Resolution No. 326-N
On Approving Regulation 10/21 “On Procedure of Providing Pension Secret to the Guarantee Fund Manager”
This regulation incorporates the amendments made by
the Republic of Armenia Central Bank Board resolution No.178-N, dated 15.07.14
With the view of ensuring the provision of necessary information for efficient operation of the guarantee fund for reimbursement of mandatory pension fund participants’ allowances, based on part 1 of Article 23 of the Republic of Armenia law “On Funded Pensions”, and pursuant to clause “e” of Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia”, and Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Legal Acts”, the Republic of Armenia Central Bank Board hereby decides to:
(Introduction is amended on 15.07.14 by No. 178-N)
1. Approve Regulation 10/21 “Procedure of providing pension secret to the guarantee fund manager”, in accordance with the attached Appendix.
2. This resolution shall enter into force on the tenth day after promulgation.
Chairman of the Central Bank
of the Republic of Armenia Artur Javadyan
by the Republic of Armenia
Central Bank Board
Resolution No. 326-N, dated 27.12.2013
Regulation 10/21
Procedure of Providing Pension Secret to the Guarantee Fund Manager
CHAPTER 1. General Provisions
1. This regulation establishes the procedure of providing information (presenting) containing pension secret to the guarantee fund manager from the Central Bank or other persons possessing pension secret.
CHAPTER 2. Main Concepts Used in the Regulation
2. For the purpose of this regulation the below mentioned concepts have the following meaning:
1) Guarantee fund manager means guarantee fund manager defined in point 6 of Article 2 of the Republic of Armenia law “On Funded Pensions”,
2) Law means the Republic of Armenia law “On funded pensions”.
(Point 2 is amended on 15.07.14 by No. 178-N)
3. Other definitions used in this regulation have the meaning as defined in the Law.
CHAPTER 3. Procedure of Providing Information Presenting or Containing Pension Secret to the Guarantee Fund Manager
4. When the case of compensation of participants’ mandatory pension allowances happens, the guarantee fund manager shall send a written request or request via CBANet system to the Central Bank or other persons possessing pension secret, if the information presenting (containing) pension secret is necessary.
(Point 4 is amended on 15.07.14 by No. 178-N)
5. Within 2 business days after receiving the request defined in point 4 of this regulation, the Central Bank or other person possessing pension secret shall provide, in writing or via CBANet system, the information presenting (containing) pension secret, indicated in corresponding request, to the guarantee fund manager.