
I have been notified by the Chief Executive’s Department who oversee the Petition Scheme that your petition closed on the 9th February 2012. Your petition generated 363 signatures and, in accordance with the Petition Scheme, has been dealt with as an ordinary petition.

Whilst the petition did not attract sufficient signatures to trigger a formal debate in its own right, you may be aware that the issue of a public holiday to mark St Piran’s Day was the subject of a motion to Council by Councillor Anne Kerridge on 29 November 2011. A copy of the accompanying report and minutes of the meeting are available on the council’s website at

As a result of that discussion, members resolved that:

1.The Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader, be requested to write to central government stating (1) that, in principle, any change in the May Bank Holiday should lead to the creation of a public holiday in Cornwall on St Piran’s Day and (2) that the government should press ahead with full consultation on the issue of replacing the May Bank Holiday.

2.The Chief Executive consider how to undertake most effectively a test of public opinion on the issue of creating a St Piran’s Day Public Holiday in Cornwall and report back to a future meeting on the options including the cost implications.

The attached letter was subsequently sent to the Department of Media, Culture and Sport on 19th December 2011 by the Leader of the Council, Alec Robertson. We have subsequently received confirmation that the letter has been passed to ministers responsible for considering options for moving the May Day Bank Holiday. Options to test public opinion on the issue are also being explored.

I hope that you feel that the Council has dealt with your petition appropriately but if you feel that this is not the case, you, as the petition organiser, have the right to request that the Council’s overview and scrutiny committee review the steps that the Council has taken in response to your petition. If you do wish to take this action it would be helpful you, as the petition organiser, provide a short explanation of the reasons why the Council’s response is not considered to be adequate.

Full details of the Council’s Petition Scheme is available on the Council’s website:

Yours sincerely,

Philippa Dowling

Policy Specialist