrian Hayward – Charters
Mike Wardle – Charters
Martin Litherland - Charters
Kevin Walter – Princess
Steve Attfield – Wellington
Matt Burnett - Marlow
2.Minutes of 2010/2011 AGM and Matters Arising
The minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting.
Proposed: Des Schalkwyk
Seconded: Andy Hartley
3.Chair’s Report
Good evening and thank you for coming.
I will try and keep this short.
I have adopted the format that I used last year. The report was also sent out to the club Contacts
Wendy Maitland-Jones (O35’s) and Keith Jones (O60’s) won their age groups in the British Open Masters. Fiona McLean (O50’s) and Chris Ansell (O65’s) reached their finals
F McLean Scottish won the titles in the following age groups WO35, WO40 & WO45.
Brian Phillips won the Welsh O70’s Masters.
We also had representatives in the Home Internationals.
Fiona McLean played for Scotland in the WO45 & WO40
Paul Johnson played wales in the O35’s (after meeting note).
In the County Tournaments
Tristan Eysele won the Men’s for the 1st time.
Paul Johnson won the O35’s for the 2nd time
Graham Hooper won the O45’s for the 3rd time.
Wendy Maitland- Jones won the Ladies for the 1st time
The County Squads also had some success this year.
The Women’s team entered the inter-counties this year and came 2nd so will be promoted. The Women’s O40 team came 3rd.
The Men’s team came 2nd so should be promoted.
The O35’s came 3rd so will be relegated.
The O45’s came 3rdso will be relegated.
The O55’s came 2nd so will stay in the premier division.
Sandy will give the details on the Junior Squads
This year we also run the County Cup which was won by Bounty and the Shield was won by the Royal Berkshire Club.
I will speak about the leagues later.
I would like to thank the clubs for allowing us to use their facilities, without their help we would not be able to run 5 senior squads and 4 junior squads, together with 5 County Tournaments.
Thanks must also go to the team managers who organise the weekends, which includes sorting out the team, booking hotels and travel when away. When home they have to organise courts and food as well and suggest accommodation for visiting teams.
The managers are Des, Simon, Darren, Graham & Chris.
Special thanks must go the Darren and Chris who are standing down this year after running their teams for a number of years.
Finally I must thank my committee who have worked hard during the season who together with the team managers have given us a successful season on the playing side.
We are still running the committee with vacancies mainly for Chairman and Secretary together with 2 committee spaces.
If anyone is interested please contact me and we can discuss the vacancies.
4.Treasurer’s Report
The accounts showed a healthy balance and a small profit on the year.
The treasurer explained that there was adecrease in the squad’s expenditure due to home matches where clubs were very supportive in their charging.
There were slight differences from last year some plus some minuses.
The bulk of the capital was in a Bond the interest from which supplemented the income from the leagues and the ES&R rebate.
There was also an increase in the web site costs which would be explained later.
The acceptance of the accounts was Proposed: A Pepler
Seconded:Linda Parsley
5.League Secretary’s Report
The leagues have run well this year without too many problems.
The winter league was won by Charters.
Veteran’s league was won by Windsor 1
Ladies league was won by Bounty a new team in the league.
Summer league was won by Charters.
I must thank Andy Burrell for running the Veterans league again.
I must give a special thank you to Linda Parsley who worked hard to get the ladies league up and running, we need more teams in the Ladies league so if you have 4 ladies in your club speak to them and get them to enter. The standard is not too high as the top ladies are playing in the winter league. So if you want to enter a team speak to Linda.
a:A proposal was made to change the scoring in the winter & summer league to PAR system. After a discussion it was decided that the winter premier league and Division 1 of the summer league would play to PAR11
b:Sandy explained that the committee had decided to go with an IT company so that the leagues can be done electronically, this was mainly caused by John retiring and no other committee member having the time to devote to the league, which was needed so they were executed properly. Also part of the deal is to revamp the County web site, which would entail just modernising it and giving a face lift but keeping to all the important information there.
6.Junior Organiser’s Report
Sandy reported that it had been a reasonably good year for the juniors with only the U13’s in the inter-counties showing any good results. We are still finding other counties to strong at the moment, but we have good crop of youngsters coming through. We are now starting to get some nine year old coming through.
Thanks were given to parents in helping with Inter-county weekends and travel also thanks to Andy Longman and Matt Burnett for the coaching.
7Child Protection Officer’s Report
Des explained that there was nothing new to report and would report to the clubs if there were any changes in the regulations. She expressed the need for the CRB checks when dealing with U18’s.
8.Referee & Marking Officer’s Report
Andy again reported on the new way for marking courses to be run by ES&R and hoped that courses would be run under the new format in the coming season.
9.England Squash Report
Amanda Robinson - South Area Manager for ES&R –Amanda Robinson’s reported on ES&R activities for the past year and their ideas for the coming year.
10.Election of Officers
John said there were still 5 vacancies on the committee and it was disappointing that no one had come forward to sit on the committee. So the existing committee where voted in en-bloc
- Any Other Business
- Proposed Amendment to Constitution – To remove the individual members voting rights at AGM/EGM’s to reflect the ES&R voting policy. After a short discussion it was agreed for the proposal to be accepted.
- There was no other business
12.Presentation of Trophies and County Colours
Trophies were presented to winning clubs.
John closed the meeting by thanking Shannon for preparing the nibbles and invited people to stay.
He closed the meeting at 9.42 and thanked everyone for coming.
Peter Brackley took the floor and addressed the meeting and made a presentation to John, who was retiring from the committee after being a member since 1981.