School EAL Pupil Language Development Sheet
Pupils Name: Year Group: Ethnicity: Home Language:
Listening and Understanding / Speaking / Reading / WritingS1 (Step 1)
0 listens attentively for short bursts of time
0 uses non-verbal gestures to respond to greetings
0 uses non-verbal gestures to respond to questions about themselves
0 tries to follow simple instructions based on routines / S1 (Step 1)
0 echoes words and expressions drawn from classroom routines to communicate meaning
0 echoes words and expressions used in social interactions to communicate meaning
0 expresses some basic needs, using single words or phrases in English / S1 (Step 1)
0 participates in reading activities
0 may build on their knowledge of literacy in another language.
0 knows that, in English, print is read from left to right and from top to bottom
0 recognises their names
0 recognises familiar words
0 can identify some letters of the alphabet by shape and sound / S1 (Step 1)
0 uses English letters and letter-like forms to convey meaning
0 copies and writes their names
0 copies and writes familiar words
0 writes from left to right
S2 (Step 2)
0 understands simple conversational English
0 listens and responds to the gist of general explanations by the teacher (when language is supported by non-verbal clues, including illustrations) / S2 (Step 2)
0 copies talk that has been modelled
0 shows some control of English word order in speech
0 pronunciation is generally intelligible. / S2 (Step 2)
0 begins to associate sounds with letters in English
0 begins to predict what the text will be about
0 reads words learned in different curriculum areas
0 reads phrases learned in different curriculum areas
0 can follow a text read aloud with support / S2 (Step 2)
0 attempts to express meanings in writing (when supported by oral work or pictures)
0 generally their writing in intelligible to themselves and a familiar reader
0 shows some knowledge of sound and letter patterns
0 shows knowledge of sentence division
0 shows knowledge of sentence division, building on their knowledge of literacy in another language
S3 (Threshold)
0 understands and responds appropriately to straightforward comments or instructions addressed to them (with support)
0 listens attentively to a range of speakers, including teacher presentations to the whole class / S3 (Threshold)
0 speaks about matters of immediate interest in familiar settings
0 conveys meaning through talk and gesture
0 can extend what they say with support
0 speech is sometimes grammatically incomplete at word
0 speech is grammatically incomplete at phrase level / S3 (Threshold)
0 can read a range of familiar words
0 identifies initial and final sounds in unfamiliar words
0 can establish meaning when reading aloud phrases and simple sentences (with support)
0 can establish meaning from reading contextual clues (with support)
0 responds to events and ideas in poems, stories and non-fiction / S3 (Threshold)
0 produces recognisable letters and words in texts, which convey meaning
0 produces recognisable letters and words in texts which show some knowledge of English sentence division and word order
0 shapes commonly used letters correctly, but may be inconsistent in size and orientation.
S4 (Secure)
0 follows what others say about what they are doing and thinking (in familiar contexts)
0 listens with understanding to sequences of instructions and usually respond appropriately in conversation. / S4 (Secure)
0 speaks about matters of interest to a range of listeners
0 begins to develop connected utterances
0 shows some grammatical complexity in expressing relationships between ideas
0 shows some grammatical complexity in expressing relationships between sequences of events
0 conveys meaning, sustaining their contributions and the listeners interest. / S4 (Secure)
0 uses their knowledge of letters, sounds and words to establish meaning when reading familiar texts aloud (sometimes with prompting)
0 comments on events or ideas in poems, stories and non-fiction. / S4 (Secure)
0 uses phrases and longer statements that convey ideas to the reader
0 makes some use of capital letters and full stops
0 uses some grammatical patterns incorrectly
0 is not secure about English sounds and how they are written
0 uses letters of the alphabet which are usually clearly shaped and correctly orientated.
S5 (Consolidating)
0 can understand most conversations when the subject of the conversation is more concrete
0 can understand most conversations when the subject of the conversation is more abstract
0 can understand most conversations when few figurative and idiomatic expressions are used / S5 (Consolidating)
0 begins to engage in dialogue or conversation within an academic context
0 speaks clearly when developing and explaining their ideas
0 uses a growing vocabulary / S5 (Consolidating)
0 uses the following strategies to read unfamiliar words or extract information from a variety of texts:
o phonic
o graphic
o syntactic
o contextual
0 begins to use reading as a tool for learning (from KS2) / S5 (Consolidating)
0 produces written outcomes using a range of appropriate grammatical structures (when given ‘scaffolding’ support like writing frames and grammar for writing styles)
0 production is limited with no support
0 begins to understand that different contexts require different forms of expression (e.g. genres)
S6 (Competent)
0 participates as an active speaker and listeners in group tasks
0 understand most social and academic school interactions delivered at normal speed / S6 (Competent)
0 uses language appropriately across the curriculum for different academic purposes (e.g. explaining) – some minor errors may still be evident
0 uses more complex sentences / S6 (Competent)
0 understands many culturally embedded references and idioms, but may still require explanations
0 can read complex texts starting to go beyond the literal by using some higher order reading skills such as inference and deduction (from KS2) / S6 (Competent)
0 can produce appropriately structured and generally accurate work in a variety of familiar academic contexts with few errors and without support
0 requires support to develop the organisational skills and appropriate linguistic forms for new contexts
S7 (Independent)
Pupils have the range of listening skills necessary to participate fully within the curriculum and can be fairly assessed using only the National Curriculum for English. / S7 (Independent)
Pupils have the range of speaking skills necessary to participate fully within the curriculum and can be fairly assessed using only the National Curriculum for English. / S7 (Independent)
Pupils have the range of reading skills necessary to participate fully within the curriculum and can be fairly assessed using only the National Curriculum for English. / S7 (Independent)
Pupils have the range of literacy skills necessary to participate fully within the curriculum and can be fairly assessed using only the National Curriculum for English.