MAMCoP Case Study: Managing the transition of governance


ElectraLink is responsible for managing the transition and ensuing arrangements of the Meter Asset Manager Code of Practice (MAMCoP) scheme into the SPAA governance framework.

We strive to maintain integrity of the scheme whilst ensuring future improvements can be made by relevant stakeholders. We also question current arrangements and put forward enhancements using our cross code experience, developed over a decade of governance services.

The Mission

To ensure a smooth transition of MAMCoP governance arrangements into the SPAA and quickly establish the supporting processes and procedures to maintain the MAMCoP, ensuring its continued integrity.

MAMCoP Explained

The MAMCoP was first published in 2005; it was administered by Ofgem and advised by an industry expert group. It sets out the requirements for Meter Asset Managers (MAM) that wish to be accredited under the MAMCoP Registration scheme. The gas supplier and transporter licences put an obligation on licensees to use accredited MAMs. An independent Registration Agent assesses MAMs’ compliance for accreditation to be awarded and retained.

In 2011, Ofgem consulted on a transfer of the scheme and its governance to the Supply Point Administration Agreement (SPAA). A similar model operated for the electricity industry Meter Operator Code of Practice Agreement (MOCOPA), and Ofgem considered the SPAA provided the most robust mechanism for making changes to the operational arrangements under gas.

Role of ElectraLink

ElectraLink as the SPAA Secretariat was appointed to project manage the transition of the MAMCoP scheme into the SPAA which was undertaken in August 2012.

Due to our established relationships with Ofgem, the SPAA EC, and a wide variety of industry participants, we were able to engage with the stakeholders to understand the requirements for a successful transition. We quickly built up a strong and open working relationship with the members of the MAMCoP Scheme Board and the appointed Registration Agent, Lloyd’s Register. Engaging with these knowledgeable stakeholders to use their expertise in all project workstreams was crucial to ensuring the transition was smooth and the new arrangements met the objectives.

The key responsibilities met by ElectraLink in the transition were:

  • Project managing transitional arranges under SPAA;
  • Analysing and proposing options for underpinning principles such as the SPAA Executive Committee’s vires and funding;
  • Drafting SPAA legal text and the change management related forms to incorporate the MAMCoP into the SPAA;
  • Acting as an expertsecretariat for meetings of transition group and drafting the Terms of Reference for the enduring governance groups;
  • Developing the MAMCoP guideline, a plain English guide for all stakeholders; and
  • Provide helpdesk services for MAMs and MAMCoP arrangements.

In providing ongoing ad hoc support we:

  • Ran the re-procurement of the Registration Agent (2014)
  • Completed a service review to improve the inspection procedures (2015)

Key Service Components

Expertise in SPAA and MAMCoP governance, to advise relevant stakeholders;

Secretariat to the MAMCoP Board and Change Board, and ad hoc expert groups;

Manage the voting process for the MAMCoP Board;

Manage the change process for the MAMCoP Products, the SPAA Schedules and MAMCoP data items in the industry Market Domain Data(MDD) set;

Maintain the MAMCoP webpages of the SPAA website;

Provide a helpdesk for MAMs and other stakeholders;

Manage MAM Party records;

Liaise with and contract manage the Registration Agent;

Present audit findings for decision; and

Project manager for ad hoc projects (e.g. inspections procedure review, MAMCoP/RGMA review andRegistration Agent re-procurements).

Aside from our day to day governance services skill set, we also provide in-house website development services.

Throughliaising with SPAA Parties and MAMs, we were able to to createa new websiteto hold information that stakeholders would need to engage with the MAMCoP arrangements. The website contains details of the MAMCoP Board meetings, the current and archived MAMCoP and information about the ad hoc projects and consultations. We regularly seek feedback to identify ways to improve the pages as we recognise this is a key communication route for our customers.

What our Stakeholders say

Annually, ElectraLink conducts a CustomerSatisfactionSurvey to ensure it continues to provide an unrivalled service to clients and stakeholders. In 2015, MAMCoP Parties reinforced the high service levels ElectraLink is providing:

  • Meeting arrangements: 4.3 out of 5;
  • Meeting materials: 4.4 out of 5; and
  • Change management: 4.1 out of 5.

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