Hampstead Primary
Living to Learn, Learning to Live
Application Package for
Permanent and or Fixed Term Position
Commencing January 2018
55 Wellington Street
New Zealand
Phone: 03 308 6476
Web site
Facebook Hampstead School Ashburton
Hampstead School
Thank you for your interest in the position of Scale A teacher (permanent and/ or fixed term) at Hampstead School.
If you have any queries please contact the Principal, Mr Peter Melrose Work: 03 308 6476 or email
Appointment Time Line
Please include a stamped self-addressed envelope if you wish your Curriculum Vitae to be returned. Emailed CVs are welcomed.
The time line for the appointment will be as follows:
8 NovemberApplications close at 4 pm
10 NovemberShort listing of applicants. Contact to referees made.
13-14NovemberInterviews held. All interviewees will be contacted and notified of the outcome.
15NovemberFinal day for applicant to accept position
Monday 29 January 2018 (or finalised School Start date) Duties commence-With teacher-only day likely on Friday 26 January 2018.
Hampstead School and Community
Hampstead is a contributing primary (Yrs 0-6) situated on the eastern outskirts of Ashburton, a town of 36 000 inhabitants. The roll is currently 358. The School has a Staff consisting of; Principal, fifteen full time Teachers, two Special Programmes Teachers, ten Teacher Aides, Executive Secretary, Secretary, Caretaker and Cleaner
The School has seventeen classrooms, a Library, Hall, Resource Building, Swimming Pool and various office and amenity buildings.
A.Personal Details:
1.Name: Surname:...... Gender: M / F
First Names:...... Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms
2.Current Address:
Email Address: ......
3.Contact Telephone Numbers:Home:......
4.Date of Birth (optional): ……………………......
5.Have you ever been convicted of any offence against the law?
(Apart from minor traffic convictions)Yes / No
If yes, provide details:
6.Do you hold a full Drivers Licence?Yes / No
7.Teacher Registration Number: …………………………. Expiry Date: …………………
Is your registration: Full ProvisionalSubject to confirmation
8.Do you have any health issues that would affect your job performance?
Yes / No
If yes, please provide details:
B.Educational Qualifications
Qualifications / Level / Year PassedC.Employment Details
Present employment andother positionsheld:
Position / Location / Date AppointedD.Please summarise the qualities you have for this position:
ie specific skills, background qualities, personal qualities, special education experience.
Please provide three people with whom you have or have had a professional relationship and from whom confidential reports may be obtained.
Name / Email / Telephone / Relationship / OccupationF.Confirmation
I certify that the information supplied is correct. I accept that any information provided may be independently verified by the Hampstead School Board of Trustees.
Signature:...... Date:......
G.Forwarding of Applications:
Once completed, please forward this application form with your Curriculum Vitae and any other associated documentation to:
The Principal
Hampstead School
55 Wellington St
Ashburton 7700
Or email to:
Hampstead School
Job Description
Scale A Teacher
To work in association with the Principal Staff, BOT and Community in providing the most effective educational environment, both in the classroom and outside, for the benefit of all pupils.
Responsible to:The Board of Trustees through the Principal
Key Tasks.
Teach in the Senior Area of the School.
Maintain an effective classroom programme.
Lead and evaluate programmes.
Monitor students’ progress.
Be a positive role model.
Maintain and enhance the corporate life of the School.
Maintain effective relationships with students, Staff, BOT, and Community.
Maintain the ideals of the Charter.
Any other task that may be required by the Principal.
Desired Outcomes.
Implementation of effective teaching programmes with a pattern of review.
Establish, clear, long term plans with learning sequences and plans.
Effective maintenance of School Records.
A Staff who work for the benefit of the students while achieving job satisfaction.
Professional Criteria: As per the School’s Professional Development Plan
Professional Relationships & Values
Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning & development of personal professional practice
Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership
Work effectively within the bicultural context
Show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning
Professional Knowledge in Practice:
Plan & implement appropriate learning programme
Analyse & appropriately use assessment information
Use critical inquiry & problem solving
Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of how students learn
Establish & maintain effective professional relationships focussed on the learning & well-being of all students (akonga)
Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of students
Promote a collaborative inclusive & supportive learning environment
Support and Co-operation with Colleagues
Co-operate with and seek support from colleagues
Contribution to Wider School Activities
Participate in the life of the school
TeacherPrincipal Date: