Membership Application
UMCMA is a professional network engaging in support and advocacy of United Methodist collegiate ministry.
A check for dues should be made toUMCMA and returned with this form:
Voting Membership
Full-time: _____ One-year membership $100 ______Two-year membership $180
Part-time: _____ One-year membership $50 ______Two-year membership $85
Additional Contribution to Support the Work of UMCMA ______
Non-Voting Membership
Student Membership: ______One-year membership $20
Institutional (Conference Boards, Colleges, Churches, etc) : ______One-year membership $100
Board of Higher Education Colleague Membership: ______One-year membership $50
Faithful Supporter of Collegiate Ministry Membership: ______One-year membership $50
Additional Contribution to Support the Work of UMCMA ______
Member’s Name______
Office Phone:______Home______
Cell Phone ______
Ministry E-mail ______
Personal E-mail:______
Where should we send occasional updates to? Ministry email Personal email
Facebook? Name______Twitter? Name______
Academic Institution:______
Academic Institution2: ______
Academic Institution3+: ______
Ministry Website:______
How many years have you served in collegiate ministry?______
If you are a collegiate minister, what type of local collegiate ministry unit do you serve? (Please check as many as apply):
__ Wesley Foundation__ Chaplain
__ University Chaplaincy__ Church-based Collegiate Ministry
__ Other (Please indicate: ______
Please indicate the type of positions in which you serve (Please check as many as apply):
____ CollegiateMinister____ Pastor of a Local Church ____ Chaplain
____ Member Annual Conference BHECM ____ General Agency Staff____ Member of GBHEM
____ Member of Local Collegiate Ministry BoardOther: ______
Please indicate your willingness to serve UMCMA:
______Resource Development: Develop resources for collegiate ministry that can be shared with other individuals. Could include sending in articles for the UMCMA web site.
_____ Membership Recruitment: Work to spread the word about UMCMA in order to recruit new members. Could include sending emails to other collegiate ministry colleagues or supporters in your Annual Conference or region.
_____ Network: Join the UMCMA Facebook group and follow UMCMA on twitter. Actively post pertinent collegiate ministry information, resources, and updates and invite people to be a part of these two networks.
_____ Advocacy: Communicate important and relevant advocacy concerns to those in your area, strengthening our relationships, connection and voice in pertinent matters facing collegiate ministry.
_____ General Conference Support: Help to prepare legislation or be on site work as a lobbyist for Collegiate Ministry.
_____ Fundraise: Help to raise support and awareness of the needs of collegiate ministry and help to facilitate a stable, effective and vibrant UMCMA.
_____ Other: ______
Membership Cycle runs from when you pay your dues to the end of the same month the next year. For example, if you pay your dues for a one-year membership on January 15th, 2017, your membership will be valid until January 31st, 2018. You will then get an email reminder to continue your membership.
Checks should be made payable to UMCMA.
Please send membership form and checks to:
American University UM Chaplaincy
ATTN: Joey Heath-Mason, UMCMA Membership Chair
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016