House For Duty Associate Priest for

Bishop Monkton and Burton Leonard

Archdeacon’s Signature:

Date: 19th January 2017

To be reviewed by the Archdeacon and the Bishop at 3 months and 6 months, respectively. Review thereafter under the Diocesan Ministerial Development Review Scheme.

1) Details of the post

Title: Associate Priest, House for Duty

Benefice: Part of the Cathedral Benefice of Ripon

Oversight: The Dean of Ripon Cathedral and the Bishop of Leeds

Archdeaconry: Richmond & Craven

Deanery: Ripon

2) Role Purpose:

To lead in developing a vision for ministry and mission

·  To continue to develop the vision to involve all ages in worship

·  To provide pastoral care

·  To become immersed and participate in the life of the two villages

·  To be an effective leader with good verbal and IT communication skills but who puts a premium on “face to face” contact.

·  To be innovative, imaginative and creative in helping the parishes grow and continue to move forward together

·  To develop lay leadership and minstry

·  To progress the excellent relationship the church enjoys with the two CoE primary schools

·  To understand and grasp the realities of northern rural village life and ministry.

3) Key Contacts:

·  The Dean and Chapter of Ripon Cathedral

·  Churchwardens and PCC

·  PCC Secretaries

·  Local schools

·  Area Dean and Lay Chair of Ripon Deanery

·  Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven

·  The Bishop of Ripon and the Bishop of Leeds

4) Role Context:

·  Two days per week plus Sundays

·  Two parish churches right at the heart of their villages with two Church of England primary schools

·  There is a combined average population of 1400 people.

·  Close to the thriving towns of Ripon and Harrogate with good transport links to York and Leeds.