AGM time seems to come round quicker each year!

2016/17 has been a good year for the club especially as we were losing our initial intake of players from the formation of the club off to university – it is great to see some of them back training with us on student memberships now it is holiday time. We have a strong diddy section and receive continual interest in joining the club. Felixstowe Leisure Centre have allowed us (finally!) to increase our hire to the whole of the pool and this has provided valuable additional training capacity.

We congratulate those players who have been training and selected for County and Regional competitions.

As we look forward to the next year, we will have to make some changes. Deben pool will be closing for the year for maintenance and we will lose the Monday training session. We are working on a new structure in preparation for September however pool time is proving very difficult to secure without asking parents and players to travel all across Suffolk! We are asking for players to help us by training in their allocated sessions so we can assess the impact on numbers. We will continue to offer transition arrangements where we can but these need to be officially arranged and confirmed by email rather than an informal arrangement with any of the coaching staff.

East Region competitions have also changed and as at the time of writing this report, there are still a number of potential options being discussed. We will advise parents of any competitions/tournaments as we receive confirmed information.

A few important reminders,

  • please bring drinks to ensure hydration during training sessions,
  • please ensure finger and toe nails are cut short and finally,
  • we need to work together to improve the times taken to clear the changing rooms after sessions and to ensure that if a player (under 18) is being taken home by someone other than the parent, then a release letter has been completed. This often happens when older players become drivers and offer lifts to other players; as a club we are responsible for ensuring players only travel with authorised persons.

A plea we need volunteers to act as table officials, timekeepers and operate the scoreboard for matches, both our own and when/if we enter tournaments. Training will be given.

A big thank you to everyone involved in the club; committee, players, parents and coaches. The SCT family

We look forward to seeing everyone at our club BBQ scheduled for Sunday 23rd July and wish you a happy and hopefully sunny summer!
