PTG Meeting 4/4/2016

Time Started:


Matt BroomallMary Beth Crawford

Marcy O’DonnellDiana Rossi

Lisa TolottaRobert Valtos

Megan FergusonMeg Kawan

Katherine ZimmermanElisa Peters

Patricia SarzanJune Scanlon

Kim MichaelsJenny Robinson

Amy EckelsMichele Wahba

Tanya Smith

President’s Report(Matt Broomall for Heather Robinson)

  1. Nothing to Report per Mr. Broomall
  2. Rita’s Field day contest was over yesterday (April 3rd)

Secretary’s Report (Mary Beth Crawford)

  1. MBC received info for Bingo night and posted on Parent Express
  2. Amy took notes from last month’s meeting; she has them hand written and will type up and forward to Ms. Robinson.

Treasurer’s Report (Matt Broomall)

  1. Checks Disbursed / Spent
  • $456.26 – winter carnival
  • $58.05 to ship box tops
  • $25.24 for refreshments for PTG March meeting
  • $962.62 1st grade trip
  • $136 – 3rd grade trip to WC university planetarium
  • $190 for transportation
  1. Please see Matt Broomall for full Treasurer’s report

Parent’s Representative Report (PAB)

  1. Next Meeting will be May 12th – Thursday morning

Teacher’s Report– Mrs. Michaels

  1. Thanks to the parents who attended math night. We greatly appreciate everyone’s support this year.
  2. Please contact your child’s teacher directly if you have any questions about the program.
  1. District wide teachers are getting feedback from parents and sharing feedback so that any changes moving forward will be district wide.
  2. Mrs. Lomas – DE co right to education task force – “The Making a difference award” assistant to Ms. Sarzan is receiving the reward! April 28th at HS

Principals’ Report –

  1. Ms. Robinson can’t believe how quickly the year is going by – we’re already attending the April PTG meeting! Ms. Robinson would like to thank all of our parents for attending parent teacher conferences – 97% attendance rate at time of conferences and is even higher now – this is a good indication of the support the RTES children get from families.
  2. Music in School Month – 4th grade celebrated Music in Schools Month by showcasing what is taught in the general music classroom during an afternoon concert for parents. Ms. Robinson had several rewarding conversations with teachers and staff after the concert. A group of 4th grade students also performed at the April school board meeting. The school board presentation consisted of a selection of choral, as well as instrumental and percussion pieces. Everyone who attended the school board meeting was very impressed with children’s diversity of musical skills.
  3. Upcoming PSSAs – Ms. Robinson would like to thank the PTG for subsidizing some of the children’s snacks during PSSA testing.
  4. Upcoming PTG events - Bingo Night will be April 15th
  5. Upcoming school events - Spring Art Show will be at 6:00 PM Thursday, May 5. This will be followed by the Spring Choral concert at 7:00 PM the same day. Grandparents’ Day will take place on Friday, May 6. Grandparents’ Day will begin with a morning breakfast reception followed by classroom visits.

Committee Reports:

  1. Bingo – Ms. Robinson met with Mrs. Kristiansen – Ms. Robinson reported on this event: the event is next Friday and the committee is ready to go; RTES is sending a paper flyer that will be coming home this week; home room parents sent out emails to their classroom parents asking for volunteers; PTG secretary sent out email in Parent Express regarding same information.
  2. Strawberry Festival - Marcy O’Donnell; met with Ms. Robinson Friday – slight time change – 3-6pm. Working on eliciting donations – silent auction, 5th grade writing competition, bake off competition trying to get that going – Please Contact Sarah or Marcy to help with bake off; Marcy and Sarah want to check with co-chairs of Bingo and Rose Tree Review to see if they can advertise at those events.See if we can add the date to Strawberry May 21st.
  3. Rose tree review – Colleen Pompetti. Date was moved Friday May 13th – 7pm. Dress rehearsal – Thursday May 12th – 4pm; keep one trial run down. Rules – music needs to be approved by Ms. Robinson and Mr. Wigo; theClass acts will get first dibs on music selection.Theme this year – “Party” theme. Practices – begin April 21, 28 and may 5th all in the cafeteria – 4-6pm and each grade gets 30 minutes – children must have supervision not on the playground without a parent. Need help with anything at the doors. Need music ahead of time.
  4. Grandparents’ Day – nothing to report; Mrs. Ferguson will meet with Ms. Robinson and firm up details for May 6th.
  5. Muffins for MOM – May 19th k-2 and May 24th 3-5; same budget; Mr. Valtos reported for Mrs. Valtos – the cut up fruit may be removed from items; Mr. Valtos mentioned due to the expense and time consuming task of cutting up fruit; Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Tolotta offered tocut up fruit.

