Charles County Literacy Council
Monthly Meeting, October 2, 2012
Present: John (Jack) Faherty, Edna Troiano, Marlene Cleaveland, Valerie Kettner, Lisa Hackley, Rose Markham and Art Payton.
The meeting was called to order by Jack at 7:08.
Tutor/Student Discussions:
Jack recently assisted a student with math. This led to the student passing a test to become a bus driver with the Charles County school district.
Marlene said there were several students waiting to be matched to tutors. She had recently matched an ASVAB student to a tutor.
President’s Report. Sonja Charles had an excused absence.
Vice President’s Report:
Minutes from previous monthly meeting approved.
Yard sale at the La Plata Town Hall on Saturday, 6 October. Weather report calls for possible showers. There is no scheduled rain date. If it rains, the yard sale will be cancelled.
Christmas gift wrapping at the mall in Waldorf. Scheduled for Friday and Saturday 14/15 and 21/22 December. Times to be determined. Jack will solicit donations from businesses so that materials for the gift wrapping can be purchased (wrapping paper, bags, bows, ribbons, boxes, birthday gift wrapping paper, etc.). Will solicit volunteers starting with the November meeting.
Bake Sale. A volunteer(s) has been solicited to spearhead a bake sale for the Spring of 2013. So far, no volunteers. We need someone to step up to manage this…was a very good fundraiser the last time we did it.
Treasurer’s Report. Darlene Adams had an excused absence. The report was presented by Marlene.
Program Coordinator’s Report. Marlene Cleaveland presented the following:
- Congratulations to Jack Faherty who helped his student pass level 2 math and become a bus driver with Charles County schools.
- Seven people have registered for the workshop; publicity ongoing.
- UW is launching Get Connected, online source, similar to Volunteer Southern Maryland for non-profits to advertise their needs and events.
- CSM has a TV studio for use within the community in connection with Comcast. Non-profits can schedule a time to be interviewed or for advertising in spotlight commercials.
- Dahlgren’s CFC kick-off campaign was held on September 12. Marlene had the opportunity to speak to several civilian employees about the CCLC, its services and ways to donate through CFC.
- Homeless Resource Meeting, 10:30 a.m., September 13; final preparations for HRD event, Wed, Oct 24, 10a-3p at Jaycees/Health Partners in Waldorf; Marlene and volunteer tutor Lisa Hackley will host the CCLC information table.
- Draft Application of the FY2014 UW application to be a Partner Agency has been completed; submission date is October 15, 2012.
- CFC Application will be due end of November/early December per Dottie.
- Yard Sale/October 6, La Plata Town Hall (8-Noon); volunteers are to arrive by 7:00 a.m. for set up; volunteers who have signed up to help include: Jack, Rachel Adams, Val Kettner, Marlene, Meg Overbey, Gerry Behm, Art Payton, Rose Markham and Lisa Hackley; donations expected from Sheila Landes, Amber, Wanda Raver, Darlene Adams, Edna, Meg, Lisa and Thee Bonner.
Chair Reports:
Compensation and Performance Evaluation. N/A, Michael excused.
Grants. N/A
Newsletter. Val sent out an electronic version of the newsletter using Constant Contact. She emailed it to over 300 people and so far at least 56 people had viewed it. The President of the Charles County Commissioners would like to post this on her Facebook page. Val will assist her in doing this. (Art’s Comment: Looks great!)
Publicity. Marlene has been aggressively advertising for the October Tutor Workshop. She handed out flyers for people to post in local businesses, workplaces, etc.
Website. The upgraded website is still under development and will go on line after a final review. Tentatively scheduled to be posted in November 2012 and after the October workshop.
Workshop: Edna advised that preparations were progressing. All presenters were lined up with the exception of a student to provide the Student Presentation. Lisa Hackley will ask her student if he would like to participate. We discussed the development of a Certificate of Appreciation that we can give to the VIP who will present future training certificates to the tutors at the end of the workshops (Dr. Edith Patterson is lined up for the October workshop). Marlene will take care of this.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business: None.
Next Meetings: Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at the United Way Conference Room, La Plata, MD.
Minutes prepared by Art Payton.