Position Title and No.: / Project Management + Design + Procurement + Construction + Maintenance + Transfer / Road Asset Management
Name of Expert: / Helmut Giesa
Date of Birth: / 24.04.1955
Country of Citizenship/Residence: / German
Education: / 1988 – 1993 / University in Hagen, Germany
Post-graduate studies of ECONOMICS /
Accounting / Financial Management as a part-time student
1973-1981 / Univ. of Technical University of Munich, Germany,
Graduation in CIVIL Engineering / TOWN PLANNING /
TRANSPORTATION, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. (=MSc equivalent),
1970- 1973 / University of Applied Science in Munich,
Germany, Degree in SURVEYING / QS - Engineering
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)(=BSc equivalent)
Language Skills: / speaking / reading / writing
German / excellent / excellent / excellent
English / excellent / excellent / excellent
Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:
Member of the German Institution of Arbitration / DIS (Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit)
VSVI (Society for Road Construction and Transportation Engineers),
GPM (Association for Project Management),
DVP (German Association of Project Controllers),
VDI (Association of German Engineers
A _ GENERAL Key Skills necessary in all DBOMT / OPRC - Project Management Cycles in Road + Bridge
Sector within Authorities (~ 11 years), Consulting Firm / PM-Institutes (11 yr), and Construction Industry (~11 yrs)
A1 Three academic formal EDUCATIONs (i) Surveying / Quantity Surveying, (ii) Civil / Structural Eng. (Roads/Bridges, Town Planning, Transportation and (iii) post-graduate studies Economics.
A2 Skills in several infrastructural SECTORS:
in all project cycles like studies, financing agreements, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation + maintenance
Energy + Facilities: EPC-Power Generation, Converter Station, Transmission, Distribution of Electricity and all attached facilities / common Buildings for administration + operation.
Buildings : EPC / Turnkey buildings (Luxury Hotels, Apartment Houses, Service Buildings,
Boarding Houses up to 25 floors, Office Buildings, Industrial Production halls, Residential houses.
Water: Treatment plants, supply, drainage, sewer, sanitation, purification plant, waste deposits
Roads / Highways with asphalt or concrete pavement structures
Bridges with masonry, pre-stressed / prefabricated concrete and combined steel components
Railway network / transport corridors and open cast mining.
A3 Hands-on experiences in all LIFE CYCLES(e.g. EU-PCM / Project Cycle Management guidelines) withinAuthorities, Consulting firm, Project management institutes and Construction industry:
a) P R O G R A M M I N G :
EC Development Policy, PRSP, Country Strategy Paper, Nat. Indicative Program
with Conceptual design to incorporate the Employer’s Requirements
b)I D E N T I F I C A T I O N :
Prefeasibility Studies with definition of requirements, cost estimate based on the Preliminary design, Eco-Fin Evaluation / IRR – Internal Return Rate, Identification or Action Fiche.
c) F O R M U L A T I O N : Feasibility studies and Detailed Design and REVIEWs:
Traffic volume + growth, geotechnics /soil classes / bearing strength (standard testing methods of material – AASHTO / BS), design life, survey, hydraulics / drainage / structures, geodetic survey, cycle and thickness of re-gravelling operations according to Kenyan Design Manual for rural and urban roads, detailed design for all type of road pavements for paved and unpaved roads / agricultural access to fields, horizontal and vertical alignments in compliance with the Standard and Special Specifications, suitable drawings produced, quantity calculation, BoQ established.
Technical Specifications / Requirements and Regulations like the Overseas Road Notes ORN 1-40 / TRL, BS (British Standard) and EC/DIN-Code, AASHTO (US), South African Standard SATCCand German Codes as well mostly harmonized with the EC/DIN Codes), Standard Testing Methods of Material, Tests on Completion.
TENDER DOSSIERs with Reviewof
(i) technical Requirements, value engineering, (ii) financial aspects (Cost Estimates / Financial proposal / Financing Agreement) and (iii) legal conditions of contract / Instruction to Bidders (ITB / ITT) / Contract Data [EU or FiDiC based particular applications] esp. Adjustments/Variations / Revision of prices
[changes in scope of works / economic development respect by proportional and mono-material formula [adjustment multiplier P,coefficients / weightings a,b,c of direct est. cost elements with base/current cost indices or reference prices AND source of publications, refer to EU Article 37+48 / FiDiC-RB-Clause 13.8].
methods of different donors (EDF - PRAG 2008/2012/2013, WB, AfDB) applied, in-depth knowledge of formal procedures of tendering (RFP, QCBS/FBS/LCS), g+s procurement notices, validity, submission, opening, eligible and responsive criteria for T+F bids, evaluation, member of evaluation committees for service and works contracts, evaluation reports, award of contract.
