THIS MEMORANDUM is made on …………………….…….. , ......
The Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development
Infrastructure Division (MEHRD-ICU)
...... Education Authority
The School Board,
Parent Teacher Association
and Community of
...... School, …………………………………..… Province
The implementation of the ……………………………..…………………. School Solar Project
Version 7 (23-10-2013).
This Memorandum supersedes any previous MOU.
This Memorandum sets out the responsibilities of each party in relation to the implementation of the above school solar electrificationproject.
- Overall objective:
The overall objective of the project is to improve the environment for teaching and learning at the schools, and thereby improve educational outcomes for the students the teachers, and community groups using the school for educational reasons.The project design and implementation and the ongoing management of the solar power will be guided by this principle at all times. - Recipients:
The recipients of the project shall be the school and the education authority. Any assets provided through the project shall be formally handed over to the school education authorities before the closure of the project. - Participation and Access:
Women and men, teachers and students, will be equally engaged in planning, design, monitoring and maintenance of the solar power systems and access to electrical services. Vulnerable and disadvantaged people will be identified and prioritized to ensure the planning and management of the solar power facilities reflects their needs.
- Protection:
The design and location of solar electrification facilities will be informed by all stakeholders. Special consideration will be given to vulnerable groups and specifically women and children, in order to protect them from any adverse impacts arising from the solar installations, through consultation with such groups.
- Coordination of management arrangements for WASH and Solar Power:
All stakeholders will agree to coordinate the management of any existing or future water and sanitation (WASH) programmes implemented at the school with the solar power. Therefore, when the need arises this agreement may be amended to incorporate the appropriate arrangements for managing WASH.
- General principles regarding responsibility for repairs and replacements of equipment:
All the equipment is covered by manufacturer’s warranty. Likewise, the installation work is guaranteed by the contractors for a fixed period. Equipment that needs replacement under warranty, and repairs to the installation works that meet warranty conditions will be addressed by the project contractors. The MEHRD Project Officer will supervise to ensure the contractors fulfill their obligations. A backup company will be contracted by the Ministry of Education to carry out repair work and for the first three years replace equipment that has failed for reasons other than misuse, malicious or accidental damage, pests and insects, or out-of-limit environmental conditions. Such needs will be partly met through spare parts procured in advance by the project.Schools will be responsible for the costs of replacing or repairing and reinstalling any equipment that is damaged by any cause other than installation work or is stolen. After the first three years,the schools are responsible for the costs of replacing equipment and repairs (outside of warranty) through their normal budgeting process.
- Provide oversight, manage and maintain their solar power facilities through a Solar Management Committee, as per the most recent terms of reference. This may be a newly formed committee or an existing one (including the PTA itself). Where a WASH programme exists, the committee shall be known as the Solar and WASH Management Committee.
- Review and approve the nomination of one or more qualified teachers or ancillary staff member for the role of Solar Technical Teacher/Officer, as per the most recent terms of reference, and seek endorsement from the Education Authority.
- Review and approve one or more suitable candidates nominated by the PTA for the role of Community Solar Champion.
- Approve theSchool Solar Policy/Plandeveloped by the PTA and seek endorsement from the Education Authority.
- To ensure that all the Board Members are fully aware of the management arrangements and the terms of reference for the management committee as described in this document, and the arrangements as described in the Monitoring and Maintenance Manual provided by MEHRD-ICU. Copies of these documents must be available to members at all times.
- In collaboration with the Education Authority, to put aside a portion of the school grant allocation for infrastructure towards the maintenance, repair and replacement parts for the solar power systems after the five year backup support lapses.
- To meet the costs of repairing, replacing and reinstalling any equipment that fails due to accidental, animal, out-of-limit environmental or malicious damage or is stolen.
- Nominate qualified persons for the roles of Technical Teacher and Community Solar Champion, as per the most recent terms of reference:
- Represent parents in the decision making processes and management of the solar power facilities through the Management Committee;
- Develop a School Solar Policy/Plan outlining strategies and applications of the solar power supplies intended to achieve the desired goals of the UNICEF project. The plan will be developed as part of the project activities, and will interpret and extend those goals to reflect the local situation, needs and priorities.
- Keep safe the materials supplied for the implementation of the project. These materials remain the property of the implementing agency until project handover.
