Newsletter 26 September 2013

Progress in the Park

Incredibly, it seems to me, the last newsletter, no.25, was sent out in December last year. I think the main reason for this long gap has been the current works in the park, the plans for which were outlined in that newsletter. There was quite a wait until the start in July but now work by Ground Control in full swing and the hope is for completion by November.

Paul Rabbitts, who manages our Watford parks, has helpfully updated us on progress so far. The ‘heritage’ railings along the Eastbury Road and Deacons Hill are being restored and a new entrance is to be built at Lower High St. with brick pillars and gates. The steps down to the river are now being replaced and, although managing without them for several weeks has made life difficult for some regular users, the new ones will be a great improvement. Footpaths are being resurfaced and then will come new seating, replacement tree planting, bulb planting, and perhaps an art work in wood.

Early next year we should see a comprehensive management plan for the park and a Green Flag application. Future works to be looked at then will include the management of the river corridor, the woodland dell, maintenance in the park and the ongoing restoration of the terrace gardens. The discovery of Japanese Knotweed has halted any planting in this area as yet but treatment is about to start.

The New Road

Keith reports on the long battle by Sandy, Alan Luto of OVEG and himself over the planned scale and route of this road. For a long time all objections and counter proposals were dismissed as unworkable by the expert consultants engaged until suddenly another set of consultants AECOM, using a different set of rules, decided that a) the road could be sited much closer to the railway and b) could be much narrower than proposed. Much of the credit for this breakthrough appears to be due to Cllr. Shirena Counter.

Of course we would still prefer no road at all but, as happened with the cycle bridge, the modified version is a considerable improvement on what would probably have gone through had wenot persisted in our protest.

New Committee Member

When we held our AGM back in April, the existing officers and committee were re-elected so Sandy Belloni is still our Chairman, Celia Smith our Secretary, Jill Bramley our Treasurer, with John Powell and Jean and Keith Alexander as committee members. We also welcomed a new committee member, Chris Moore. Chris really knows his birds and is working with Sandy to see if we can have some bird boxes put up in the park,- perhaps bat boxes as well. He has provided the following notes on birds in the park at this time of year.

Oxhey Park’s birds

Our park is obviously a valuable green space for many reasons but one of the most important is that if is a haven for wild life in an increasingly built up area. The building of the new road to the north of the river means that the remaining area will be even more crucial for the birds and other creatures which make their homes there. Many of us enjoy watching and in some cases feeding the ducks and birds and the coming months should provide lots of opportunity and interest.

As we move into autumn the last summer migrants will be leaving for warmer climates. Willow warblers, chiffchaff and blackcaps have all been present in the park during the summer in reasonable numbers but the vast majority have already left with perhaps a few stragglers to depart shortly. But more and more these days some of these summer visitors will overwinter so don’t be surprised to see a blackcap and possibly the odd chiffchaff during the winter months.

Conversely the winter migrants will start to arrive over the next two months especially when the weather gets colder. Thrushes will become much more numerous on the fields and in the trees and bushes, foraging for food such as berries, insects and worms. Alongside the common and year round song and mistle thrushes keep an eye out for fieldfares and redwings into the winter months as they have been frequent visitors to the park each year. The berry trees and bushes around the park entrance by Mercedes have been filled with flocks of birds some winters depending on the supply of berries etc. If we are very lucky we may get the tropical-looking waxwings in or over the park but this varies from year to year.

As the trees start to shed their leaves, many of our birds that are present all year around will again become easier to see. Wrens, robins and birds from the tit & finch families will all be active and Britain’s smallest bird the goldcrest will be present if you look hard. Despite being tiny they can be very confiding at times and feed very closely, often in lower branches or bushes.

Along the river you have more chance of spotting the kingfisher which has been about this year but not as much as previous years. During winter months they move away from their nesting sites so in theory there is greater chance of seeing them. They can sit in lower branches or bushes for long periods and despite their beautiful colouring still be very tricky to see. Your best chance is if one is disturbed or flying along the river as they have quite a short high pitched call which is pretty loud. Earlier in the morning is always best chance to see them but any time of day is possible. Also more likely now along either river bank is the grey wagtail with one or two present most years.

Other birds I’ve seen in the park in previous years and will keep an eye out for during the winter months are bullfinch, common redpoll (often mixed in with goldfinch flocks) and little egrets.

IF you see anything unusual please let me know and if I see or get made aware of anything of note ill try and share with FoOP as well.


Keeping in touch

If you have any special bird or other wild life sightings to report, or want to contact the FoOP committee with any observations or suggestions about the park, you could use my e-mail address and I will forward your message to the relevant person on the committee or in the Parks Department at the Town Hall.

Next Clear up

Saturday 12th

Jean Alexander ()