Chabot College

Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 81B, Page 1

Fall 2001

Chabot CollegeFall 2001

Replaced Fall 2006

Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 81B


Catalog Description:

81B - Clinical Practice II5 units

Continuation of clinical experience with a variety of clinical cases of adults and children to include a broad spectrum of clinical applications. Prerequisite: Dental Hygiene 81A (completed with a grade of C or higher). Corequisites: Dental Hygiene 58, 80B, 82B, 83. 15 hours clinical.

Prerequisite Skills:

Before entering the course the student should be able to:

1. recognize signs and symptoms of emergencies involving the child patient and follow the procedures for the dental hygiene clinic;

  1. scale and root plane teeth using a systematic order, appropriate type, sharp, and correctly-contoured instruments with minimum time and trauma;
  2. demonstrate the use of ultrasonic scaling instruments for removal of gross deposits on selected patients;
  3. apply postoperative procedures and instructions for the patient;
  4. select and apply a variety of topical fluoride agents using a variety of methods;
  5. select and apply appropriate desensitizing agents on selected patients;
  6. select and apply appropriate agents for pit and fissure sealants on selected patients;
  7. expose, process, mount and interpret diagnostically acceptable radiographic surveys on clinic patients;
  8. recognize clinically and discuss the value of preventive dental caries control and the role of the hygienist in this activity;
  9. demonstrate clinical competency in infection control techniques/prevention of disease transmissions;
  10. apply ethical reasoning to dental hygiene practice;
  11. serve all clients in the community without discrimination;
  12. provide humane and compassionate care to all patients/clients;
  13. demonstrate honesty in relationships with patients/clients, colleagues, and other professionals;
  14. ensure the privacy of the patient/client during treatment and confidentiality of patient/client records;
  15. adhere to state and federal laws governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene;
  16. obtain, review, and update vital signs, medical history, family history, social history, and dental history while recognizing cultural differences in populations;
  17. manage the patient/client chart as a legal document and maintain its accuracy;
  18. determine medical conditions that require special precaution or consideration prior to and/or during dental hygiene treatment;
  19. identify the patient/client at risk for a medical emergency and manage the patient/client care to prevent an emergency;
  20. perform a comprehensive examination using clinical, radiographic periodontal and dental charting, as well as other data collection procedures to assess the patient's/client's needs;
  21. determine priorities and establish oral health goals with the patient/client and/or guardian as an active participant;
  22. establish a planned sequence of educational and clinical services based on the dental hygiene diagnosis, including etiology, prognosis, and treatment alternatives;
  23. obtain the patient's/client's informed consent based on a thorough case presentation;
  24. make appropriate referrals to other health care professionals;
  25. use accepted infection control procedures;
  26. provide an environment conducive to health by applying basic and advanced principles of dental hygiene instrumentation without causing trauma to hard or soft tissue;
  27. control pain and anxiety during treatment through the use of accepted clinical and behavioral management strategies;
  28. select and administer the appropriate antimicrobial or antibiotic agent with pre- and post-treatment instructions;
  29. provide adjunct dental hygiene services that can be legally performed in the State of California;
  30. evaluate the effectiveness of planned clinical and education services and modify as necessary;
  31. determine the appropriate maintenance schedule;
  32. provide subsequent treatment or referrals based on evaluation of findings.

Corequisite Skills:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1.identify the limits of practice of the dental hygienist as stated in the California Dental Practice Act;

  1. identify malpractice and illegal practice of the dentist, the dental hygienist, the dental assistant, and the registered dental assistant as stated in the California Dental Practice Act;

3.identify unethical practice of the dental hygienist as stated in the Code of Ethics of the American Dental Hygienist's Association;

4.write a resume, given an outline, describing vital statistics, educational and work experience;

5.identify issues that may arise in the dentist-dental hygienist job interview, and describe possible solutions;

6.given situations describing problems in communication between dental office personnel, or between personnel and patients, identify the problems and propose solutions;

  1. describe alternate methods of dental hygiene employment;
  2. define the responsibilities of the Registered Dental Hygienist as a mandated reporter of suspected cases of abuse/neglect;
  3. recognize the warning signs for suspected cases of abuse/neglect;
  4. list the requirements for reporting suspected cases of abuse/neglect;
  5. perform nutritional counseling for prevention of dental disease utilizing dietary analysis;
  6. describe and utilize the team approach to preventive dentistry;
  7. describe techniques of tooth desensitization;
  8. describe the procedures for margination and polishing amalgam restoration, listing indications and precautions;
  9. describe the types of chemotherapeutic agents used in dentistry, techniques and limitations of their uses;
  10. define self-evaluation for student ergonomics and prevention of occupational risks;
  11. describe systems of dental hygiene recall;
  12. describe procedures, benefits and limitations of the Air-Jet and Cavi-Med in the clinical situation;
  13. describe the contributing factors in disease development;
  14. describe comprehensive dental hygiene therapy planning and treatment;
  15. describe the techniques for the care and maintenance of dental implants;
  16. apply advanced ethical reasoning to dental hygiene practice;
  17. demonstrate the methods to maintain professional accountability in the clinical setting;
  18. identify common ethical dilemmas in dental hygiene practice;
  19. identify ethical and legal duties that an oral health care provider has to a client;
  20. identify the oral health needs of the individual and develop appropriate and individualized self-care regimens with respect to the goals, values, beliefs, and preferences of the patient/client;
  21. determine priorities and establish oral health goals with the patient/client and/or guardian as an active participant;
  22. establish a planned sequence of educational and clinical services based on the dental hygiene diagnosis, which includes etiology, prognosis, and treatment alternatives;
  23. evaluate the effectiveness of planned clinical and educational services in the clinical setting;
  24. determine the appropriate maintenance schedule for the clinical client;
  25. develop and maintain a health maintenance program for the clinical client;
  26. explain what OSHA is and its role in dentistry;
  27. describe the pathogen standard and who is covered by the standard;
  28. describe the exposure control plan;
  29. list exposure control precautions;
  30. describe an exposure incident;
  31. describe the protocol for an exposure incident and follow-up;
  32. describe the criteria necessary in selection of a client for the California State Board clinical examination;
  33. describe causes and types of physically limited conditions;

