STP Funding Finder
Please use the arrows to expand the desired theme, you can then find the name of thefund along with the amount available and applicationdeadline date, please use the arrows to reveal more information.
Edinburgh World Heritage - Conservation Funding Programme | N/A | N/A
Funding Programme to help property owners within the site conserve their historic building. The priorities for funding are:
- Conserve or enhance the Site through proactive interventions
- Satisfy the EWH Site Management Plan policies and proposals
- Meet the objectives of the EWH Action Plan
- Give additionality to public works projects
- Benefit public, community or charitable purposes
- Lever in other funds and initiatives for the benefit of the Site
- Facilitate joint partnership working to enhance the environment
Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations
More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:
Glasgow City Heritage Trust - Building Repairs Grant | £10, 000 | N/A
The purpose of Glasgow City Heritage Trust’s Building Repair Grant programme is to help preserve and enhance the unique character of the built environment.
Elibility: For your property to be considered eligible for priority assistance it must be within one of the following conservation areas: Central, East Pollokshields, Shawlands or Walmer Crescent. A number of other areas may be considered, please see
More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:
Sharing Heritage - Heritage Lottery Fund | £3000 - £10, 000 | N/A
This programme is for any type of project related to heritage in the UK. Projects must achieve at least one outcome for people. Outcomes for people:
- developed skills
- learnt about heritage
- changed their attitudes and/or behaviour
- had an enjoyable experience
- volunteered time
- Outcomes for heritage:
- better managed
- in better condition
- better interpreted and explained
- identified/recorded
- Outcomes for communities:
- environmental impacts will be reduced
- more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage
- organisations will be more resilient
- local economy will be boosted
- local areas/communities will be a better place to live, work or visit
Eligibility: charities or trusts; community or voluntary groups; community/parish councils; community interest companies; local authorities; other public sector organisations, such as nationally funded museums; social enterprises
More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:
Aberdeen City Heritage Trust | N/A | N/A
Grants for the repair of historic buildings in conservation areas. Grant rates vary depending on the type of work proposed and where the building is located.
Eligibility: a list of eligible and priority works.
More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:
Vacant and Derelict Land Fund
Aims to tackle long-term vacant and derelict land in Scotland. The criteria of the fund is to tackle long term vacant/derelict land; stimulate economic growth/job creation; and promote environmental justice and improved quality of life” – with a focus on projects which promote innovation in temporary and longer term greening techniques for vacant and derelict land sites.
Eligibility: The following local authorities receive funding, reflecting the extent of vacant and derelict land in these areas and levels of deprivation:
- Glasgow
- North Lanarkshire
- Highland
- Dundee
- South Lanarkshire
More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:
Business Premises Renovation Allowance – HMRC| N/A | N/A
To increase private investment, enterprise and employment in the UK’s most disadvantaged communities (designated as “Enterprise Areas”), by bringing longer term vacant business properties, in those areas, back into productive use. The measure is part of the UK’s holistic approach to regeneration. A full initial allowance of 100% can be claimed in the year in which the expenditure is incurred. If this allowance is not claimed in full in the first year, writing down allowance of 25% based on cost can be claimed in subsequent years until tax relief has been claimed for the total capital expenditure on the project.
Eligibility:The property must have been unused for a year or more prior to the renovation exercise beginning. It must have been last used for the purposes of a trade, profession or vocation or as an office (and not as a dwelling) and it must be used for one or more of these purposes after the renovation or conversion has been completed.
More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:
CSV Local Nature Reserve Awards | £250 |N/A
Offer up to £500 for activities taking place on LNRs which encourage volunteer involvement and bring new volunteers onto the reserve. Activities could involve wildlife recording and education, raising profile of the site and protecting and enhancing biodiversity. We will prioritise applications from community or ‘Friends of’ groups. Events should involve the local Ranger Service or LNR Managers.
Link: - register at this link to be sent email with application form
Further information can be found at:
CSV Action Earth Awards | £50 - £250 | N/A
From £50 to £250 are available to groups of volunteers carrying out environmental activities. This could include improving ponds, woodlands, meadows and other green spaces to make them more wildlife friendly. Create new habitats by planting nectar-rich flowers, fruit-bearing trees or shrubs.
Link: - register at this link to be sent email with application form
Further information can be found at:
The Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust | £2,500 - £5,000 | N/A
Funding for community projects that provide, restore or improve community resources. Land/amenity projects should restore and/or enchance the environment for the benefit of the public. This includes the built and/or the natural environment. Biodiversity projects should be to enchance or protect local biodiversity.
Funding of between £2,000 and £5,000 is available. For further information visit:
An application form must be completed and can be obtained from the trust's office: The Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust
c/o Bannockburn Local Office, 6 New Road, Bannockburn, Stirling, FK7 8LW
Tel: 01786 484611
Banks Community Fund | £5,000 | N/A
The scheme broadly aims to benefit local communities in the vicinity of a landfill site. Grants are awarded to groups whose projects aim to ensure an attractive and ‘liveable’ environment, and contribute to tackling global environmental challenges at a local level. Grants of up to £5,000 are available.
Information & forms can be found at:
Community Action Grant - Scottish Natural Heritage | £1,000 - £20,000 | N/A
For projects which are:
- requesting funding between £1,000 and £20,000
- 12 months or less
- short term projects which promote community action
Focus on projects which get more people and communities actively involved in and caring for Scotland's nature and landscapes. We're looking to fund a variety of projects which help us to deliver key outcomes for people and nature. They are:
Outcome 1 - more people experiencing, enjoying and valuing nature and landscapes
Outcome 2 - improve the quality and management of Scotland's nature and landscapes
Outcome 3 - nature and landscapes making an increased contribution to the Scottish economy
Outcome 4 - better places in which to live, work and visit are created
For more information on funding priorities visit: where a guidance can be downloaded.
Guidance can application and forms can be found at:
Natural Projects Grant - Scottish Natural Heritage | £10,000 | N/A
For projects that are generally:
- requesting funding of £10,000 and over
- more than 12 months (generally up to 3 years)
- longer term delivery and implementation projects
and/or requesting funding for staff posts (regardless of project length or value of funding request)
Focus on projects that get more people and communities actively involved in and caring for Scotland's nature and landscapes. We're looking to fund a variety of projects that help us to deliver key outcomes for people and nature. They are:
Outcome 1 - more people experiencing, enjoying and valuing nature and landscapes
Outcome 2 - improve the quality and management of Scotland's nature and landscapes
Outcome 3 - nature and landscapes making an increased contribution to the Scottish economy
Outcome 4 - better places in which to live, work and visit are created
For more information on funding priorities visit: where a guidance can be downloaded.
Guidance can application and forms can be found at:
AquaFund | N/A | N/A
AquaFund® is ADSM’s multi-million pound grant which is designed to enable organisations to make water efficiencies and financial savings. The AquaFund® Scheme will provide the cash, the resources and the expertise to drive down your water costs. Further information at:
Contact them on 01753 833 880 or email to get your savings underway.
LAUNCHED | N/A | 18/03/2016
Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP)Pathfinder Fund is the first step in preparing for the launch of SEEP in 2018. First announced in June, SEEP is being developed to deliver the new national infrastructure priority for energy efficiency. It is intended that SEEP will offer support for the next 15-20 years to ensure that all buildings (domestic and non-domestic) in Scotland can achieve a good energy efficiency rating.
The Fund has been established as part of an ERDF Strategic Intervention to deliver new and improved green infrastructure. The Strategic Intervention forms part of Scotland’s programme for European and Structural Investment Funds 2014-2020. It will support a number of strategic Operations with an investment value of approximately £15 million over the duration of the programme.
The Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention will be managed through a competitive Challenge Fund. The Fund is seeking proposals for activities which: - improve nature, biodiversity and ecosystems;
- address environmental quality, flooding and climate change;
- involve communities and increase participation;
- increase place attractiveness and competitiveness; and
- improve health and wellbeing
The Naturesave Trust | N/A | N/A
To encourage the greater adoption of sustainable development, especially within the Small and Medium Sized business community. Grants are made to projects which specifically address the promotion and implementation of sustainable development, environmental and/or conservationist improvement and/or general ‘green’ issues. See the guidelines for further information
The following link will open the application form
2016 Ashden UK Awards | £10,000 - £20,000 | N/A
Reward organisations which deliver sustainable energy at the local level, and through this bring social, economic and environmental benefits. Local sustainable energy includes:
· Renewable energy (electricity or heat) generated close to its point of use from any sustainable source.
· Energy efficiency through use of technology or other means, in homes or workplaces.
· Reducing demand for energy through behaviour change or other means One Gold Award will have a prize fund of £20,000 and the others will win prize funds of £10,000 each. For more information visit
You will be sent an email in summer 2014 to let you know when the criteria and application form are ready.
Applications will open in autumn 2014. If you want to discuss whether your work is eligible, or have questions about how to register and make an application, please contact the Awards Coordinator on 020 7410 7023 or .
2016 Ashden School Awards | £5,000 | N/A
Must be able to demonstrate success in making their buildings and grounds more sustainable as well as integrating sustainability into their culture and curriculum.
Two Schools Awards, with prizes of up to £5,000 each. For more information visit
You will be sent an email in summer 2014 to let you know when the criteria and application form are ready.
Applications will open in autumn 2014. If you want to discuss whether your work is eligible, or have questions about how to register and make an application, please contact the Awards Coordinator on 020 7410 7023 or .
2016 Eurostar Ashden Awards for sustainable Travel | £30,000 | N/A
Rewards organisations which deliver renewable energy and energy efficiency at the local level, and through this bring social, economic and environmental benefits. In particular we are looking for schemes that do one or more of the following:
· Enable greater use of non-car options for travel, such as walking, cycling and public transport.
· Encourage more efficient use of the car or the existing transport network.
· Deliver overall reductions in travel energy demand through behavioural measures.
· Showcase an effective combination of technological and behavioural measures to encourage more sustainable travel Winners will share a total of £30,000 in prize money. For more information visit
You will be sent an email in summer 2014 to let you know when the criteria and application form are ready.
Applications will open in autumn 2014. If you want to discuss whether your work is eligible, or have questions about how to register and make an application, please contact the Awards Coordinator on 020 7410 7023 or
Healthy Towns
Sport Facilities Fund - Sport Scotland | N/A | N/A
This programme covers the provision or upgrading of all facilities for the general community. In the main, proposals will be led by local authorities, clubs, trusts and the like.
This funding stream funds developments which are for the public good and will provide equitable opportunities for increased sports participation by the community at local level.
This funding stream is for capital expenditure only. See for further information on which projects are eligible.
There are two application routes: The single stage Small Projects application is intended to make the process fast and simple for projects under £100,000.
For larger projects there is a two stage process. The Outline application is intended to give the applicant formal feedback before the full depth of the project is developed.
On successful completion of an Outline application the applicant will receive a full application pack.
Forms can be found at:
Barclays Community Sports Awards | £1,000 - £5,000 | N/A
The award aims to recognise the outstanding achievements of individuals who use sport to benefit communities across the UK. Each individual wins £1,000 for their group or organisation & is entered into the end of season award to win £5,000.
For further information visit:
Online applications and guidelines
Dumfries and Galloway Council Sports Grants | £1,000 | N/A
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to sports clubs and organisations operating in the Dumfries and Galloway Council area. Further information on eligibility criteria is available at:
Application forms are available to be downloaded and completed at:
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation - Food Strand | £5,000 - £500,000 | N/A
Foundation supports work which demonstrates the important role food plays in wellbeing and which connects people to the food that they eat. It seeks to bring about more sustainable food production and consumption policies and practices. They will support work which:
• delivers high quality, innovative local food projects, particularly those that can become financially sustainable and are replicable.
• establishes closer links between NGOs, community groups, producers, retailers and industry in order to create more coherent food sector.
• improves people’s understanding of the place that food plays in our lives and shows the role that access to good quality food can have on wellbeing.
• leads to the prioritisation of sustainable food production and consumption in local and national policy, practice and decision-making.
• increases demand for better quality food from sustainable sources, for example, through changes to public procurement.
No set amount but usually between £5,000 - £500,000
An eligibility quiz and link to application is available at:
Boost | N/A | N/A
All their activities are designed to give opportunities to those who wish to fulfill their sporting ambitions, at any level. See for details on some of the activities Boost currently supports.
Boost believes that sport is for everyone and hope to work with people from all ages, races, colours, creeds & physical abilities.
Please send or email a letter, no more than two sides of A4, telling us the following details:
›The name of your organisation - what you do & who your beneficiaries are
›Funding - why you need funding, details of the project & approximate funding requirements. Applications should be emailed to: or sent to: Boost Charitable Trust, 5 St Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AS
Think Local – SRUC | N/A | N/A
The Think Local project has been in developed to bring together initiatives on local food and drink in Scotland.
Think Local will focus on 5 streams:
•Added Value
•Farmers’ markets and events
•Local food retail
•Regional development
•The theme of collaboration runs through Think Local; recognising the ability of project partners to deliver growth and support, and ensuring activities are combined to the benefit of the food and drink SMEs.
2016 will be a focus for delivery, with a target for local food inclusion at the Ryder Cup, Homecoming Scotland and the Commonwealth Games. Think Local is about bringing together various elements of the food and drink sector, allowing them to direct their efforts to best advantage those working in the industry.
An eligibility quiz and link to application is available at:
€1 Million Prize for Better Use of Antibiotics Launched by European Commission | £1,000,000 | 17/08/2016
This €1 million Prize aims to address the unnecessary use of antibiotics, which is contributing to the growing issue of antibiotic resistance. It is estimated that "antimicrobial resistance" (AMR) causes around 25,000 deaths and over €1.5 billion in healthcare expenses and productivity losses in Europe each year.
Antibiotics are often prescribed for upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold, bronchitis and infections of the sinuses, even though many of these infections are due to viruses against which antibiotics are not effective or necessary.
The Horizon Prize for Better Use of Antibiotics sets the challenge of developing a rapid test to identify, at the point of care, patients with upper respiratory tract infections that can be treated safely without antibiotics. The test will need to be cheap, easy-to-use and non- or minimally invasive for patients. The aim is to eliminate unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics, and thereby, to decrease the development of resistant bacteria.