To the department administrator assembling search materials: please review and replace the yellow items with the information applicable to your department’s search.


TO: Elizabeth O. Harrington, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

FROM:Chair, Department of xxx (initials or signature required)


RE: Request to Close Search #

I am writing to request approval to close search # for one, two, etc., Postdoctoral Research Associate / Fellow to be based in the in the Department of ______, [Center for …..if applicable]. The search did not identify any candidates that the Search Committee wishes to hire/funding for this proposed position no longer exists/We would like to hire NAME and will be sending his/her hiring package along shortly.

Enclosed you will find:

  • Completed Applicant Log
  • Completed AA Compliance Report
  • CVs and 3 letters of recommendation of all those listed as Finalist on the Applicant Log, including Postdoc hired.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or need further information.


Name and Signature of Department Chair


Enclosures: list



FORMS TO SUBMIT AT THE END OF A SEARCH: Search Chair Memo stating the result of the search, Applicant Log, Affirmative Action Compliance Report, CVs of all finalists, 3 LOR of all finalists. Submit to Tim Harrigan in OGPS via email () or mail to Box G-A219. Email Tim or call 401-863-1614 with questions.



Search #:

Close Search? Y / N


Date Rec’d / Name / Mailing Address / Source / Race / Gender / Action

Date Closed:

Source Code / Race Code / Action Code
A = Response to ad / B = Black or African American / P = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander / LPC = Lacks Proper Credentials
R = Referral / S = Hispanic or Latino / C = White / FC = Further Consideration
P = Potential files / R = Asian / T = Multiracial / F = Finalist
U = Unsolicited / A = American Indian / Alaska Native / U = Unknown

1. Search # ______Department ______Postdoc Title ______

2. Recruitment Procedures: Note any differences from submitted PVA; hiring plan; additional candidate sources such as potential applicant files, etc.

3. Total # of applicants for position____. Based on available information, how many of these applicants are:

/ # Male / # Female / #Unknown
MINORITY * / Black or African America * / ______/ ______/ ______
Hispanic or Latino * / ______/ ______/ ______
American Indian/Alaskan Native * / ______/ ______/ ______
Pacific Islands/Native Hawaiian * / ______/ ______/ ______
Asian * / ______/ ______/ ______
Multiracial * / ______/ ______/ ______
White / ______/ ______/ ______
Unknown / ______/ ______/ ______

4. Describe in detail the screening process used to select applicants receiving further consideration. Include the names of the search committee and identify the Chairperson. If more than one step was used in the procedure resulting in the ranking of applicants, describe each of the steps involved:

5. Total number of people on final short list (i.e. actually interviewed): ____.

a. Complete below table based on applicants interviewed.

/ # Male / # Female / #Unknown
MINORITY * / Black or African America * / ______/ ______/ ______
Hispanic or Latino * / ______/ ______/ ______
American Indian/Alaskan Native * / ______/ ______/ ______
Pacific Islands/Native Hawaiian * / ______/ ______/ ______
Asian * / ______/ ______/ ______
Multiracial * / ______/ ______/ ______
White / ______/ ______/ ______
Unknown / ______/ ______/ ______

Of the above, how many are: Minorities* _____ Women____

b. If none of the above were offered or accepted a position, would you

___Reopen the search

___Cancel the position

___Consider candidates who are ranked lower on the list

c. If the number of finalists and those interviewed are not equal; please detail the reasons for this difference.

d. If no protected group member is included above, please explain the reasons for this result:

6. Interview Process

a. List the names and titles of interviewers:

b. List criteria used to rank those interviewed:

7. Departmental Preference (attach all minutes or documentation of department relative to this selection.)

a. List, in order of preference, only those to whom an offer would be extended based on the department’s needs and description as submitted in the FPA. In each dossier of which this form should be a part, resumes, letters of recommendation on each of the individuals listed below should be included.

Name / Sex / Race / Reasons for Rank Order

b. If any candidates interviewed would not be extended an offer, specify reasons for elimination

Name / Sex / Race / Reasons for Rank Order

8. Name of selected candidate______

Effective Date of Appointment______at $______for ______% time.

Briefly explain reasons for the salary offer:______

Term of Appointment (Semester, 1, 2, 3, years, indefinite)______


Authorized Department Signature Title Date


Elizabeth O. Harrington, Ph.D., Assoc. Dean for Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Date


Liza Cariaga-Lo, Ed.D., Assoc. Provost for Academic Development & Diversity Date