Advantages and disadvantages of the media

POSTER / - Good efficiency in terms of cost/people reached ratio
- Easy to circulate
- May reach a very broad public / - Low interactivity
- Conventional, simplistic
- Targeted on information
- Passivity of the public
FLYER / - Good efficiency in terms of cost/people reached ratio
- Easy to circulate
Not bulky, easy to duplicate
Concrete material medium / - Low interactivity
- Conventional, simplistic
- Not well adapted to publics who do not read or speak the language well
- Passivity of the public
- Used by a large number of players (advertisers, associations, etc.)
BROCHURE / - Wide range of offers and costs
- Easy to circulate
- Concrete material medium
- Not very bulky
- May be duplicated / - Low interactivity
- Conventional, simplistic
- Not well adapted to publics who do not read or speak the language well
- Passivity of the public
COMIC STRIP / - Appealing to fans of the genre and young public
- Easy to circulate
- Concrete material medium
- Not very bulky / - Strong cultural connotation
- Perishable graphics
- Individual use, low interactivity
STORY / CASE STUDY / - Originality
- Appealing to the imagination
- Mobilises people
- Suitable for groups
- Very low cost / - Passivity of the public
- Central role of the storyteller/coordinator
CARD GAME / - Appealing, fun, originality
- Easy to organise with few resources
- Easy to transport / - Evasion of the debate by the fun momentum
- Rarely adapted to big groups
TREASURE HUNT / - Appealing, fun, originality
- Makes the public physically active
- Suitable for large groups
- Low cost / - Space needed
- Evasion of the debate by the fun momentum
- Requires large coordination means
- Mobilises emotion
- good testimonial transmission codes / - High cost
- Passivity of the public
- Necessity of appropriate equipment
CD-ROM / - Appealing but faddish
- Updateable and accessible via the Internet / - High production and use costs
- False interactivity
- Evasion of personal questioning by the fun momentum
AWARENESS KIT / - Appealing
- Diversity of media
- Partial use possible
- Favours collective use / - Sometimes demand long appropriation time
- High design and production cost
- allows work on representations
- favours personal expression and debate
- favours collective and individual involvement / - Need to find a good coordinator
- Various skills mobilised (relational, organisational, technical)
EXHIBITION / - Appealing
- Allows an original scenography linked to the theme in question / - High production cost
- Appropriate material
- Educational back-up
THEATRE / - Appealing, fun
- Helps to reach representations, mobilise affectivity and the resources of the imagination
- Helps to mobilise the public around the project / - Necessity of a large number of skills (writing a script, staging, etc.)
- Requires a lot of resources (human, material, etc.)