Webb's Pool Happenings Schedule Winter 2018
We werechosen as the#1 Aquatic program in state
again this past yearby the U.S. Water Fitness Association
Sunday – Club is open: 7am-7pmRead on..just so you know what happens today….
8:45-9:45am Wateraerobics - uses 5 or 6 of the 6 lanes. You are welcome to swim width wise laps in deeper end OR use the waterbelt in deeper end OR join in the class & burn 600 calories!!
10:45-12:45amSwim Lessonswith Evan on:January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18,25, March 4, 11, 18, 25uses big lane so 4 lanes are available for lap-swimmingthese are the classes we are “offering” during swim registration. The registration process for the Sunday lessons will not be complete until January 18th. So for an updated version of this, please grab new one after 1/18 OR check on our website under Pool Happenings
1:00-2:00pm Swim Team – uses all 6 lanes onJan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11
2:30-3:30pm or 3:30-4:30pm – occasionally (rare event) there is a birthday party. If so, they only use the 3 lanes; thus 3 lanes available for laps. IF there is a party, it is posted on glass door to pool on Friday. It is a rare event.
5:30-6:30pm Family Swim utilizes the big double lane; 4 lanes available for laps. Any member may bring his/her child(ren) under age 12 to swim together for a special family time during Family Swim Hour (except Matinee members as theyuse club only 8:30-5:30. Matinees are welcome for $5 pp)
6:30-6:45pmSwim Team for 15 minutes - uses 4-5 lanes; leaving 1-2 open for laps. Sunday evening team practice only affects members for 15 minutes as members must be out of pool by 6:45pm. Team continues to practice after club is closed.
Monday- open: 5:30am-10pm You can get in pool anytime..vertically OR horizontally meaning: waterbelt/wateraerobics OR swimming.. just so you know what happens today in the pool, read on….
9:15-10:15amWateraerobics - all 6 lanes in shallow end are used, but lap-swimmers are welcome to swim width wise laps in deeper end OR use the waterbelt in deeper end OR join in on the fun!!...burn 600 calories in class!!
4:00-5:00pm Swim Lessons with Tim onlyuses big lane; 4 available for laps.
6:30-7:30pm Family Swim - uses only the big double lane; thus 4 lanes available for laps.
6:30-8:30pmTornado Swim TeamTraining - uses 4-5 lanes, thus 1-2 available for laps…ALWAYS let nice coach Bill know you are here. If no member is here to swim they usually grab an extra lane or 2….but Coach Bill is very nice and will slide his swimmer back over.
Tuesday- 5:30am-10pm You can get in pool anytime..vertically OR horizontally meaning: waterbelt/wateraerobics OR swimming.. just so you know what happens today in the pool, read on….
8:45-9:30amWaterbelt and Easy Does It Wateraerobics - utilizes all 6 lanes....so join in and do a great vertical workout!!
9:30-9:45am Water Yoga feel free to join in. Uses shallow end. Deep end available for waterbelt.
10:15-11:15am Waterbabies and Moms Class – uses big lane; so 4 available for laps. This is run by OhBaby.com if you wish to register for their great class. So fun to watch while you do laps! Jan 9- Feb 13. Most likely will have a March/April class tba.
3:00-4:00pm Swim Lessons with Tim onlyuses big lane; 4 available for laps.
5:30-6:30pm Wateraerobics - uses all 6 lanes feel free to grab a waterbelt and workout vertically in deeper end OR join in and burn some calories...we’ve recorded 600-775 calories(or more!!)
6:45-8:30pm Tornado Competitive Swim Team Training uses 4-5 lanes, thus 1-2 available for laps…ALWAYS let nice coach Bill know you are here. If no member is here to swim they usually grab an extra lane or 2….but Coach Bill is very nice and will slide his swimmer back over.
Turn….continued > > > >
Wednesday- 5:30am-10pm You can get in pool anytime..vertically OR horizontally meaning: waterbelt/wateraerobics OR swimming.. just so you know what happens today in the pool, read on….
9:15-10:15amWateraerobics - all 6 lanes are used, but grab a waterbelt and try a deeper end vertical water workout OR join in the class. Burn off mega calories: try 500-650!!
12:30-2:30pm and 3:00-6:15pm Swim lessons w/ Laine; uses big lane. 4 available for laps. Thru 3/17/18
6:15-7:00pm PrenatalWaterexercise with OhBabyFitness.com – Register on OhBaby.com if interested. Class uses the big double lane (sometimes a 3rd lane), thus leaving 3-4 lanes for lap-swimmers Jan 3-Feb 21. Most likely Mar/Apr class will be added..tba.
6:30-8:30pmTornado Competitive Swim Team Training uses 4-5 lanes, thus 1-2 available for laps…ALWAYS let nice coach Bill know you are here. If no member is here to swim they usually grab an extra lane or 2….but Coach Bill is very nice and will slide his swimmer back over.
Thursday - 5:30am-10pm Read on..just so you know what happens today….
8:45-9:30amWaterbelt/Easy Does It Wateraerobics - uses all 6 lanes..so join in and do a great(!) vertical workout that many lapswimmers find an exciting new way to exercise in the pool!!
9:30-11:30amSwim lessons with Laine; uses big lane; 4 available for laps. thru 3/17/18
2:30-5:15pmSwim lessons with Laine; uses big lane; 4 available for laps. thru 3/17/18
5:30-6:30pmWateraerobics - uses 3-4 of the 6 lanes; thus 2-3 available for laps. Join in the fun or swim your laps!
6:45-7:45pm Hurricane Swim Team– this is the only time that all lanes are used.January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8
Friday - 5:30am-8pm You can get in pool anytime..vertically OR horizontally meaning: waterbelt/wateraerobics OR swimming.. just so you know what happens today in the pool, read on….
9:15-10:15amWateraerobics - uses 5-6 lanes, but you can either join in and burn 600 calories OR use a waterbelt
1:00-6:15pm Swim Lessons with Laineuses big lane; 4 available for laps. thru 3/17/18
6:30-7:30pm Family Swim - uses only the big double lane; thus 4 lanes available for laps.
Saturday - 7am-7pm You can get in pool anytime..vertically OR horizontally meaning: waterbelt/wateraerobics OR swimming.. just so you know what happens today in the pool, read on….
8:15-8:45 Swim Lessons with Timuses big lane; 4 available for laps.
6:30-7:30pm Family Swim - uses only the big double lane; thus 4 lanes available for laps.
8:45-9:45amWateraerobics - all 6 lanes are used, but lapswimmers are welcome to swim width-wise or use waterbelt in deeper end or join in and have a ball!!
10:00am-12:45pm Swim lessons with Laine; uses big lane; 4 available for laps. thru 3/17/18
1:00-2:00pm– occasionally (rare event) there is a birthday party. If so, they only use the 3 lanes; thus 3 lanes available for laps. IF there is a party, it is posted on glass door to pool on Friday. It is a rare event.
12:30-2:30 very rarely Swim Team will have a practice if no meet that weekend. This is very rare. They will use 2-3 lanes if so
2:30-5:15pm Swim Lessons with Laineuses big lane; 4 available for laps. thru 3/17/18
5:30-6:30pmFamily Swim - uses the big double lane; thus leaving 4 lanes available for laps.
Enjoy your time in the pool!
Amy & Greg Webb
and our wonderful staff here