Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology
Face-to-Face Common Syllabus
Fall 2017
Examines the types of situations that pose ethical problems in the workplace. Emphasis is on integrity, personal morality, honesty and social responsibility. Case studies and comparison/contrast of legal/ethical issues are also discussed.
Theory. Available online.
Course Purpose:
The purpose of this course is to become aware of ethical situations and related business law in the workplace.
Type of Course: Theory
Credit Hours: 3; Total clock hours of theory per semester: 45;
Total clock hours of lab per semester: 0; Total clock hours of clinical per semester: 0.
Class Length: Full
Prerequisites: None
Instructor Name: Brenda Lewis Instructor Phone: (918) 293-4806
Office: Noble Center Room 314 Instructor Email:
Contact: My preferred method of contact is email. Please allow 24-48 hours to return your correspondence during the normal work week.
Instructor's Office Hours: MWF 9:30-noon; TR 8:00-9:30 Email before you make a trip to campus
School Name: Arts & Sciences, Mark Allen, Dean School Main Phone: 918-293-4830
Required Text, References, and Materials
References: Business Ethics , 9th ed., William H. Shaw, Cengage Learning.
ISBN 13: 978-1-305-58208-8 4th semester to use
Materials: Notebook paper, pen, pencil; access to computer and Internet; USB drive to save all work; ear phones for viewing videos on campus
Uniform/Tools: none
Estimated Cost for Materials: $162.50 New
Based on current bookstore cost $121.00 Used
Optional Resources: List of tools, with cost, that may be available to students, but are not required for course success, i.e. optional solution manual, practice test, supplemental software or text.
Upon completion of the course, students should:
Course Objectives / Assessment of ObjectivesIdentify characteristics commonly associated with professional behavior in the workplace. / *Interview, written assignments, tests
Recognize ethical concerns in business today. / *Interview, written assignments, tests
Discuss the relation of ethics and law in business / *Interview, written assignments, tests
Evaluate and synthesize major approaches to ethic decision-making in business / *Interview, written assignments, tests
Apply decision-making skills to resolve business situations involving ethical and legal concerns / *Interview, written assignments, tests
Research strategies that promote ethical behavior in the workplace / Interview, written assignments, tests
*Aspects of the course objective assessments may be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. If applicable, an asterisk (*) above indicates this course is used in the university assessment program.
Course Activities
In this course students will:
Ø Participate in class discussions and activities.
Ø View videos that depict the various concepts.
Ø Participate in small group discussions and activities.
Ø Take examinations/quizzes.
Ø Complete reading assignments
Ø Complete writing assignments
Evaluation - Grades will be based on the quality and completion of these tasKS: (NOTE-Please indicate the course specific evaluations. List assignment(s) used in the university’s assessment of student learning as separate line items and marked with an asterisk.)
*Professional Interview Project 15% 150 points
Daily In-class Assignments 45% 450 points approximate
Out of Class Assignments 20% 200 points approximate
Quizzes 20% 200 points approximate
Total 100% 1000 points
Extra points are possible by donating blood on campus, writing
over select PBS documentaries, and attending specific on-campus activities. See D2L Content for details and class announcements.
*The student’s grade for this assignment will be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. A 70% competency or higher receives a Pass rating. This Pass/Fail rating is independent of the student’s course grade.
If 1000 points isn’t reached, final grade will be based on your points percent of the total.
Final grades are not rounded up.
Daily and/or weekly quizzes, small weekly assignments and similar type projects: Normal return time to student by next class meeting or no later than one (1) week.
Extensive assignments, large lab projects, extensive quizzes, exams and similar type projects: Normal return time to students in one (1) to two (2) weeks.
· basic computer skills (creating/saving/uploading Word files)
· navigate Brightspace Desire to Learn (D2L)
· pass reading component of Accuplacer
All quizzes and written out of class assignments are to be completed independently; no collaboration with classmates is permitted and any instance of such will be considered academic dishonesty.
Student Orangemail (Google email) is used extensively for communications between the university, faculty, and students. Please check daily. Recommended to add Gmail app to smartphones.
Brightspace D2L works through Chrome.
OUT OF CLASS Assignment Preparation
Instructions for specific assignments will be announced and posted to D2L News.
Readings and assignments to be done outside of class will be announced in class and posted to Online Classroom (D2L) News. If you miss a class, check here first.
College students are expected to write correctly and coherently on all written assignments.
Out of class assignments must be prepared in a Word file, no other format. No other formats are acceptable.
Out of class assignments must be typed with name and assignment info, saved, descriptively named (for example, “Ch 2 Review Questions”) and submitted to the appropriate D2L dropbox folder by class time of the due date. Only in-class work may be handwritten.
Late work is not accepted. If you are absent from class for any reason, assignments made will be posted to D2L. Assignment submissions to D2L Dropbox must be made by class time on the due date to be accepted and graded.
Complete out of class work with plenty of time to submit. Computer/electrical/Internet problems can happen, but no extensions of time will be granted.
Quizzes are unannounced at any point during class time or online, valued at up to
20 points each. Missed quizzes cannot be made up, so read the assigned material and show up for class on time.
The subject of ethics in business and society invites discussion. Our classroom will be a comfortable venue for expressing ideas and informed opinions. We won’t always agree with each other, but we can demonstrate and expect respect and tolerance. Today’s workplace values diversity; civil discourse is required here and there as well
Respectful speech and behavior is required in a civilized society. Please don’t talk when someone else is talking; no foul language, insults, hate speech, or embarrassing others.
I expect on time arrival and full attendance of classes and your full attention; I expect courtesy and civility toward everyone in the room. I view cellphone usage during class as disrespectful. When class begins, phones must be silenced and put away. After one warning, I will ask the student to leave the room without points that may be assigned that day. If you must use your phone during class, excuse yourself and take it in the hall.
Headphones, tablets, and computers should not be used during this class unless an accommodation letter is on file.
View the Syllabus Attachment, which contains other important information, by visiting http://osuit.edu/center/student_syllabus_information
Course Schedule (tentative)*Week / Topic / Assignment
1, 2 / Course syllabus, Online Classroom D2L, interview / General course requirements
3,4,5 / Ethics in the workplace; general ethics theories / Textbook Chs 1&2 Nature of Morality, Normative Theories of Ethics; videos; definitions; questions, quizzes “Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room” (2005)
6,7,8 / Capitalism and Corporations in society / Chs 4&5 Nature of Capitalism, Corporations; articles, definitions. Videos: “Inside Job” (2010), questions, quizzes Professional Interview due
9,10,11 / Privacy at work, rights, laws / Chs 8&9 The Workplace(1) The Basic Issues, The Workplace(2) Today’s Challenges; definitions, videos, questions, quizzes.
12-15 / Valuing diversity in the workplace; rights, laws / Chs 10&11 Moral Choices, Job Discrimination, articles, court cases; definitions, videos, quizzes
*Schedule subject to change at instructor discretion. All assignments will be announced in class and posted to D2L News with adequate time for completion. Due to the nature of business ethics, these assignments may change or be replaced by current news articles. Please do not work ahead.
See D2L Content for this info.
See D2L Content for details.
Updated: 8/30/2017Face-to-Face Page 1 of 5