Ohio ACTE Legislative Taskforce

January 24, 2012

Bricker & Eckler, Columbus

1.  Welcome and Introductions

  1. In attendance: John Boggess (OACTE), Jerry Brockway (OACTS Rep), Sharon Mastroianni (OACTS), Tom Applegate (OACTS Rep), Steve Bialorucki (OACTE), Brian Bachtel (CCS), Natalie Wise (CCS Rep), Beth Vanderkoi (Farm Bureau), Joseph Dannemiller (OACTE), Jon Quatman (OACTE), Christine Gardner, Bob Sommers

2.  Review Minutes from September 15, 2011

Motion to approve by Jon Quatman; seconded by Brian Bachtel

3.  Discussion – Bob Sommers

  1. School Ranking System and CTE

Rich Frederick, Sarah Dove will be our contacts after Bob’s departure. The biggest challenge is to find true practitioners to be in advisement roles. In AWE, spend less time on explaining what we do, and more time doing it. Do not speak to customized training, and other insider lingo. The message is that we get people jobs. We need to think more broadly. Terrence and Jerry Brockway recently met with ODE to discuss PI rankings. The draft proxy scores are being thrown out. We are working on stretching the timeline for developing new ranking system. There is a disconnect between CTE and the rest of the education community in understanding what we do. We need to ensure that we are conscientious of capabilities of current data systems, Perkins legislation, and alignment of best interests of both JVS’s and CCS’s. Expenditure per pupil is not a closure factor, but it should include adult education as well. ODE is pushing back on that.

The timeline to create suggested language for MBR is the next few weeks.

  1. Teacher Evaluation

The law will be cleaned up at mid-biennium revision (MBR) regarding CTE and performance index. We need to work with Battelle to figure out the value-added measure for CTE teachers. There are several nationally normed assessments currently being considered. High quality teachers should be treated/evaluated differently from low quality teachers.

  1. Career Connections – Governor’s passion, Kuder, career development, early awareness to careers for kids. Businesses need to ante up with internships, etc. There is a need for assessment of career maturity and expanded role for CTE, especially lead CTPD district.

The governor is talking about throwing money at this, along with a requirement that districts will participate. Do we want to support this or not? The consensus is that we should.

  1. Ag/STEM Schools – Senator Weidner, Springfield JVS, Farm Bureau involved, will look at hybrid instructional models.
  2. Other Legislation
  3. HB 1136 – Discussions around student funding are leading more toward a voucher system (public or private). Teachers will choose to practice at a school and students will follow (similar to patients following doctors to a hospital). Parents chose good on a teacher to teacher basis, not a school wide basis.
  4. Legislative Tracking - School funding is not figured out. Demonstrate what the student is achieving and the associated cost (e.g. meeting academic standards and earning an industry credential).

Other legislative action has been relatively quiet. HB 202 is on hold.

4.  Legislative Updates

  1. Barnes’ Bill Update

HB 296 is not moving much. There have been discussions with Ohio Chamber of Commerce. The next step is to approach Common Sense Initiative (CSI) out of the governor’s office.

  1. AWE Funding

5.  Old Business

6.  New Business/Issues

7.  Next Meeting Date and Time

  1. Spring Legislative Advisory Taskforce – March 28-30, Time TBD (in conjunction with OCTA)
  2. Summer Legislative Advisory Task Force Meeting – July 30, time TBD (in conjunction with All-Ohio)

Motion to adjourn by Steve; seconded by Sharon.