Grade all at once

Iteration 1:

Correctness (model) 70

·  Your model has correctly fulfilledall required tasks that includes

o  +5 Have a way to add pins knocked down (rolls)

o  +20 Total score always correct

o  +15 Frame score correct

o  +15 Can determine what frame to show score in

o  +10 10th frame works correctly

o  +5 Your model has String toString()

Style and design 30pts

·  +2 Your team has only one turnin (or a comment stating to NOT grade one turned in accidentally)

·  +2 You have a unit test in a fileseparatefrom the actual model

·  +2 You used Javadoc comments to describe each class and to document bothteam members

·  +6 You used Javadoc comments in every method to describe

o  what the method does

o  what the method needs after@params

o  what the method returns in non-void functions after@return

·  +3 You have no duplicated code

·  +3 You did not use an instance variable when a local variable is better (not needed outside the method)

·  +3 You did not redefine existing functionality by using existing types if they exist

·  +3 Code is formatted using the Eclipse standards (or a slightly modified format). Must be consistent

·  +3 Used intention revealing identifiers (mostly local variables, instance variables, methods)

·  +3 Your unit test tests your model class adequately (100% code coverage on the model required)

Iteration 2

Correctness (42 pts)

·  Your view has fulfilledall required tasks listed above

·  +4 Your system is robust: handles or prevents bad input

·  +2 No exceptions thrown - the user of your program shouldn't see exceptions

·  +4 User can only enter the maximum roll allowed for example

·  +4 Users cannot roll pins past the 10thframe

·  +4 Start a new game with the click of a button

·  +4 With each roll, show the rolls in each frame that can be shown

·  +4 With each roll, show all frame scores that should appear

·  +4 With each roll, update the TOTAL score to the right

·  +4 User cannot possibly input invalid rolls. Choices are always 0..10 (inclusive) only or no choices when the game is over

·  +4 Your GUI must not allow input again until you start a new game

·  +4 Can start a new game with something like the click of a button

Style and Design 8pts

·  +2 You used Java's event model

·  +2 You used the graphical components fromjavax.swing(likeJFrameandJButton, notFrameandButton)

·  +2 User friendly: easy to see how to record a roll and users can always see what has been happening

·  +2 You graphical scoring view looks kinda nice