- All staff will participate in the training to be provided by the contractors;
- Day to day management, maintenance and monitoring tasks will be carried out by the Technical Teacher/Officer. Working in close collaboration with the Community Solar Champion, he/she will be responsible for the daily and periodic inspection, monitoring, minor repairs and maintenance, fault reporting and coordination with staff and community as laid out in the Monitoring and Maintenance Manual.
- Staff members and students will at all times abide by the rules and procedures laid down in the School Solar Policy;
- Participate in the managementand maintenance of the school solar power facilities through representation in the Management Committee;
- The Community Solar Champion will engage in routine monitoring and management tasks in collaboration with the school staff as appropriate;
- Participate in the planning of the implementation of the Project;
- Access the solar power for approved uses and applications only, as laid out in the School Solar Policy/Plan.
- Refer all enquiries concerning the solar power system status and usage to the Management Committee via the Community Solar Champion.
- Work in close collaboration with the Education Authority, ensure that access to the school by project staff and contractors is agreed by the authority, and that all project activities and on-going arrangements are made in consultation with them.
- Review and agree a Monitoring and Maintenance Manual developed by the contractors. This will describe in detail how the school, Project Officer and backup company will work together to monitor and maintain all the systems.
- Recruit and main the position of Project Officer, whose role is as per the most recent terms of reference, and will includecarrying out the tasks outlined in the Monitoring and Maintenance Manual and coordinating with the stakeholders including the contractors, backup company and education authorities;
- Assist the school and communitywith the planning, and (engineering) design of their solar power project.
- Monitor the construction of solar power supply facilities by the contractors and ensure their quality.
- Keep records of the inventory of equipment at each school and check during on-site monitoring.
- Provide annual refresher training that also caters for newly appointed technical teachers and community champions.
- Monitor the training and education provided by the contractors on monitoring, basic maintenance and uses of the solar power and ensure the quality of the training.
- Provide on-going back up and support services via a qualified local solar power company over a five year period and meet the cost of equipment replacement (as described in the General Principles)
- Coordinate with the partners, participate in the decision making and design of the project activities;
- Approve access to the schools for contractors, and any policies developed by the schools for the use and management of the solar power facilities;
- Working in close collaboration with the partners, to integrate the management and maintenance of the solar power facilities into their education and school development programmes;
- In collaboration with the school, to agree on a portion of the school grant allocation that should be put aside for infrastructure towards the maintenance, repair and replacement parts for the solar power systems.
- To keep records of teachers who have received certificates for attending and participating project and annual training and reflect this in their teacher transfer policy;
- TOR for the Management Committee
- TOR for the Technical Teacher
- TOR for the Community Solar Champion
- TOR for the Project Officer
Entry into Force and Termination:
This MOU shall come into effect upon the day of signing and shall remain in force until replaced by a new one, or unless terminated by mutual agreement between the two parties. Any modification to this MOU must been endorsed by both parties.
Term of Reference – Management Committee
Version 2.0 / 1st Oct 2013
Project information
The Schools Solar Power project is implemented by UNICEF and the Infrastructure Division of the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development. The installation, training and back-up service is provided by contractors Leeming international Consulting and Willies Solar and Electrical Company.
The project aims to improve the environment for teaching and learning through installation of solar power supplies with lighting, fans and AC outlets in classrooms and staff houses, and where possible, to support water and sanitation facilities.
The community will benefit from raised quality of education for their children and extended learning opportunities as a result of improved lighting and power for electronic resources. Opportunities for coordinated use of the solar power for productive purposes, especially for women and adult learners will be identified, for instance the use of sewing machines and computing/Internet facilities.
The coordination of the project, roles and responsibilities are defined in the School Community Agreement on the Solar Power Project, which sets out the responsibilities of the school, board, community, PTA, education authority, Ministry and the contractors.
The local coordination and oversight is through the Solar Management Committee.
Terms of reference
The Management Committee is established by the school board on the advice of the PTA and has membership from the school staff and community, including the Technical Teacher/Officer and Community Solar Champion. The Management Committee will:
- Be nominated by the PTA (or may even be the PTA) and approved by the Board;
- Promote gender equality by having female members on the committee, and to promote uses of the solar power that favour women and girl students;
- Will serve as a link with the community and will carry out awareness activities for the community on issues such as security, access, benefits and opportunities;
- Establish and maintain good relationship with the contractors, backup company and MEHRD ICU Project Officer;
- Ensure that the monitoring and maintenance and reporting is carried out, as according to the Monitoring and Maintenance Manual provided by MEHRD.
- Provide oversight of the solar power supplies, how they are used, and who has access to them;
- Ensure that the solar power supplies are used appropriately;
- Monitor approved uses of the solar power supplies;
- To advise the Board on opportunities for school development arising from the availability of power, such as the application of ICT.
- Consider applications from the school or community for new applications of the power supplies and approve them or not, based on agreed criteria provided by the project;
- Meet at least twice per year to review progress and reports from the Technical Teacher and Community Champion, or as required to consider urgent matters.
- Provide a report as according to the manual, to the Board and through them to the Education Authority and MEHRD. This will describe benefits and impacts (especially educational) as well as any challenges and problems, and accounts of any technical issues.
- Collaborate closely with the MEHRD Project Officer and respond to queries from the stakeholders;
- These terms of reference will be refined in consultation with the school and community.
Term of Reference – Solar Technical Teacher/Officer
Version 1.0 / 17th July 2013
Project information
The Schools Solar Power project is implemented by UNICEF and the Infrastructure Division of the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development. The installation, training and back-up service is provided by contractors Leeming international Consulting and Willies Solar and Electrical Company.
The project aims to improve the environment for teaching and learning through installation of solar power supplies with lighting, fans and AC outlets in classrooms and staff houses, and where possible, to support water and sanitation facilities.
The community will benefit from raised quality of education for their children and extended learning opportunities as a result of improved lighting and power for electronic resources. Opportunities for coordinated use of the solar power for productive purposes, especially for women and adult learners will be identified, for instance the use of sewing machines and computing/Internet facilities.
The coordination of the project, roles and responsibilities are defined in the School Community Agreement on the Solar Power Project, which sets out the responsibilities of the school, board, community, PTA, education authority, Ministry and the contractors.
The local coordination and oversight is through the Solar Management Committee. A key member of the committee is the Technical Teacher/Officer, who is a teacher with technical skills and interest or an ancillary staff member such as a maintenance person. He/she is nominated by the School Board.
Terms of reference
The role of the Technical Teacher/Officer is to be the focal point in the school for the project and on-going sustainable operation of the power supplies and services. He/she will receive training during the project and through annual refresher training.
The Technical Teacher/Officer will be responsible for:
- Carrying out minor repairs and maintenance of the infrastructure, both scheduled and ad-hoc and as described below, and to keep records in the log books provided;
- Monitoring of the solar power systems in the classrooms and the staff houses and writing down the data the log books provided;
- Carrying out regular inspections, consulting the school staff on the status of their solar power systems, and in other ways to identify faults that require action. To report faults that need to be repaired by the backup company, using the official reporting system as outlined below;
- Provide monthly reports to the Management Committee;
- Participate in the main project technical training workshop and annual refresher training organised by the backup company;
- To represent the school in any project meetings and activities;
- To communicate with staff and board members and explain project information, and respond to queries;
These terms of reference will be refined in consultation with the school and community.
The role of Community Solar Champion requires the following attributes:
- Current teacher or ancillary staff member at the school;
- An interest in solar power and technology
- Some experience with technology
- Able to communicate effectively via ICT (phone, SMS, email is possible)
- Willingness to be trained to carry out technical tasks
- Committed to the improvement of the school
- A good communicator
The incentive of the Technical Teacher/Officer will be to serve his/her school and community and ensure the project outcomes will continue to benefit the community through improved and extended education performance .
He/she will also benefit from initial and annual technical training, and will receive certification by the Solomon Islands foremost renewable energy company and project contractor, Willies Solar and Electrical Company. The certification will be recognised by the education authorities and contribute merit points in professional development and will be taken into consideration in the teacher placement procedures (transfers).
The project will cover any expenses incurred during agreed activities including communication, accommodation, travel and allowances when away from the school.
Term of Reference – Community Solar Champion
Version 1.0 / 17th July 2013
Project information
The Schools Solar Power project is implemented by UNICEF and the Infrastructure Division of the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development. The installation, training and back-up service is provided by contractors Leeming international Consulting and Willies Solar and Electrical Company.