The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, September 3, 2015. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick and Commissioners Kenneth E. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith, Paul G. Worcester and Thomas Hurley. Commissioner William D. Burke was absent. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.

Approve Minutes of August 6, 2015 regular meeting – Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the minutes subject to the changes noted. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Plymouth Airport Citizen of the Year Award - Manager Maher advised that this years’

Citizen of the Year Award was being presented to Mr. Dave Newman for his commitment to helping the airport upgrade their communication system. Mr. Newman along with another valued friend, Mr. Dave Hill, both took it upon themselves to assist the airport, on a weekend, with the programing and installation of quality radios into the airports trucks.This upgrade has made a big difference in airport operations by allowing a greater range for communication around the airport. Mr. Newman has also donated many handheld radios to the airport that he and Mr. Hill obtained from various organizations. They programmed the handheld radios to allow the airport staff to communicate amongst themselves. The Commission is dedicated to acknowledging citizens that contribute to the success of the airport and proudly presented Mr. Newman with the 2015 Citizen of the Year Award.

Coastal State Partners, Greg Day, proposed aviation academic school - Tabled. Chairman Fosdick suggested that the Commission involve the Town Planner in planning for future airport development. Commissioner Laytin also suggested getting the community involved. Manager Maher requested that the Commission read and comment on his draft letter regarding Mr. Day’s request for a Memo of Understanding so that he can respond appropriately.

Dubois & King, Inc.

Runway project–Mr. Adler advised that he received a favorable letter of determinationfrom the Fish and Wildlife Service and that no additional studies are required but the tree clearing is restricted to occur between October 1 and April 14 to avoid the season when northern long-eared bats may be present. Mr. Adlerfeels that this will resolve the Army Corps issues and will determine a timeframe for the issuance of the permit. Mr. Adler advised that a formal pre-construction meeting will be held Monday, September 14 at 10:30 A.M. with the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA), MassDOT Aeronauticsand Lawrence Lynch Corp. to prepare for actual construction on October 5, 2015.

MASSDOT Capital Improvement Program (CIP) – Mr. Adler is working on a draft and will forward to the Commission for consideration soon.

Administration building, update - Manager Maher suggested a celebration, sooner than later, for naming the new building after past Chairman Walter E. Morrison, Jr. Commissioner Dennis Smith made themotion to name the new building after Walter E. Morrison and affixing a plaque to the existing building in the interim. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

New Hangar Construction, update

Driftway Realty (Mike Orla), update - Mr. Orla advised that he has one last hurdle and that is the sewer line. He is looking for permission from the Commission to run the sewer line under the back taxiway which would require the contractor, Lawrence Lynch, to cut the taxiway and patch the pavement back to FAA standards. Mr. Orla advised that he also received a quote to bore under the taxiway but it was significantly higher ($7,000 more). Mr. Orla has assurances from Lawrence Lynch that they will stand behind the work. Additionally, Mr. Orla would like an agreementallowing cost sharing for future sewer tie-ins to recoup his upfront investment. Mr. Adler concurred that the cut and patch was the most plausible solution. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to allow for trenching under the back taxiway,approval of a cost sharing agreement in writing and the responsibility to Mr. Orla if Lawrence Lynch doesn’t stand by the work. Commissioner Hurley seconded the motion. Vote was 4 in favor and 1 opposed, Commissioner Smith. Mr. Pete Conner requested coordination with the airport and users when the taxiway cutting occurs.

Rick Ellis/Richard Carrera, update–Mr. Carrera is proceeding with the Town for a separate curb cut. Manager Maher will mention the sewer connectiontie in as a possibility.

Rick Stefani, update–Manager Maher indicated that the building will require a special permit from the Town of Carver.

Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review - None.

Airport Infrastructure update–Manager Maher briefed that the roof work on the conference room building has been successful and the plumbing issues in the administrationbuilding have been addressed. Manager Maher indicated that clean out of various areas on the airport resulted in surplus equipment that has been put out to auction by the Town Procurement Department. As the clean out continues some of the Airport’s other equipment will be sold directlyby the airport.

Aviation Fuel supplier RFP- Bruce Gilmore is reviewing the draft Request for Proposal and making changes. Manager Maher indicated that aviation fuel suppliers are exempt from chapter 30B but the process of an RFP can yield services and perks that may not otherwise be offered by the supplier.

Other Business:
TFR–Manager Maher advised that the airport succeeded in notifying pilots regarding the restriction and Cape Approach sent a letter of thanks for the airports efforts.

James Mcelman email – Manager Maher briefed the Commission that Mr. Mcelman is concerned by the construction of the multiple unit commercial building being built by Mr. Ellis and the impact traffic could have on the residents of South Meadow Road. Manager Maher will respond that the airport commission is selective regarding non-aviation business and thatthey are doing their best to balance the mix of aviation and non-aviation businesses at the airport.
Bruce Gilmore - Bruce Gilmore is retiring after 25 years of service to the airport. He commented that he appreciated that the Commission made his job easy.

Goodyear + Collings - The Goodyear blimp will be leaving tomorrow and the Collings Foundationare requesting to visit with The Wings of Freedom Tour on September 16th thru September 18th, 2015. Commissioner Hurley motions to approve the visit. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Minimum Standards Skydiving amendment - Manager Maher introduced Matt Cardillo the new Airport Coordinator. Matt worked on the draft Skydiving operation standards. Attorney Gilmore reviewed and approved the standards. Commissioner Worcester motions to add the Skydiving amendment to the Airports’ current standards. Commissioner Smith secondedthe motion. Vote was unanimous.

Cape Cod Community College(CCCC) –Tabled. Mr. Bailey submitted a proposal to CCCC and is working with them to satisfy compliance requirements.

The Aero Club extended their thanks to the airport and staff for contributing to the successful Flour Drop event. Mr. Hurley, Aero Club President, advised that there were 21 teams this year.

As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.


Kenneth E. Fosdick
