Page 1 of 9-Helen Bader School of Social Welfare: Macro Practice Instructor Version
The Helen Bader School of Social Welfare - Department of Social Work
Field Education Course Evaluation – MACRO PRACTICE
☐ Mid-Term Progress Report☐ Final Evaluation
Date: Student Name:
Agency: Agency Address:
Agency Phone: Agency Fax:
Agency Field Instructor: Field Instructor Email:
University Field Liaison(select)
Course # (select) Undergraduate ☐421 ☐422 ☐423
Graduate ☐721 ☐722 ☐821 ☐822 ☐921
Semester ☐Fall ☐Spring ☐Summer Year 20
Instructions: Please rate the student’s progress in the following areas using the following rating categories. Please comment on the student’s skill development in each category and check only one rating box.
5-Exemplary Competence / Student consistently demonstrates a depth of knowledge, skill, and values related to the social work field. Student is able to anticipate problems and proactively work toward solutions. Student is able to take on new projects independently (as appropriate for the field placement) and provide new ideas and input for working with client population. Student is a strong team player. Student is able to understand the inter-connection between social, cultural, economic and environmental issues impacting clients and/or agency.4 - Advanced Competence / Student demonstrates an ongoing working knowledge of practice and is able to connect the “big picture” to what they are seeing in the agency. Student is able to ask questions and seek out resources and answers independently. Student is able to apply solutions and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies used. Student is able to cope with complex situations and use knowledge and judgment to work toward solution. Student is able to work on more complicated tasks/projects independently and engages well as a team member.
3- Basic/Consistent
Competence / Student demonstrates a working knowledge of key aspects of practice and regularly asks questions to further knowledge and skills. Student is able to recognize the complexity of a situation and begin to come up with solutions but learning to achieve resolutions. Uses supervision/consultation appropriately and applies learning from one activity to another. Student is able to complete basic tasks independently.
2 - Beginning/Emerging Competence / Student demonstrates beginning values, knowledge and skill. Limited understanding of what questions to ask and inconsistent application of learning from one activity to another. While progress is evident, student is just beginning to handle tasks independently. Quality of work is uneven but moving in a positive direction. Growing sense of their role on the agency team.
1- Insufficient Competence / Student does not, or rarely, demonstrates and integrates social work values, knowledge and skills; (e.g. needs constant supervision; quality of work uneven; tasks not completed in reasonable time; knowledge/skills not transferred from one assignment to another; progress uncertain.)
N/A – Not Applicable / No opportunity to observe
1st Graduate Field Course Objectives / 722
2nd Field Course Objectives / 821/822/921
Graduate Advanced Field Course Objectives
Outcome 1: Recognizes the tasks and roles of social work leaders in enhancing organizational and community capacityProfessional Boundaries / Professional Roles
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Understands the complexities of professional boundaries and is able to establish appropriate boundaries / Demonstrates the ability to employ a range of appropriate relationship development skills including: assertiveness, collaboration, and conflict engagement in macro practice settings / Demonstrates an emerging leadership role in the field practicum
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence
☐ / N/A
Outcome 2: Demonstrates appropriate and effective communication with all parties related to the field practicum including HBSSW faculty and staff
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates effective written and oral communication skills with all parties related to the field practicum / Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate in an interdisciplinary context or setting / Takes initiative to communicate a social work perspective in all aspects of the field practicum including interdisciplinary settings
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 3: Demonstrates the ability to manage time effectively and efficiently
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates effective time management skills throughout the practicum by meeting deadlines and adhering to the established schedule of field work / Demonstrates the ability to balance educational, personal, and work responsibilities and adherence to deadlines and timeframes / Develops and demonstrates an ongoing strategy to address the demands of professional and personal responsibilities to prevent stress-related problems including burnout
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 4: Understands the supervisory relationship and role of the student in the practicum setting
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Actively prepares for and engages in supervision utilizing field assignments, learning opportunities within the agency, and through weekly supervisory meetings / Demonstrates initiative and preparedness for the supervisory meetings by identifying specific social work skills and competencies needing development / Actively seeks supervisory input and accepts constructive feedback to develop and enhance social work skills and competencies
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 5: Recognizes the cultural & religious belief systems that can influence organizational and community responsesCourse # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates the ability to identify and examine potential personal and professional value conflicts / Demonstrates the ability to effectively address personal versus professional value conflicts / Demonstrates the ability to effectively recognize & address the spiritual, cultural, and religious belief systems that can influence organizational & community responses
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 6: Recognizes and addresses professional ethical issues in the field placement
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates the ability to identify and articulate appropriate ways to address ethical dilemmas occurring during the field practicum / Is able to apply an ethical reasoning process and a decision making strategy to address real or potential ethical dilemmas in their field practicum / Is able to review and analyze the methodology used in addressing an ethical dilemma and the impact of the decision on all parties involved in the process
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 7: Recognizes personal values, potential biases, & assumptions (i.e. culture, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, etc.)Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates the ability to identify and articulate the effect biases and assumptions have on the interactions with all parties related to the field practicum / Develops an appropriate strategy to address one’s own biases and assumptions regarding diversity issues / Demonstrates sufficient self-awareness to prevent the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 8: Applies knowledge of diverse populations to enhance the well-being of communities and organizations
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates an understanding of the complexity of differences across cultures / Recognizes the potential risk factors and protective influences inherent within diverse populations and communities / Analyzes how individuals or groups perceive issues, problems, and systems given the diversity of cultural values and beliefs
