CIT 215 – Microsoft Networking V
Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure
Semester: Spring 2011
Instructor: Cathy Valdez
Office: HTC 131
Office Hours: Tues. 9-11, Wed. 9-11, Thurs. 9-10
Phone: 775-753-2288
E-mail: catherinev(a)
Credits: 4
Instructor accepts email, phone calls, or appointments. I will return e-mails within 24 hours. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Textbooks: 70-643 Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Microsoft Official Academic Course. ISBN :978-0-470-87505-6 .Go to schedule online and find CIT 215, click on Details link, and then the View Textbooks link. Books are available at the college bookstore or Search using the title or ISBN number at various discounters / used book dealers.
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Various topics in networking using Microsoft products aimed at the less common MCSE electives. Unlimited repeatability. (Formerly CIT 215, MCSE Elective) Prerequisite: CIT 212 or instructor's approval.
Welcome to CIT 215 Microsoft Networking V;Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure. This course is for students training to become information technology (IT) professionals in system and network architect. This course will prepare you to analyze an organization and its technical requirements to create an appropriate Applications Infrastructure, and application server services design within the context of the Windows Server 2008 environment. You will be shown how to examine existing designs and recommend solutions to improve the availability, security, and performance of anapplication server. You will study and practice the process of deploying an application server, using windows deployment service, setup and analyze an application server network infrastructure, deploy a file server and related objects by selecting appropriate DFS configurations, establishprint and fax servers, deploy IIS services while establishing security , create a FTP site, deploy web applications, use terminal services while configuring terminal serviceclients, and other services required by a fully functional network. You will also learn to evaluate security needs and learn how to implement them, SSL security, website authentication and permissions, plus more. This class will conclude with each successful student creating a hypothetical organization's application server and network infrastructure design usingserver applications supplied by the instructor.
The weekly chapter readings, links to supplemental readings, and the most significant assignments are listed in the schedule below. Assignments are due the week after they have been assigned. Additional assignments may be given from time to time depending on class progress with due dates noted when the assignments are given. To complete assignments students may need to use the Remote Access Lab maintained by GBC's COT Dept.
As an Internet based class, there are no traditional lectures, discussions, or labs. Furthermore, you are expected to keep up with the weekly chapter reading assignments from the book. In lieu of lectures I will create various posts and link supplementary materials in the schedule below which you are also expected to review each week. Instead of classroom discussions you will be expected to post your own college quality written comments on one topic related to the class readings each week as well as respond to your fellow students' comments. To help you with ideas for posts you may consult the textbook, lab manual, or my posts on each week's material. I will read and assess your posts as well as comment on them if necessary for clarification purposes.
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: This class is sometimes taught live and at other times via the Internet using GBC's WebCampus system. You are expected to participate in the weekly discussions (whether live or on-line), the various assignments, the exams, and other class activities.
I can be reached via WebCampusat the phone number listed above, or you can make an appointment to see me. My office hours are posted above and on my office door. The schedule of readings, assignments, homework, and tests can be found below. Additional assignments will be given in the class discussions or through postings on this class's WebCampus site.
The primary objective of this class is to provide students with an advanced level understanding of Windows Server 2008 Application Infrastructure Configuration, and network infrastructure as applied to business systems. In doing so, we will cover network design issues of windows deployment services, DFS replication, FTP server, SSL security, configure web site authentication and permissions, SMTP, terminal services, and more. Some of the more significant topics to be covered in this class include:
The successful student in this class will be able to:
- Install windows deployment services;
- configure storage;
- create an FTP site, and configure site properties;
- configureauthentication methods (assign special NTFS permissions, & configure certificates) of a network;
- add an application to a site, and appropriately configure SMTP settings;
- monitor terminals server loads, while using appropriate Network Level Authentication, use Remote App, configure RDC options, and deploy a TS gateway server;
- install streaming media services, sharepoint services, and use digital rights management;
- design a terminal server farm and use virtualization.
Learner Outcome Measurements
Measurement Method / Learner Outcomes
Class Discussion / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Labs / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Quizzes / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
GRADING POLICY: This is a letter grade class an A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F=59% or less or W=Official Withdrawal if done before the withdrawal deadline. There is no curve in this grading scale. Your grade will be based 30% on assignments, 10% on participation, 60% on mid-term exam, and final exam. All assignments are due by the beginning of the next class unless otherwise indicated by the instructor when they are assigned.
EXAM & QUIZ PROCEDURES: All exams and quizzes will be objective, e.g. true/false, multiple choices, fill-in the blank, etc, and will be conducted using GBC's web based learning system.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: The instructor must agree in advance to any excused absences unless there are strong extenuating circumstances. Three (3) unexcused absences can result in a failing grade, in an on-line class an absence is one week when you do not participate in class or contact the instructor.
OTHER POLICIES: The student rights & responsibilities policy stated in the current GBC Catalog apply to this class. If you need special accommodations please contact GBC's ADA Officer at 775-753-2271 as soon as possible. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in a failing grade. This syllabus is not a contract and is subject to reasonable changes as the class proceeds.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call (775) 753-2271.
You should have read and be prepared to discuss each week's topics by the beginning of class. We will have significant hands on experiences with many lessons.
Readings, topics, major assignments, & quizzes/exams by week:(Please note: the following schedule is subject to change based on class progress)
Week 1: / Class introduction / Cover Access to Microsoft Online Labs
Week 2: / Lesson 1 / Deploying an Application Server / Lab 1
Week 3: / Lesson 2 / Deploying a File Server / Lab 2
Week 4: / Lesson 3 / Using the File Services Role / Lab 3
Week 5: / Lesson 4 / Deploying Print and Fax Servers / Lab 4
Week 6: / Lesson 5 / Deploying IIS Services / Lab 5
Week 7: / Lesson 6 / Securing IIS Services / Lab 6
Week 8: / Mid-Term / Available on WebCampus
Week 9: / Lesson 7 / Deploying Web Applications / Lab 7
Week 10: / Lesson 8 / Using Terminal Services / Lab 8
Week 11: / Lesson 9 / Configuring Terminal Services Clients / Lab 9
Week 12: / Lesson 10 / Using Terminal Services Gateway / Lab 10
Week 13: / Lesson 11 / Using Network Application Services / Lab 11
Week 14: / Lesson 12 / Using High Availability Technologies / Lab 12
Week 15: / Lesson 13 / Develop an Application Server
Week 16: / Final Exam / Available on WebCampus