Table S3. Moths (Lepidoptera) collected and sampled for viable fungi at two sites. Top BLAST matches are provided to indicate the taxonomic affinity of sterile cultures, rather than to identify these cultures to species.
Grass on which moth was collecteda / Moth OTU name / ID # / Body Part / Locationb / Top BLAST matchc, d / GroupePaspalum notatum (C) / Bleptina hydrillalis Gn., 1854 (Noctuidae) / 7427A / head / SF-FL / Hypocrea lixii AF443919 / 38
7427B / head / SF-FL / Cochliobolus sp. AF158107* / 36
7423 / head / SF-FL / Leaf litter ascomycete AF502705 / 22
7426 /
/ SF-FL / Chaetomella sp. AY558894d / 25P. notatum (C) / Condica sutor Gn., 1852 (Noctuidae) / 7425 /
/ SF-FL / Coniothyrium sp. AY208153* / 247420 /
/ SF-FL /Myrothecium roridum AJ301993d
7428 /head
/ SF-FL /Umbelopsis isabellinaAY354280
P. notatum (C) / Mocis latipes Gn., 1852 (Noctuidae) / 7424 / head / SF-FL / Paraphaeosphaeria sp. AF250821* / 237429 / head / SF-FL / Pestalosphaeria hansenii AF377290 / 27
7421 / head / SF-FL /
Phoma glomerataAF377290 (P)
7422 / head / SF-FL / Leaf litter ascomycete AF502787d / 21P. notatum (C) / Thioptera nigrofimbria Gn., 1852 (Noctuidae) / 7414 / leg / SF-FL / Cladosporium sp. AJ279487 / 4#°
7416 / leg / SF-FL /
Cladosporium cladosporioides AY463365
7415 / leg / SF-FL /Hydropisphaera erubescens AF422977d
7418 / leg / SF-FL /Hypocrea lixii AJ608956
7409 / leg / SF-FL /Trichoderma tomentosum AY154932
7410 / leg / SF-FL /Trichoderma tomentosum AY154932
7417 / leg /SF-FL
/ Trichoderma tomentosum AY154932 / 9Digitaria sp. (U) /
Nomophila nearcticaMunroe, 1973 (Pyralidae)
/ 7662 / leg/proboscis /CF-NC
/ Fusarium lateritium AF310979 (F) / 1°7666 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Cladosporium cladosporioides AY463365 / 6
7668 / head/proboscis /
/ Cladosporium cladosporioides Y463365 / 497667 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Coniothyrium sporulosum
AY787692*d / 31
Paspalum dilatatum
(F) / Nomophila nearctica / 7683 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Endophyte (Montagnulaceae) AY433807* d / 34
7684 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Ampelomyces sp. AY513943 (P) / 3#
7696 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Ampelomyces sp. AY513943 (P) / 3#
P. dilatatum (C) / Nomophila nearctica / 7682 / antenna/proboscis / CF-NC / Ampelomyces sp. AY513943 (P) / 3#
7685 / antenna/proboscis / CF-NC / Ampelomyces sp. AY513943 (P) / 50
P. dilatatum (C) / Lacinipolia sp. (Noctuidae) / 7663 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Monographella sp. AJ132509 / 30
P. dilatatum (C) / Leucania linitaGn., 1852 (Noctuidae) / 7689 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Cladosporium tenuissimum J300331 / 51
7672 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Fungal endophyte (Hypocreales) AF413049 / 2#
7680 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Curvularia inaequalis AF313409* / 52
P. dilatatum (C) / Leucania linita / 7681 / head/proboscis / CF-NC / Cochliobolus verruculosus F071333* / 53
7695A / head/proboscis /
/ Phaeosphaeria oryzae AF439495 * / 35P. dilatatum (C) / Spodoptera ornithogali Gn., 1852 (Noctuidae) / 7669 / leg / CF-NC / Sclerotinia sp. AJ279480 / 32
7670B / leg / CF-NC / Fusarium proliferatum AF291061 (F) / 33
(a) Letters after names indicate infection status of plant: U – uninfected, C - infected with C. paspali, F - infected with C. paspali that in turn is infected with Fusarium.
(b) Locations correspond to Stowe Farm (SF-FL) in Gainesville, FL, collected on 18 August 2004 and to Couch Farm (CF-NC) in Durham, NC, collected on 19 September 2004.
(c) Letters/symbols indicate taxonomic affiliation of BLAST matches: F – Fusarium match; P –Pleosporales match; * - matches Fusarium or members of the Pleosporales, but did not group with endophytes or isolates from Paspalum florets.
(d) All sequence comparisons between samples and the top BLAST matches resulted in E-values of 0.0 except for the following sample numbers: 7426 (E-value = 1e-81), 7420 (E-value = 4e-151), 7422 (E-value = 7e-151), 7415 (E-value = 4e-127), 7667 (E-value = 3e-126), and 7683 (E-value = 3e-98).
(e) Samples were grouped on the basis of 100% ITS sequence similarity. Numerical proximity does not indicate sequence similarity. # - groups that include endophytes and samples from moth bodies; ° - groups that include samples from florets and from moth bodies; #° - groups that include endophytes, samples from florets, and samples from moth bodies.