Cunningham Creek Elementary/SAC Minutes for March 8, 2010
Administration: / Teachers: / Parents:Betsy Wierda / Cristin Rudi / Carol Higley
Sherry Galbraith / Lena Ford
Bridget Jeffers / Nery DiDeo
District: / Andreen Morais / Kim Seaman
Jodi McLeod / Janet Noack
Lisa Whitaker / Darlene Desena
Marlene Patterson / Kate Andrews
Barbara Smith
Visiting Parents:
Kim Zalkan
Michael Britt
Absences: Lori Madrid, Anne Lister, Kimberly Calderwood, Jan Wilson, Becky Hensen, Janece Bevans-Kerr, Laurie Hatsell, Becky Rose, Deb Stubee, Becky Schroth, Betsy Wierda, Edie Jarrell, Kevin Klein, Dawn Barata
Excused absences: Jan Wilson
The March 8, 2010 SAC meeting was called to order at 3:41 p.m.
Garden Update:
Mr. Britt shared that we are able to get the plants and pots for the classrooms. He is working with a landscaper that is able to get us 3 pots per classroom, the plants and compost. The compost will be given to us by the nursery~we have to pay the shipping/handling of $50. We are also able to get the plants at cost which is $1.50 each vs. actual cost of $2.50. These plants will be placed out on the sand patch behind the row of portables by the baseball fields. Bridget shared that we are hoping to get started by the 23rd of March. 43 teachers have asked for classroom gardens.
Article Discussion:
Tabled until April SAC meeting. We will use the same article that Bridget sent out via email link.
Principal’s Update:
Betsy Wierda shared we are the first school in North Florida to host a naturalization ceremony. This will be on March 25th. There will be 50 individuals that will be receiving citizenship on this day.
Betsy Wierda and Jodi McLeod shared the information about the Art Show on March 23rd. There will be ice cream, art stations and the book fair that night.
Mrs. Wierda just shared that CCE will be closed over the summer. The administration will be relocated at Creekside. The Mad Science, ESY and reading camps will also be located there.
PTO will be hosting the SkateStation night on March 12th.
Reading Garden Update:
JEA will be donating the trees for the Reading Garden. Bridget is looking for tables/benches for the reading garden. One suggestion was given about checking with the St. Augustine School for the Deaf and Blind.
Climate Survey Review:
Bridget shared the results from the Climate Survey conducted for 2009-2010 school year.
Discussion was held regarding buses and parent drop off ~ safety. Mrs. Wierda shared that an idea might be having a round table discussion with Joe Purvis, the bus drivers, parents, etc.
Colleen Wood asked for volunteers to go to 50th No More ~ March 25th.
Grants – Anne Lister
Family Nights – Lori Madrid (not present)
Next event is: Go Green Night is April 13th
Break out sessions/recap:
Gardening~Barbara Smith shared that they discussed rain barrels for recycling water. This would be another lesson for students. It was also discussed that funding would be necessary for the rain barrels.
Grants~Lena Ford shared that the group will be writing grants. Deb Stubee has suggested a grant for an adaptive playground. Group is looking for grant money for this. Carol suggested that they keep next year’s gardening money in mind as they are looking for grants.
School Climate Survey~Cristin Rudi shared that they looked at the first part of the survey. They stopped at 17: Solutions for Saftey. There were 2 comments that were shared~uniform car signs (grade level, student’s name) family sign in at the Meet the Teacher. Discussion was held about having SAC purchase~Signs would have to durable. Another suggestion was lock all exterior doors with a buzz in.
Public Relations~Carol Higley shared the groups goals from last brainstorming session – take to local/regional paper. Bulletin board to advertise SAC. This could go to the SAC Board afterwards.
End of the Year Dinner Meeting~discussion was around having a 4 p.m. dinner meeting – SAC group-RSVP would be necessary
Discussion was also held around encouraging other parents to join SAC. One suggestion was to have an infomercial to the students in the classes to encourage them to get their parents interested. Betsy Wierda will look into that.
The SAC meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.