Ahlam Sh Al- Natour. PhD, MSN, RN
Work Address
Jordan University of Science and Technology
College of Nursing
Department of Community and Mental Health Nursing
Irbid, Jordan
Po. Box. 3030
e. Mail:
Dgree / specialty / Date of Graduation / University / Thesis TitleBSN / Nursing / 08/06/21994 / Jordan university of science and Technology / --
MSN / Community Health Nursing / 09/02/2003 / Jordan university of science and Technology / "The Lived Experience of Abuse Jordanian Women Undergoing Intimate Partner Violence"
PhD / Community Health Nursing / 09/06/2012 / University of Cincinnati
Ohio, USA / - Jordanian Nurses Barriers to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence
Job Title / Workplace setting / country / DurationAssistant Professor / Jordan University of science and Technology (JUST)
-College of Nursing-Department of Community and Mental Health Nursing / Irbid, Jordan / 09-2012 to present
Chairperson /Department of Community and Mental Health Nursing / -(JUST) University
-College of Nursing-Department of Community and Mental Health Nursing / Irbid, Jordan / 09-2015to 09-2016
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant / University of Cincinnati
College of Nursing, / Cincinnati, Ohio / 09-2009 to 06-2012
Teacher Assistant / Al al -Bayet University Collage of Nursing / Jordan, Al- Mafraq / 09-2003 to 09-2007
Staff Nurse / - UNRWA (United Nation Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugee in the Near East) / Jordan, Irbid / 01-1997to 03-2001
Staff Nurse / Jordan University of Science and Technology) health center / Jordan, Irbid / 10-1994 to 01-1997
COURSE TAUGHT 2012-2018 ...... JUST University / Faculty of Nursing
1.Oweis, A.,Gharaibeh, M.,Al-Natour, A.,Froelicher, E. (2009). Violence against Women: Unveiling the suffering of women with a low income in Jordan.Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20(1), 69-76.doi: 10.1177/1043659608325848
2. Gillespie, G. L.,Al-Natour, A., Marcum, M., & Sheehan, H. (2010).The prevalence of seatbelt use among pediatric hospital workers.AAOHN Journal, 58(11), 483-486.doi:10.3928/08910162-20101018-02
3. Gillespie, G. L., Gates, D. M.,Mentzel, T.,Al-Natour, A.,Kowalenko, T. (2013).Evaluation of a comprehensive ED violence prevention program.Journal of Emergency Nursing, 39(4), 376-383.doi:10.1016/j.jen.2012.12.010
4.Al-Natour, A.,Gillespie, G. L.,Felblinger, D., & Wang, L.(2014)."A Comparison of Intimate Partner Violence between Jordanian Nurses and Jordanian Women".JFN,March 2014 - Volume 10 - Issue 1, 13-19
5.Al-Natour, A.,Gillespie, G. L.,Felblinger, D., & Wang, L.(2014).Jordanian Nurses' Barriers to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence.Violence Against Women DOI: 10.1177/1077801214559057.
6. Al-Natour, A.,Qandil, A., Gillespie, G. L.(2015). Intimate Partner Violence Screening barriers as Perceived by Jordanian Nurses :A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(9), 11-16. DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v5n9p11
7. Al-Natour, A.,Qandil, A., Gillespie, G. L.(2016). Nurses’ roles in screening for intimate partner violence: a phenomenological study. International Nursing Review 63, 422–428
8. Heyam F. Dalky, Abeer M. Qandil, Ahlam Sh. Natour & Meininger C. Janet. (2016). Quality of Life, Stigma and Burden Perception Among Family Caregivers and Patients with Psychiatric Illnesses in Jordan.Community Mental Health Journal, 52(4).DOI 10.1007/s10597-016-0028-0
9. Al-Natour, A., Al Momani, S.M. & Qandil, A.M.A. J. The Relationship Between Spirituality and Quality of Life of Jordanian Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. (2017). Relig Health, 1-13.doi:10.1007/s10943-017-0370-8
10. Alzoubi, F. A., Ali, R. A., Flah, I. H., & Alnatour, A. (2017). Mothers’ knowledge & perception about child sexual abuse in Jordan.Child Abuse & Neglect.
11. Alzyoud, F., Khoshnood, K., Alnatour, A., & Owis, A. (2017). Exposure to Verbal Abuse and Neglect during Childbirth among Jordanian Women.Midwifery, 58, 71-76.
12.Ali. R.A., Alnatour. A., Alnuaimi. K ., Alzoubi. F., Almomani. M., & Othman. A.Effects of interactive teaching on universitystudents’ knowledge and attitude toward reproductive health: a pilot study in Jordan. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.211–221.