41.describe causes and types of hearing impaired conditions;

42.describe causes and types of visually impaired conditions;

43.describe causes and types of mentally impaired conditions;

44.describe and recognize characteristics of the geriatric patient;

45.describe and recognize characteristics of the gerodontic patient;

46.define dental care needs and treatments for patients with the above special needs.

Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. scale and root plane teeth using a systematic order, appropriate type, sharp and correctly contoured instrument within minimum time and trauma;
  2. polish teeth, restorations and fixed appliances using appropriate abrasives and polishing agents;
  3. recognize clinically and discuss the value of preventive periodontal therapy and the role of the hygienist in this activity;
  4. demonstrate consistency in performing soft tissue curettage on selected clinic patients using appropriate local anesthetic agents;
  5. expose, process, mount, and interpret diagnostically acceptable radiographic surveys on clinic patients;
  6. adapt and perform dental hygiene procedures for a variety of patients with special needs;
  7. use the intra-oral camera;
  8. maintain accurate, complete dental records;
  9. perform margination and polishing restorations on a variety of clinical patients;
  10. demonstrate clinical competency in infection control techniques/prevention of disease transmission;
  11. apply ethical reasoning to dental hygiene practice;
  12. serve all clients in the community without discrimination;
  13. provide humane and compassionate care to all patients/clients;
  14. demonstrate honesty in relationships with patients/clients, colleagues, and other professionals;
  15. ensure the privacy of the patient/client during treatment and confidentiality of patient/client records;
  16. adhere to state and federal laws governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene;
  17. obtain, review, and update vital signs, medical history, family history, social history, and dental history while recognizing cultural differences in populations;
  18. manage the patient/client chart as a legal document and maintain its accuracy;
  19. determine medical conditions that require special precaution or consideration prior to and/or during dental hygiene treatment;
  20. identify the patient/client at risk for a medical emergency and manage the patient/client care to prevent an emergency;
  21. perform a comprehensive examination using clinical, radiographic periodontal and dental charting, as well as other data collection procedures to assess the patient's/client's needs;
  22. determine priorities and establish oral health goals with the patient/client and/or guardian as an active participant;
  23. establish a planned sequence of educational and clinical services based on the dental hygiene diagnosis which includes etiology, prognosis, and treatment alternatives;
  24. obtain the patient's/client's informed consent based on a thorough case presentation;
  25. make appropriate referrals to other health care professionals;
  26. use accepted infection control procedures;
  27. provide an environment conducive to health by applying basic and advanced principles of dental hygiene instrumentation without causing trauma to hard or soft tissue;
  28. control pain and anxiety during treatment through the use of accepted clinical and behavioral management strategies;
  29. select and administer the appropriate antimicrobial or antibiotic agent with pre- and post-treatment instructions;
  30. provide adjunct dental hygiene services that can be legally performed in the State of California;
  31. evaluate the effectiveness of planned clinical and education services and modify as necessary;
  32. determine the appropriate maintenance schedule;
  33. provide subsequent treatment or referrals based on evaluation of findings.

Course Content:

1.Scaling and root planing

2.Instrument sharpening

3.Treatment planning

4.Role of the dental hygienist in preventive periodontics

5.Soft tissue curettage and local anesthesia

6.Margination and polishing restorations

7.Radiographic technique and interpretation

  1. Nitrous oxide sedation

Methods of Presentation:

1.Clinical practice in the dental hygiene clinic and extended facilities

  1. Demonstration

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

  1. Typical Assignments
  1. Provision of client-based preventive dental hygiene services
  2. Provision of dental hygiene support services during clinical sessions
  3. Rotations to provide dental hygiene services at extramural facilities
  1. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
  1. Competency based tests
  2. Completion of minimum requirements
  3. Radiographic evaluation
  4. Attendance
  5. Midterm clinical examination
  6. Daily clinical evaluation


Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, Darby and Walsh, W.B. Saunders, 1995

Handbook of Local Anesthesia, Malamed, C.V. Mosby, 1997

Periodontal Instrumentation, Nield-Gehrig, Williams and Wilkins, 1999

Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, Wilkins, Lea and Febiger, 1999

Techniques and Theory of Periodontal Instrumentation, Perry and Beemsterboer, W.B. Saunders Co., 1990

Dental Drug Reference, Gage and Pickett, C.V. Mosby, 1994

Special Student Materials:

1.Instrument kits

2.Protective clothing, eyewear, masks, gloves

tms, Disk 20, A:\DH Outlines 2000\DH 81B

Revised: 12-1-00