/ Application Form - IFS LOGISTICS

Initial Audit / Renewal Audit / Extension to Scope Audit

Business Name:
Business Address:
Contact Name: / Position:
Telephone: / Mobile:
E-mail: / Fax:
DETAILS OF SITE TO BE ASSESSED (if different from above)
Business Name:
Business Address:
Contact Name: / Position:
Telephone: / Mobile:
E-mail: / Fax:
  1. Contact Details

Is the Head Office the main contact for the IFS Directory? / Yes/No / Contact Name:
  1. Do you have Certification for any other Schemes through NSF?

Do you have an NSF number? / Yes / No / If yes, please quote here / C / 0
Have you previously been registered with another Certification Body for IFS Logistics Standard? / Yes / No
If yes, please give details:
Please give the re-audit Due Date stated on your current certificate, and, send a copy of the last report.

In addition to the information requested below, please submit, with this form a site plan, organogram and HACCP summary.

Is this site certificated to other standards e.g. ISO 22000, BRC, etc.? / If yes, state scheme name and last evaluation date
What is the working language of the company / office ?
Wording of proposed audit scope
Exclusions from the scope.
It is not permissible to exclude parts of the Standard.
Exclusions are allowed only under exceptional circumstances. / List and justify any specific logistics activities or product groups intended to be excluded.
Logistic processes to be audited / Please describe in full the logistics processes in the scope of the audit.
Additional services (e.g. freezing / thawing / intake QC checks) / Please describe any additional services (other than storage / picking / transportation) that you carry out.

. Site to be Evaluated:

  1. Site Details:
  1. Product scopes, which shall be specified in the report and certificate if the handled goods are Food or HPC (Health / Personal Care) products.

IFS Food version 6 product scopes – select food product scope categories

 / Please select IFS food product scope categories
1 / Red and white meat, poultry and meat products
2 / Fish and fish products
3 / Egg and egg products
4 / Dairy products
5 / Fruit and vegetables
6 / Grain products, cereals, industrial bakery and pastry, confectionary, snacks
7 / Combined products
8 / Beverages
9 / Oils and fats
10 / Dry goods, other ingredients and supplements
11 / Pet food
4. Site to be Evaluated:
Site Details:
Criteria / Please answer as fully as possible – this allows NSF to ensure that our assessor is fully prepared prior to your assessment.
Size of Site
Age of Site (i.e. buildings)?
Are these purpose built? / Age:
Purpose-built: Y / N
Are all operations undertaken at this location? If no – give details
Number of Employees / Shift patterns
Are storage and transport seasonal? / If so please confirm season
Number of vehicles? / Company owned:
5. Declaration:
A copy of my report will be provided to the IFS in accordance with the IFS scheme requirements.
My company contact details, grade, scope, exclusions, product category, issue and expiry date information will appear on the IFS public database.
A key component of the scheme is the calibration of the auditors to ensure a consistent understanding and application of the requirements. All Certification Bodies are required to have processes to calibrate their own auditors. An essential element of the training and calibration of auditors is the witnessed auditprogramme. Auditors are observed during an audit and provided with feedback on the performance of the audit. In order to ensure consistency between Certification Bodies, and for the purposes of accreditation, an audit may be witnessed by the IFS Integrity programme or an Accreditation Body auditor. This process forms an essential part of the scheme and sites are obliged to permit witnessed audits as part of the conditions for certification. (IFS Logistics Standard v2.1, Page 39-41, section 12).
I declare that I will abide by the scheme and NSF Certification UK regulations, that I give permission for any witnessed audit, for the publication of the details within this declaration on the IFS public database, that all of the information given in this form is correct and that all information in order to evaluate compliance with the requirements of the Standard will be available for evaluation at the time of the audit.
Name: / Company:
Position: / Date:
For NSF Service Provider use only
NSF Certification UK Ltd Contract Review
It is the responsibility of the Approved Service Provider Operations Manager to review the information provided by the client and to initially accurately calculate the audit duration and provisionally assign the auditor. It is the responsibility of the UK office to review the contract and it is the responsibility of the UK office to formally make the decision regarding the audit duration.
Auditor Name: ...... On site audit duration: ………………
IFS Guidance –minimum audit duration typically 1 day.
List the last 3 audit dates and auditors:
Date of previous audit: ………………… Auditor: ………………………………………
Date of previous audit: ………………… Auditor: ………………………………………
Date of previous audit: ………………… Auditor: ………………………………………
IFS Logistics:
Other IFS Standard? E.g. Broker =
Minimum audit duration = (IFS Logistics guidance minimum 8 hours)
Preparation time (min 2 hours) =
Report writing (4 to 8+ hours) =
Travel time =
Total time in hours for quotation =

IFS Language Rules:

  1. What is the language of the site (see section 2a above)?

  1. Does the planned auditor have this language approval (see competency matrix)? please circle answer
/ Yes – okay to proceed / No – go to question 3
  1. If no, a translator is required.

  1. If a translator is to be used, please enter name of planned translator:

5. Is translator approved on Competency Matrix ?
please circle answer / Yes – okay to proceed / No – please apply for approval to Certification

If a translator is to be used then a 20% increase in audit duration must be made.

NSF notes concerning audit duration justification

(Note: Formal contract review is approved / recorded on IQ)

Ref: NSF IFS Logistics RF30 Issue 7 / Page 1 of 5