***In a subsequent email to this meeting, Mrs. Valtos said that the reason the fruit was an issue is not due to time constraints, but rather cross contamination for children with food allergies. Mrs. Valtos will follow up with Ms. Robinson, Mrs. Hefferan, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Tolotta regarding whether fruit will be provided at the muffins for mom events.****

  1. Yearbook – Mrs. Rossi – reporting that there will be one this year! Yearbook is finished except for one page – and a cover picture / book is done will include Rose Tree Review; Mrs. Rossi discussed the idea of when families will be able to get their pictures from Rose Tree Review since the last 5 years you can buy the pics and there was a 24 hour turn around. However, with the review being so late it is May 13th – and the yearbook is due to the printers no later thanApril 15th. The discussion determined that yearbook committee will have the pictures available at the May 19th and 24th“Muffins for Mom.” Ms. Robinson offered to help out and print the pics if Ms. Rossi gives the flash drive to her after the Review.

Mrs. Rossi would like to put out to the RTES community that the Year book Committee is seeking a co-chair to help out with all of the yearbook duties next school year.

Old Business –

  1. By Laws – Changes were made last month; Motions to change. Approved.
  2. Camera for the school – what would be suitable camera for the school; Mrs. Rossi has helped Ms. Robinson with selecting a building camera so that teachers don’t have to bring in their cameras any longer. Nikon D3200; $449 quote. Motion to approve - Approved.
  3. Tables –Per Ms. Robinson, Mrs. Heather Robinson went to Ms. Jenny Robinson and asked what the school is in need of that the PTG can gift to the school this year. Ms. Robinson stated that she feels that the item the school is in most need of are 8 new tables for the cafeteria. The school is growing by leaps and bounds and the entire school cannot fit in the cafeteria at the same time. The 5th grade recognition is coming up and there will not be adequate seating with our current table situation. The original were purchased in the 90s and the quality is exceptional; sales rep came out with samples; RTES can increase table number by 2 more rows – which would mean a purchase of 8 tables. Mr. Broomall has the estimate andtotal shipping including each table would amount to $5059.92. Mr. Broomall stated that he believes that the school district should be buying the tables. The school district bought the original tables. Ms. Robinson reported that the current School Board has put a freeze on the money that the elementary schools can spend and she does not see the freeze being lifted any time soon. Therefore, when asked what RTES needs the most this year, this is the item most in need from her perspective. Mrs. Ferguson asked whether there could be a fundraiser to augment the cost.Ms. Zimmerman suggested the Pizzeria Uno fundraiser – for tables for the cafeteria. Mr. Broomall stated that he doesn’t feel many people would attend a Uno’s fundraiser for tables. He stated again that the current PTG budget does not allow for 8 tables. Mr. Broomall stated that the current PTG Balance is around $10,900 but that this is the time of the year, the PTG starts accruing many costs. A PTG member asked about possibly purchasing half of the tables at this time. Mrs. Scanlon and Mrs. Crawford suggest that budget is reviewed more extensively and that the idea is re-visited once the budget review is complete. It is determined that an ongoing discussion is necessary regarding the PTG budget after Strawberry festival and this may carry into the next year.

New business

  1. PTG board – Nominations

President – MB Crawford,

VP – Sarah Pettit

Treasurer – Katherine Zimmerman

Secretary – Tanya Smith

PAB rep – June Scanlon

  1. New Business –

1.Yearbook needs a committee chair and more people on the committee in general

2. Chick Fil AFundraiser and / or Rita’s night fundraiser

Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm