Chapter 5 Language Test
Study Ch. 5 Vocab and Review the workbook pages as we complete them (pgs. 35, 37, 39)
Use Chapter 5 Checkup 19 (pg. 41) as a study guide for the test
Chapter 5 Vocabulary
Word: cargo
Definition: goods carried by plane, train, ship
Synonym: freight Antonym:passenger
Sentence: The cargo of food and blankets was unloaded from the plane.
More Synonyms:More Antonyms:, choose 3. long, short
2.price, cost 4. full, empty
Singular and Plural Nouns
1. A singular noun means only one. Most singular nouns do not end in -s or -es. For example, car, child, desk. Some singular nouns, however, do end in -s. Example, grass, glass, gas.
2. Aplural noun means more than one. Most plural nouns add -s or -es to form the plural. For example, birds, glasses. Some plural nouns, however, have different spellings for the plural. Example, children, mice, women.
- Choose the sentence with the complete subject underlined.
O The green flowers bloomed today.
O The green flowers bloomed today.
- Underline the simple subject once and the simple predicate twice.
Bradley whispered softly.
Eight wild ducks quacked loudly nearby.
Matt stepped quickly away.
- Underline the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice.
A cold morning rain fell very gently.
A small brown snake hissed quite angrily.
Three friendly children waved cheerfully.
- Write the capitalization and punctuation rule numbers for each correction in bold. Use References 13 and 15 to look up the
capitalization and punctuation rule numbers.
Father, does Uncle Jimmy live on Camellia Street?
- Identify each pair of words as synonyms or antonyms
select, choose
O synonymsO antonyms
- Identify each pair of words as synonyms or antonyms
long, short
O synonymsO antonyms
- Choose the definition for the underlined word.
The cargo of food and blankets was unloaded from the plane.
O goods carried by plane, train, ship
O a performer
O fuel for transportation
- Choose the correct synonym for cargo.
O crewO freight
O passengersO fuel
- Choose the correct antonym for cargo.
O crewO freight
O passengersO fuel
- Choose the singular noun
O horses
O flower
O desks
A common noun names any person, place, or thing. It begins with a lower
case letter.
A proper noun names a special person, place, or thing and begins
with a capital letter.