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 9: Understands the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discriminationCourse # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates the ability to identify and articulate how issues of oppression and discrimination affect clients and the ability of the agency to deliver services / Utilizes knowledge of oppression and discrimination to guide activities in the field practicum / Identifies policies, laws, political ideology, and other macro factors that contribute to discrimination and oppression
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 10: Identifies the role of research and how it informs social work practiceCourse # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Identifies the agency outcome measures utilized and understands the implications of outcome data on the effectiveness of program interventions and subsequent funding viability / Identifies specific research, journal articles, and/or case studies that address the presenting problems of the clients and the services provided / Is able to describe the strengths and limitations of evidence-based research
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 11: Demonstrates the ability to critically analyze how social policies impact social and economic justiceCourse # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Describes how laws, external policies and regulations, and non-regulatory factors help and/or hinder the attainment of the agency mission and the lives of agency consumers / Identifies viable options for the field agency and its consumers to develop ways of influencing public policy, including advocacy / Understands & analyzes the effects of policies on practices and service delivery models that impact issues of social & economic justice
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 12: Critically analyzes the historical, political, social, and economic forces that shape one's practice in organizations and communitiesCourse # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Identifies historical, political, social, and economic forces that influence the needs of the community / Identifies service or resource deficiencies not currently established in the community to address the existing needs / Identifies options to address service and/or resource deficiencies not available in the community
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 13 - Engage: Uses Empathy & Interpersonal SkillsCourse # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Identifies and demonstrates elements of a positive, professional relationship with all parties related to the field practicum / Demonstrates the ability to engage in a range of skills working with groups such as; participating in meetings or committees, networking, conducting focus groups, public speaking, etc. / Demonstrates interpersonal skills and emotional maturity at an advanced level of social work practice
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 14: Demonstrates Engagement with Individuals & Groups from Diverse Backgrounds
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Recognizes individual & cultural differences in verbal and non verbal communication / Is able to understand cultural differences & competently communicate with individuals & groups from diverse backgrounds / Is able to establish & maintain positive & respectful working relationships with clients/client groups from diverse backgrounds
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 15: Engages in Problem Solving and Goal Setting
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates the ability to identify and establish goals to resolve problems / Demonstrates the ability to implement problem solving interventions for attaining and maintaining goals / Demonstrates the ability to identify macro level and/or environmental influences that negatively impact the attainment & maintenance of goals
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 16:Is able to assess and analyze community and organizational resources and deficiencies
Course # - 721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Is able to identify the process for assessing strengths and needs within the community and field agency / Demonstrates the ability to organize the information gathered through an assessment process / Is able to formulate an accurate assessment based on the interpretation of client data
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 17:Is able to identify and describe an implementation process for best practice intervention methods
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Is able to describe an intervention model utilizing best practice / Is able to identify and assess resources & policies that either support or restrict the ability to carry out the intervention plan / Identifies strategies to address resource deficits and policy restrictions at the local, state, & federal level that impact the achievement of intervention goals
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 18:Demonstrates the ability to employ skills using a systems perspective both within and outside of the organization in the following areas: advocacy, community organizing, change strategies, lobbying, social action, etc.
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Describes macro strategies to affect change that may positively impact the agency’s resources and/ or services / Implements action to advocate for positive change at a micro, mezzo, or macro level / Evaluates the impact of a macro level intervention targeted at organizational or community change
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 19: Demonstrates the ability to advance the goals of the organization through interventions such as program evaluation, grant writing, community needs assessment, fund raising, developing and/or updating policy/procedural manuals, etc.
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Is able to outline a plan of intervention to address the goal(s) of the agency program / Engages in a macro project that addresses the goals of the agency and/ or community / Implements a process to complete or successfully transition projects, assignments and responsibilities to appropriate parties both during and at the conclusion of the field practicum
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 20: Understands the importance of an evaluation process in order to determine the effectiveness of the intervention strategies and one’s own social work practice
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Describes evaluation methods that can be used to assess the effectiveness of practice / Demonstrates the ability to utilize evaluation methods to measure the effectiveness of intervention strategies / Is able to effectively analyze evaluation data and formulate a plan to address the findings
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
Outcome 21: Demonstrates professional skills in written documentation
Course # -721 / Course # - 722 / Course # - 821/822/921
Demonstrates writing skills that are consistent with professional social work standards and agency expectations / Demonstrates the ability to write in a timely, concise, and accurate manner that meets agency expectations / Demonstrates the ability to prioritize & synthesize information in a timely, concise and accurate manner
Insufficient Competence
☐ / Beginning/Emerging Competence
☐ / Basic/Consistent Competence
☐ / Advanced Competence
☐ / Exemplary Competence ☐ / N/A
1.Please describe the learning experiences in which the student has participatedthis semester:
2.Please describe any additional skills and social work competencies demonstrated by the student
this semester:
3.Based on the student’s current skill level, identify future learning needs:
4. Please describe the student’s strengths:
5.Other comments:
The signatures below acknowledge that there has been a discussion between the student and the Field Instructor regarding the content of this document.
Field Instructor Signature: Date:
Field Instructor Credentials (Degree/License):
Student Signature: Date: