1. 1919 – democratic government known as the Weimar Republic was established. Set up a parliamentary system led by a chancellor (prime minister), including a bill of rights and gav women the right to vote.
This government was led by moderate democratic socialists
2. A. weak government – many parties so forming coalitions was necessary
B. demands for social change from communists and attacks from conservatives who wanted a strong leader in charge
C. blame for the Versailles treaty
Others could include: runaway inflation, reparations payments, depression in the 1930s
3. Jewish people
4. what does the word inflation mean?
1923 – France occupied coal-rich Ruhr Valley resulting in German workers refusing to work (passive resistance) but the gov’t continued to pay them and printed large quantities of paper money
5. 1924 – United States Dawes Plan
6. the Great Depression
7. National Socialist German Workers Party – fought in WWI, despised the Weimar government, belief in racial/ethnic superiority of Germans over all other groups
8. Written in prison in 1923 – Mein Kampf – “My Struggle”
9. extreme nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism (what was Hitler’s definition of a Jew?), urged Germans to unite into one great nation, expansion for Lebensraum,
10. appealed to veterans, workers, the lower middle classes, small-town Germans, and business people – promised to end reparations, create jobs, and defy the Versailles treaty by rearming Germany
11. Fear of the growth of communist political power
12. appointed chancellor through legal means by the Weimar constitution
13. suppressed all opposition - suspended civil rights, destroyed socialists and Communists, disbanded other political parties, purged his own party executing those he felt were disloyal
14. Third Reich – build an empire that would last for 1000 years with Germans as the master race (First Reich – Holy Roman Empire, Second Reich – empire forged by Bismarck in 1871)
15. Nazis controlled all areas of German life – government, religion, education.
SS – elite troops, Gestapo – secret police
Relieved by belief in Nazi promises, supported Hitler’s accomplishments ending unemployment and reviving German power. If opposed – quickly became victims
16. Huge public works programs – Autobahn, Volkswagen
The Rise of Hitler
I. Adolf Hitler
A. National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party
B. Brown Shirts – Party enforcers
C. Mein Kampf - "My Struggle" - Hitler's book
1. Superiority of Aryan race
2. Need for more land
D. Hitler elected chancellor in 1933
1. Got rid of the Versailles punishments – reparations etc.
2. Ended depression
3. Created a totalitarian state
a. SS - Elite troops
b. Gestapo - Secret Police
c. Public Works Programs
i. Autobahn
ii. Volkswagen
d. Hitler Youth
e. Women in Germany
f. Censorship of the Arts
g. Crackdown on the Church
h. Beginning of the Holocaust
i. Nuremberg Laws
ii. Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht)
iii. Concentration camps
iv. "Final Solution"