LA Lesson: Describing an Oreo

Stage 1 – Desired Results
Learning Goals/Learning Targets:What do you want the students to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson.
Students will write a descriptive paragraphs, then edit them and revise after eating a cookie.
Core Competencies:identify which of the competencies you are exploring within this lesson.
  • Students need to express their ideas both orally and written
  • Students practice editing their own writing
  • Students need to share their learning with others, and critique other’s writing.
Creative Thinking
  • Students come up with different forms of words in different tenses
  • Students create anecdotal descriptions of objects
  • Students need to describe an object in great detail
Critical Thinking
  • Students need to explain all the details of objects as if they were seeing them for the first time.

Connection to/or Activation of Background Knowledge:
- Re-introduction of our short stories, and talking about what our plots are (sharing them out at table groups) / Students will Walk out With:
Students will know…
  • Various descriptive words for creating interesting writing
Students will understand…
  • How to make detailed paragraphs and add in descriptive words
Students will be able to…
  • Create descriptive paragraphs in their creative writing

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Informal Checks for Understanding
How will you know if students are getting it?
  • Student watch, and quality of their conversations
/ Formal Checks for Understanding
How will you know if students are getting it?
  • The quality of student’s baseline creative writing skills both pre-and post- self/peer edit.
/ Summative Assessment
How will you know if students have got it?
  • I’m going to use the BC writing standards rubric for assessing their baseline creative writing skills

Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Processing/Learning Activities Designed to Ensure Understanding and Promote Critical Thinking:
Examples: A/B partner share, think-pair-share, Socratic seminars, opinion line-ups, See-Wonder-Think, expert jigsaws, tabletop twitter, manipulatives, etc.
A/B partner share/edit, eating manipulatives, teacher comments
Lesson Format:
Components to consider: hook/introduction, body of lesson, closure (bringing the lesson back to the PLOs), timing, transitions and transition activities, materials, methods/strategies/activities, places for differentiation, logistics, etc.
Potential Barriers to Success:
Might include: engagement, motivation, organization, language ability, exceptionalities, reading level etc.
Engagement: This class can struggle with staying on task in small group conversations, but especially in large class conversations.
  • Oreo cookies
  • Short story planning sheet
  • Ipads
  • schoology
/ T. will be allowed to dictate his created paragraphs.
L. will be allowed to work with his SEA to try his best to write descriptive paragraphs.
First Nations Principles of Learning:
  • Learning is reflective
We’re eventually going to come back to this creative piece later in the semester to see how far the students have come
  • Learning is experiential
Students need to experience the cookie as they’re eating it, as well as describe their experience in great detail
Time / Lesson Plan (Teacher) / Lesson Plan (Students)
8m / Hook, activation of prior knowledge:
Since the students are so happy to start writing their short stories, I’ll give them a 5m free share time at their table groups to talk with their classmates about what their stories are going to be about.
Presenting lesson information (guided/independent practice)
Students will be given the following writing prompt
“Describe an Oreo Cookie. Imagine you are writing to someone who has never seen or tasted one before”
Students don’t know that they’ll be given an oreo cookie once they’ve written an acceptable descriptive paragraph. This allows me to see students work, and then see their progression in the next section.
They’ll be prompted to write the paragraph, then come up and show me the paragraph. Once I’ve approved it, they’ll get an oreo and be asked to write another paragraph
“Describe your experience while you are eating the Oreo.”
They’ll need to think about descriptive words, smells, tastes, textures etc.
Once they’ve re described, I’ll re-explain the importance of descriptive writing for short stories, and have a few students share out their descriptive paragraphs in front of the class.
After this point, students will probably need a running break.
Once they’ve finished their 2 descriptive paragraphs, they’ll be allowed to go back to working on their short stories.
I’ll be using the BC creative writing rubric to mark their work, as well as a progression from their 1st paragraph to their 2nd paragraph. / Receiving novels
Writing paragraphs/self editing
Sharing out written paragraphs
Working on previous assignment