12. Al-Natour, A., Al-Ostaz,.S.,Morris, E. (2018). Marital Violence during War Conflict: The Lived Experience of Syrian Refugee Women. Journal of Transcultural Nursing (Accepted , In press).
1. Jordanian Nurses Barriers to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence
Funded by Sigma Theta Tau International in the amount of $4,844
Funding period: 06-2011 to 05-2012
Principal Investigator: Ahlam Al-Natour
Co-investigators: Gordon Lee Gillespie, Dianne Felblinger, & Leigh Wang
Topic: investigate the barriers inhibiting nurses in Irbid, Jordan from conducting intimate partner violence screening
2. Culture Care Meanings of Jordanian Arab Muslim Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. The 37th Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Las Vegas, NV.
Funded by: College of Nursing& Graduate Student Governance Association (GSGA) in the amount of $ 900
Funding period: October, 2011
Principal presenter: Ahlam Al-Natour, PhD(C), RN.
Co- presenter: Edie Morris, PhD, RN.
3. “Perceptions of interactive health promotion course among university students: descriptive qualitative study "
Funded by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) the amount of 1400 JD
Funding period: 06-2016 to 06-2017
Principal Investigator: Ahlam Al-Natour
- 2nd international Congress on Nursing (ICON-2018). April 13-15, 2018. Istanbul, Turkey. Paper presentation: Understanding Violence against women by the Context of Jordanian Culture.
- 42 transcultural Nursing Conference. October, 12-15, 2016. Cincinnati, Ohio Paper presentation: Does Culture Affect Nurses Intimate Partner Violence screening Roles And Practices: The Experience Of Jordanian Nurses.
- World Congress on Nursing and Health care. April, 18-20, 2016. Dubai, UAE.Paper presentation: Jordanian Nurses Barriers to screening for Violence against Women: A significant implication for Nursing Education and Practice
- National Conference for Workplace Violence Prevention & Management in Healthcare Settings. May 11-13, 2012; Cincinnati, Ohio. Paper presentation: Intimate Partner violence against Jordanian Nurses.
- 37th Annual Conference Transcultural Nursing Society. Exploring the World of Transcultural nursing: Coming together to Transformation Health Care. Las Vegas, NV, (October, 20-22, 2011). Poster presentation: Culture care meanings of Jordanian Arab Muslim women experiencing intimate partner violence.
- Professional Leadership development conference (May, 6, 2011). University of Cincinnati.
- Professional Leadership development conference (May, 7, 2010). University of Cincinnati.
- The Seventh International Middle East Nursing Conference (May, 8-9, 2002). Jordan University of Science and Technology. J.U.S.T University. Participated in a presentation (The Lived Experience of Abused Jordanian Women).
- The Third International Nursing Conference (Nov 18-19, 1997). University of Jordan.
- The Third International Middle -East Nursing Conference (April, 24-25, 1994). Jordan University of Science and Technology. J.U.S.T University.
- The Second International Middle- East Conference (April, 27-28, 1992). Jordan University of Science and Technology (J.U.S.T).
1. Mentzel, T., Gates, D., Gillespie, G., Kowalenko, T., Al-Natour, A. (2012, 11-13, May). An Intervention for Reducing Violence against Healthcare Workers.National Conference for Workplace Violence Prevention & Management in Healthcare Settings. Cincinnati, OH
2. Gates, D., Al-Natour, A., Mentzel, T., Gillespie, G., Kowalenko, T. (2012, 11-13, May). Evaluation of a Comprehensive Violence Prevention Program in Emergency Departments.National Conference for Workplace Violence Prevention & Management in Healthcare Settings. Cincinnati, OH.
3. Gates. D., Gillespie, G.L., Kowalenko, T., Al-Natour, A., Mentzel, T. (2012, 17-20 April). Reducing Violence against Emergency Department Workers: An Academic-Hospital Partnership. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care. Paris, France.
4. Al-Natour, A., & Morris, E. (October 19-22, 2011). Culture care meanings of Jordanian Arab Muslim women experiencing intimate partner violence. Accepted for poster presentation at the 37th Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Las Vegas, NV.
- “Introducing reproductive health curriculum” (December7-10, 2015). University of Sant-Joseph. Beirut, Lebanon
- Preventing and Managing Health Worker Exposure to Occupational Violence in Health Care Institutions”. (May 25-27, 2015). American university of Beirut/ faculty of health science.