EVALUATIONof supply, service and work quotations / technical + financial bids
evaluation of the eligible / criteria for the administrative, technical, financial and composite evaluation (e.g. QCBS), evaluation committees, evaluation reports, award of contract.
Several SENSITIZATION(public participation) meetings with communities and SLRA along the road corridor to introduce the EU-/AfDB-financed infrastructure projects with the adjacent facilities: e.g. Bandajuma-Mao-MRU-Bridge and Matatoka – Sefadu / Koidu Highway
Governmental COMPENSATION (Land Acquisition, RESETTLEMENT, economical loss and damage, e.g. crops) of project affected people (PAP) / Right of Way-Encroachments.
d) I M P L E M E N T A T I O N / SUPERVISION / Superintendence
with the purpose to deliver the results in compliance with the contract, manage the available resources efficiently and administrate the progress with sophisticated decision making procedures like AO, Addenda (advises given by TA) and 650 km Feeder Roads (EU-financed), Method of measurement and payment / IPC /VOP/ Final Acceptance.
e) O P E R A T I O N and M A I N T E N A N C E
DBOMT / Performance based management and maintenance contracts (input or output quantity and quality related), Tests upon completion / prov. Acceptance, defect liability, final acceptance.
Monitoring of the Contractor’s performance in compliance with the defined Service Levels during the
Operation and Monitoring phase ahead of the Transfer to the Client / Employer.
f) MONITORING, EVALUATION, Re-planning and Audits (“Audit of External Operations”) with the Information collection, tools, key assessments, distinction of the “evaluation” criteria for Relevance,
Efficiency / Economy, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability with coherence and added value aspects in line with LOG-Frame Matrix with the different Development / Performance Indicators for in the different
intervention hierarchy (input, activities, output, outcome, impact and sustainability). And to monitor the Performance of the Contractor in compliance with the Service Level of an output- and performance based Roads + Bridge contract.
More theoretical and real life experiences about Monitoring & Evaluation can be retrieved from my
g) RISK MANAGEMENT: Definition, Methods & Principles. Process / techniques / tools (combined factor= probability of cause * impact of effect), , Risk Options, Limitations, Application for Project Management, Risk Treatments (avoid, reduce, share, retain risk impacts) to minimize the probability of causes / impacts of uncertain events and maximize the realization of opportunities.
B _ PARTIKULAR Know-how, Skills and Experiences for ROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT
B1_Policies (i) – (v):
I worked almost four years for the Sierra Leonean Roads Authority and was involved in the SLRA Directorate. Hence I got an in-depth insight of the mission and functions of the Authority:
(i) update of the Roads Authority Act (SLRA), the development and enforcement of
(ii) Road Maintenance Fund Administration Act (RMFA) and the World Bank Approach
(iii) to change the Institutional set-up of SLRA to reduce running / operational costs from 30% minus.
(iv) In addition a giz-expert and myself (JV RRI&giz) worked out the Feeder Roads Act – by visiting several district officials – to enforce the act via parliament and president. Purpose: decentralize / devolve the
Road Maintenance Activities of the feeder roads (Class F / third class) towards the District councils with the objective
(v) Devolution / Decentralization to shift the responsibility of the routine, periodic and emergency maintenance from the Roads Authority (SLRA) to the District / Local councils (DC/LC).
(v) Axle Load control and fines in compliance to the ECOWAS Regulation No. 14
B2_Holistic Methodology to construct and maintain a roadin a technical and economical manner prior to save construction investment (accommodate a suitable Road Asset Management Unit) , done with “SLRA” and “Straßenbaubehörde Nbg”.
(i) Structural Design Principle with the surroundings and design speed in line with the Kenyan Rural Roads designmanual for pavement, re-gravelling operations, drainage systems, alignment, …
(ii) Classification of the Soil / Material characteristics, Subgrade, Pavement strength, flexible surfacing,
(iii) Water… drainage / hydraulic analysis, Kenyan RURAL Road Design Manual provides orientations.
(iv) Traffic Issues : axle load distribution, equivalent factors, equivalent standard axle, damage factor
(v) CLASSIFIEDTraffic Count with determination of random vehicle loads by using mobile weighbridges to determine the equivalent standard axles an indicator of “fatigue / damage” factor.
(vi) visual Road Condition Survey (network) + more detailed Inventory(project level) in compliance with TRL Note / PIARC.
(vii) Decision making about the “range of scores for intervention of different type of maintenance levels
(periodic, routine, emergency within a reasonable response time), overlay / re-gravelling, rehabilitation, re-construction / improvement (strengthening of the pavement + surfacing).
(viii) Cost estimate done by Weltbank-ROCKS (kilometer estimates) or by using the different X-sections to derive the predictable construction cost using actual BoQ-unit rates from previous projects plus an escalation rate / VOP.
(viii) Application of the Pavement Maintenance Management Program/ Road Maintenance Management System, which have been established within SLRA during my TA to SLRA assignment (2009-2013).
(ix) Unconstraint budgeting of the different interventions i.e routine maintenance, periodic maintenance, overlays / surfacing, improvement measures and the e.a. emergency measures > change in range of interventions to adapt the works with available funds = constraint budget.
(x) Revamp the Road Asset Unit to a RAMU / Road Asset Management Unitat SLRA for a sustainable maintenance policy within the Roads Authority.
B3_ Roads Economic Decision Model RED for the economic evaluation of low volume roads (investment + maintenance – without project + Alternatives) with Traffic Value, Vehicle Operation Cost /VOC, Speed, International Roughness Index (IRI), Time and Accidents, Benefit Distribution, Net present Value, Risk Analysis, Rate of Return, Sensitivity Analyses of impacts of the coefficients (i.e. investment, traffic volume)
B4_Know ledge TransferPM & Road + Bridge Maintenance :
TRL ORN No 1- 40, PIARC Handbook by plenty of workshops / training / coaching especially in the field
(i) Project Cycle management with Log Frame Approach and LF Matrix with the development / performance indicators for inputs, outputs/results, outcomes, impacts and sustainability.
(ii) Road Condition survey (theory and practice), visual and GPS / GiS-Application,
(iii) Pavement Maintenance Management Program (Hardware and PMMP Software),
(iv) Data - Input and Output of the PMMP with the different levels of intervention (periodic, routine, emergency maintenance, overlay / surfacing i.e. re-gravelling , rehabilitation, reconstruction) in dependencies of the scores,the cost approach, the unconstraint / constraint budget and
(v) Revamp organizational structures of Road Asset Management Units (RAMU).
B5_ Procurement Procedure / Tender Dossier, Evaluation, Member of Evaluation Committee
Established within four months the OPRC-Tender Dossier with the three parts : Bidding Procedure, Specification for the Performance of the Contractor with the defined Service Level during “Improvement-Phase” and during the Operation / Maintenance Period with its routine, emergency and periodic Interventions to comply with the contractual obligations. Familiar with preliminary and post qualification examination of bids as a member of evaluation committees.
B6 _OPRC-Workshop: Presentation of the four months work in a three day work shops to present the three parts of the Tender Dossier to highlight the crucial issues to be considering, when you prepare a TD for a specific project.
B7_Partial Supervision of the execution of 750 km Feeder Roads, financed by the EU with site visits for Verification Reports for the provisional acceptance and final acceptance.
C _ General ADMINISTRATION of national policy, programs, and Road+Bridge projects
within Institutions / Authorities with all coordination of technical, financial, legal, logistic, organizational matters like administrative orders AO, bid / performance / retention securities and sureties, royalties, possession on site, addenda for alterations, additions, omission, claims, payments, taking-over certificate, remedial, liquidate damages, final statement + discharges, final payment, result-based issues. Programming: DONOR development POLICY, Country Strategy Paper/PRSP/e.g. AfP Agenda for Prosperity, National Indicative Programmes, Financing Agreements/Decisions for Loans/Grants with links to EU Delegation, giz (gtz), AfDB,and WB field/country offices (Airport, Harbour, Roads).
CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES in all Life Cycles of a project Philosophy and Methodology of EU-PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT (operational PCM-guidelines)
Development Cooperation policy (Country Strategy Paper, …), Donor Coordination.
Promote proactive Participation and take over ownership by the beneficiaries and stakeholders with improvement of the facilitation skills
PCM-phases : programming, identification, formulation, implementation, Evaluation / Audits.
Logical FrameworkApproach (LFA-Procedure / ANALYSiSstage (stakeholder, problem, objective, strategy) with the intervention hierarchy (bottom up: problematic situation, input, activities, results/output, purpose/ outcome and objectives / impact) with the objectively verifiable development / SMART performance indicators (OVi), source / means of verification, and relevant assumptions for a risk management matrix (grade of probability + effect).
Log-Frame Matrix (LFM-Product / PLANNING stage: result-basedACTITIVITY (sequences, dependencies, milestones), RESOURCE (human resources /financial means) with COST / Budget SCHEDULE and recurrent expenditures (operation / maintenance) > WORK PLAN.
Institutional ASSESSMENT of internal and external aspects of the Organization(PCM, p 95)
Project Management expert in TIME and COST Planning and Project Tracking and Trending /Prediction / forecasting through the monitoring tools like MS-Project prof 2007/2010.
Preparation of an operational action plan to trouble shoot the delays.
QUALTY ASSURANCE / Quality control in line with the Tech Specs / Standards and in compliance with the entire “Contract” : e.g. preliminary / detailed design, scope of works (BoQ, Cost Estimate), execution (LAB tests: material, workmanship, components of the permanent works, site diaries (proper reporting of the utilization of resources and locations for cause-effect delay analysis, test for/upon/ after completion.
Quantity Survey / method of measurement, accurate measurement for payment,
MONITORING & EVALUATION (M&E), Re-Planning, mid-term Reviews / MTR, Technical/Performance Audits; and all type of Reports(please refer to the attached excerpt of the M&E CV:
Definition, Methods & Principles. Process / techniques / tools, Risk Options (combined factor= probability of cause * impact of effect) Limitations, Application for Projectmanagement, Treatments (avoid, reduce, share, retain risk impacts) to minimize the probality of causes / impact of uncertain events and / or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
D_CONTRACT / CLAIM Management in all life cycles
with (Alternative) Dispute Resolution Procedures
CONTRACT /Claim Management applied for Financing Agreements / Decisions for Loan, Grants,
supply, service and work contracts(FiDiC, VOB A/B/C, EU-GCC+SCC) for infrastructure projects
Types of Condition of FIDIC contracts with different delivery approaches used in last 20 years
Project Delivery Approaches / FIDIC / Procurement / Payment ApproachClient/Consultant Agreement / White / QBS, QCBS
Best Value
Lump sum
Negotiation / Method of measurement
and payment
acc. to
Input / output;
Incentive / disincentive;
Cost plus profit
Global or detailed price
Lump sum
Design + Bid + Construct (DBC) / Red
Plant + Design + Build (PDB) / Yellow
EPC / Turnkey … General Contractors / Silver
Design + Build + Operate / Maintenance (BDOM) / Gold
Build Subcontractors / Green
Design + Build + Finance + Operate (PPP) / Mix
Output- and Performance based Management and Maintenance Contracts (input or output related, asset management, OPRC) for Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, and other Road furniture. / Mix
Typical Sequences of Principal / Payments / DisputeEvents in Design + Build Period and Operation Service Period with Milestone tracking / monitoring like Issue / Submission of Tender, Letter of Acceptance, Advanced Payment / Performance Guarantee, Retention, Commencement date, monthly IPCs, Commission Cert, O&M requirements / Plan, Operating Licence, Asset Replacement Schedule / Fund, final payment, completion certificate (provisional and final acc.)
Payment and Claim Issues: Determination by RE, Claim procedures (submission, determination) Adjustment / Variation of Prices (, Valuation upon date of Termination, amicable settlement of Disputes, Dispute Adjudication Board / DAB, Conciliation.
Time Schedule Analysis with sequences and dependencies and Calculation / Cost Estimate with unit rate analysis with made up of P&G, prime cost, direct and indirect cost, overheads, subcontractor’s surcharges, tender / contract price.
Details about Contract / Claim Mangement and Alternative Dispute Resolution experiences can be retrieved from my Competence profile:
E_C A P A C I T Y B u i l d i n g
with Liberian Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) and Sierra Leone Road Authority (SLRA)
with extensive Training, Coaching, Mentoring due to continuous Know how TRANSFER including state-of-art technology
(i) a day to day communication (face to face, lessons, circulars) and plenty of 40 Workshops in all life cycles (PR+ID+FO+IP+A, according to EU-PCM) and Training measure in the field
(ii) Capacity development in all facets to run/operate and assess an Institution with the different departments like Directorate, Development, Design / Survey, Operation, Maintenance, Feeder Roads, Training and Human Resource Development, Administration.
(iii) Advices and hands-on Support provided in the following areas to enhance the Capacity of the Institutions : Administration, organization, logistic, finance, technique (topography, traffic, soil, IDF / Climate, hydraulics, drainage, pavement, structures, ), contract / claims / EU-GCC/SCC), safety, health, environment, society, (ESIA / social management plan / PAP + Resettlement Plans), gender equality, resource management with the concept of interlocked or nested Log-frames of policies, programs and projects.
F_EU Communication and ViSiBiLiTY Manual
with the relevant communication matrix. Besides Helmut possesses Communication skills, social competencies with multicultural / tribal experiences in all hierarchy levels with strong proven leadership abilities, which have been proven as a sine qua non conditio - beside technical prerequisites – achieving objectives successfully.