Volume 22 February 2016 Number 2
You are cordially invited to our annual Valentine Banquet hosted by our youth. Enjoy a delicious meal, good fellowship and special entertainment! All donations help our youth go to Pre-Easter Retreat, Master’s Camp, and their student ministry.
Join us as we support our students in ministry. Please RSVP by February 10 on the signup sheet located on the bulletin board in the foyer.
Deacon of the Week
February 7 Lalo Peña
February 14 Don Stewart
February 21 Donnie Cox
February 28 Danny O’Neil
February 18
Thursday, 6:30 pm
Fellowship Hall
Denying Self – Cultivate Courage
Are you ready to courageously run the race? For most of us, acting courageously is not a normal part of our human nature. We generally prefer safety and routine; it often takes a challenge to move us into courageous action. This month’s study encourages members to examine their lives, challenging them to be courageous in their service for our Lord.
Join us for Bible study, dinner, and fellowship with your sisters in Christ. Check in the foyer for the menu and sign up sheet to help with food for the meal.
Boy Scout Sunday
February 21, 2016
February is the time of year when most people focus on their sweethearts and ways to express their love to them. Relationship with others is very important and necessary. However, our relationship with God and expressing our love to Him should be of supreme importance. When we experience God’s love, we are able to express love to others which the apostle Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 13. Love is the most excellent quality of life, not gifts. What the world needs more than anything is agape love. If people loved each other, really loved each other, there would be no more war, crime, abuse, injustice, poverty, hunger, starvation, homelessness, deprivation, or immorality. Love is the one ingredient that could revolutionize society. Meditate on 1 Corinthians 13 and consider the importance of love, the acts of love, the permanence of love and the great supremacy of love. If we have this agape love, we can truly touch lives for the Kingdom of God.
Touching people’s lives should be every Christian’s goal, so we can expand the Kingdom of God. Love is the ultimate way to touch people’s lives. However, Philippians 4:1–7 also expresses some things that touch people’s lives. It all centers around the phrase “in the Lord.” “Stand fast in the Lord” means simply to stand firm, persist, and persevere. We touch people’s lives when we believe in the Lord and stick with it no matter what comes our way. Agreement and unity in the Lord also touches people’s lives. When Christians can forgive one another and focus on agreeing in the Lord, it has an impact on others. “Rejoicing in the Lord” touches people’s lives because we are demonstrating to a lost world that real joy comes from the Lord, not our circumstance. Praying and giving thanks to the Lord creates peace in the believer’s life and touches others by our witness and example of faith in the Lord.
Will you consider some ways to love and touch people’s lives? Start with those closest to you, especially your family, and then extend God’s love to acquaintances, co-workers, neighbors, and beyond. God ultimately touches people’s lives through His son Jesus Christ but He uses the believer in Christ to communicate the gospel through words and action. Let’s commit to grow God’s kingdom as we love and touch people’s lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. “In the Lord.”
Your Pastor,
Brother Donald
“Love” is plastered everywhere during February, but it is prominent in the Bible because “God is Love.” Related scriptures are shared here for your reading pleasure. “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5) “Let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.” (1 John 4:7) “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) “If you love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15) “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” (John 13:34) “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) I have probably left out your favorite, but this is a start. Research the others and make them a part of your daily devotional time.
God loves the church and made her the bride of Christ. Therefore, we are to love everyone in the church family. If you harbor ill-will against anyone in the church, you need to go to them and make things right, especially with the Lord’s Supper observance coming up on February 7. We need to show this love to every person with whom we come in contact. Let them see God’s love on your face as you stand in line at the store or the driver’s license office, for example!
May our desire be that God will love others through us and show the love of Jesus until He comes again. Love!
3 Stacey Hartness 16 Ethel Roberson
5 Clyde Smith 17 James Tilghman
6 Betty Blomberg 17 Chrisopher Howell
8 Al Blomberg 23 Diane Burgett
8 Cassandra Roberson 27 Paula Emmons
13 Misty Cox 28 Bunny Costo
Following Jesus Near or Far, Following Jesus Wherever You Are!
For Girls in Grades 1–6
February 27, 2016
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Registration begins
at 9:30 AM
Southside Baptist Church
2010 S Loop 1604 E
San Antonio, TX 78264
Bring a sack lunch.
Drinks are provided.
Minister with Southside Baptist Church by bringing non-perishable foods, toiletries, baby wipes and diapers. This event is free, a love offering will be taken.
Girls will meet missionaries, enjoy multicultural foods, games and crafts, and discover how to follow Jesus and share His love wherever they go!
Sponsored by San Antonio Baptist Association Woman’s Misionary Union.
Join us for lunch at Williams’ Confectionery. Enjoy tasty food made from scratch. We will carpool from the church at 11:30 a.m.
**********************Church Library
Open On Sundays 10:30–10:50 am
Books, DVDs, CDs, & More!
We have resources for teachers, Bible study helps, videos, fiction and non-fiction books. We also have a children’s section with videos and books.
Stop by and check us out. If you need to come in at another time, call the church office at 656-8200.
Larry, Todd, Eric and Jeff Reavis cordially invite you to a come-and-go reception honoring Paul and Marguerite’s 50th wedding anniversary in the fellowship hall, February 6th, from 2–5 pm. No gifts, please.