- Scientific day: Toward Creativity and Excellence in Nursing. (April 2nd, 2015). Al-Zaytoonah University/College of Nursing
- Scientific day: the Role of health care providers in family violence. (April21st , 2013). Jordan University/College of Nursing
- Scientific day: nursing education and practice: Challenges and suggested Remedies. (April 11th, 2013), Al-Isra University/College of Nursing
- Preventing Harassment. (February 27, 2012). University of Cincinnati.
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Roundtables: QSEN principles and Implications on Nursing Education. (November 7, 2011). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Roundtables: Copyrights Law and Education: Avoiding Violation of Intellectual Property Rights in the Academic Setting. (April 4, 2011). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Roundtables: Contenting Education: Teaching Large Classes. (February 7, 2011). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Facilitating Health Behavior Change: Using Self-Determination Theory to Guide Research & Clinical Scholarship. Conducted by: Daryl Sharp, PhD. (November 9, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Roundtables: IRB Considerations in SoTL Research. (November 1, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Peer review of Teaching: How to Make it Meaningful. Conducted by: Terry Berry, PhD, RN. (May 3, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Community-Based Participatory Research: Partnership Approach to health Research and Intervention. (April 20, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- The Presence and Absence of Cultural Diversity in the Nurse Education Curriculum. Conducted by: Roger Collins, PhD. (April 5, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Practice Based Research in Cincinnati: New Directions, New Collaborations. (March 13, 2010). Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center/ Cincinnati Children Hospital.
- Comprehensive Approaches to Reduce Workplace Violence in Health Care. Conducted by Corinne Peek-Asa, PhD, MPH. (March 10, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Kids These Days: Using Theory to Explain The Ever Evolving Student. (February 1, 2010). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- Mixed Method: Principles, Purpose and Practice. Conducted by: Janice Morris, PhD, RN. (October 26, 2009). University of Cincinnati/ College of Nursing.
- “Mentorship of nursing students: train the trainer program” (April 25-29, 2004). Sponsored by the Jordanian Nursing Council.
- “Counseling regarding reproductive health” (Oct, 1-2, 2003). Sponsored by the USAID.
- “Qualitative Research Methodology” (Jun, 10-13, 2002). Sponsored by the Applied Science University.
- “Network Building and the Reproductive Health Policy Process. (Nov, 11-13, 2001). Sponsored by the Queen Zein Al Sharaf Institute for Development.
Jordanian Nursing Council
Activity: Member
Date: 06-2004 to present
Sigma Theta Tau International
Activity: Member
Date: 04-2010 -04-2012
Transcultural Nursing Society
Activity: Member
Date: 10-2011 - 10-2012
Violence & Trauma Research Interest Group
Activity: Member
Date: 09-2010 to 2012
Trans-cultural Research Interest Group/
Cincinnati/ Ohio
Activity: Member
Date: 03-2011 to 2012
2016-present : Committee member / CentralAcademic Quality committee- Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)/College of Nursing
2015-2016-: Committee member: College of Nursing/ CentralAcademic Quality committee- Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)/
2015-2016 College of Nursing/ WHO Collaborating Center committee-
Jordan Universityof Science and Technology (JUST)
2015-2016-: Committee member: College of Nursing/ curriculum committee- Jordan
University of Science and Technology (JUST)
2015-2016-: Committee member: College of Nursing/ graduate studies committee- Jordan
University of Science and Technology (JUST)
2015-2016-: Committee member: College of Nursing/ Academic advising committee-
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
2012-2015: Committee member: College of Nursing Journal Club - Jordan
University of Science and Technology (JUST)
2015-2016: Committee member: department committee membership/ College of
Nursing Research Evaluation Committee for Faculty and Master’s
students– JUST.
2012- 2017: Committee member: College of Nursing Research Evaluation
Committee for Faculty and Master’s students – JUST. 2012-2015
May, 2012: Committee member: National Conference for Workplace Violence
Prevention & Management in Healthcare Settings. University of
Cincinnati, Ohio.
May, 2011 Committee member: Professional Leadership development
conference. University of Cincinnati.
May, 2010 Committee member :Professional Leadership development
Conference. University of Cincinnati.
Research Membership
Bodor Bader, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity:master program/ internal examiner
Thesis title: workplace violence among Kuwait nurses
Date: 01-2013
Sharaf al Momani, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ major advisor
thesis title: the relationship between Spirituality and Quality of Life of Jordanian
women diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Date: 02-2013 to 05-2015
Khaled al Omary, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ major advisor
Thesis title: the relationship betweenmarital violence and physical and mental
healthof female Jordanian nurses
Date: 02-2013 to 05-2015
Fatima Alzyoud, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ co-advisor
Thesis title: Jordanian women exposure to verbal abuse and neglect during
Date: 02-2013 to 04-2015
Intisar Hussein Flah, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ internal examiner
Thesis title: Mothers Knowledge, Perceptions, and Prevention Practices regarding child sexual abuse in Jordan.
Muna Al-BatarnehenglishEnglish, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ co-advisor
Thesis title: Violence against Jordanian infertile women: prevalence and risk factors
Date: 11-2014 to 05, 2016
Abduljawad Hasan Al- Gharaibeh, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ internal examiner
Thesis title: Health promotion Practices among Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Date: (2016)
Samar Al-Ostaz, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ Major advisor
Thesis title: Violence against Jordanian Syrian refugees women: the lived experience
Date: 02-2015 to 01-2017
Ishtar Abdelraheem, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ co-advisor
Thesis title:The Relationship Between School Violence And Some Lifestyle Behaviors Among Adolescent In Jordan
Date: 10-2015 to 12-2016
Amani Qwasmi, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ internal examiner
Thesis title: Relationship between Psychological Wellbeing, Marital Violence, Social Support and Under-nutrition among Pregnant and Lactating Jordanian and Syrian Women
Date: (December, 2016)
Marah AlInraheem, RN, MSN
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ internal examiner
Thesis title: Jordanian Women Experiences after Undergoing Unsuccessful In Vitro Fertilization
Date: (January, 2017)
Lubna Al-Tarawneh
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Activity: master program/ internal examiner
Thesis title: The Impact of an Educational intervention on Nurses' Knowledge and Nursing Care Practices Regarding Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Neonate
Date: (April, 2017)
Community Services
-Plan and conduct an event (17/06/2014)with collaboration with RELIEF International Organization and LDC- Charity for SOS children. The event included: Greeting , puppet show about tooth care and hygiene, children shared some songs, and traditional dance (Dabkah), lunch at University cafeteria, and making a round to the university campus.
- Conducted health educational day (16/12/2014) with community master students at Ammar bin Yaser school at Al-Sareeh, Irbid. Master students conducted educational sessions and educational material about: drug addiction, tooth hygiene, food poisoning, and smoking cigarettes. The Royal health Awareness Society provided some presents(towels, toothbrush and paste) for school students who actively shared and participated in the event.
- Conducted health educational day (9/04/2017) with undergraduate Nursing students in the course of "Community health Nursing/ Clinical" at Al -No'aimeh, Primary Health Care Center, Irbid. Students conducted educational sessions and educational material about: Diabetes Miletus, Hypertension, diabetic foot,obesity, healthy diet, anemia during pregnancy, Osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, and vitamin D deficiency. Activities included also measuring blood sugar, measuring Blood pressure, taking body weight and length , and calculating body mass index for women and patients attending the health center for seeking care and follow up
- Conducted health educational day (17/04/2018) with master students in the course of "health promotionand health education through life span"at Al al-Sareeh, Primary Health Care Center, Irbid. Master students conducted educational sessions and educational material about: vaccinations, and Urine Incontinence for women attending the health center for children follow up or maternal care.
-Conducted health educational day (18/04/2018) with master students in the course NUR 768 "health promotion and health education through life span" at Al-Takaful, Health Care Center, al-Ramtha, Irbid. Master students conducted educational sessions and educational material about: physical Fitness, and Osteoporosis for women and patients attending the health center for seeking care.
Gordon Lee Gillespie,PhD, RN
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing 3110 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45221-0038, USA e-mail:
Phone: +1 (513) 558- 5236
Shambley-Ebron,Donna,PhD, RN-CTN-A
Associate Professor Director, PhD Program
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing 3110 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45221-0038, USA e-mail : Phone: +1 (513) 558- 5248
Dr. Huda Gharaibeh, RN, PhD
Dean Faculty of Nursing Jordan University of Science and Technology Director of WHO Collaborating Center
Po Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Phone: +962 2 720 1000, 23606 e -mail:
Dr. Laila Akhu-Zaheya , RN, PhD Vise-Dean Faculty of Nursing Jordan University of Science and Technology Director of WHO Collaborating Center
Po Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Phone: +962 2 720 1000, 23606 e -mail:
Raeda Abu ALRub , RN, DNS, Faculty of Nursing Jordan University of Science and Technology Director of WHO Collaborating Center
Po Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Phone: +962 2 720 1000. e-mail: