SLA/SCC Board Meeting
July 27, 2013
Summary of Actionable Meeting Items from Minutes
Note: Meeting notes are indicated by red text.
Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Maria Brahme, Drea Douglas, Joyce Hardy, Charissa Jefferson, Peter Johnson, Bill Lee, Mary Sohn Lee, Dorothy McGarry, and Jennifer Pflaumer
Executive Board reports
1. Call to order & attendance
Meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm by President Drea Douglas.
2. Approval of minutes from March 6 board meeting
March 6, 2013 Board meeting were accepted as distributed.
3. Executive Board reports
a. President Drea Douglas
Since our last meeting, I:
· Accepted appointments to the following chairs:
o Mentor: Charissa Jefferson
o Professional Development: Toni Rodriguez
· Headed up the chapter's team for the SLA May Madness Virtual Pub Quiz. First considered at the 2013 Leadership Summit, the May Madness consisted of 6 weekly rounds of trivia questions. Southern California's Team Viper! met via teleconference and videoconference, and while we started well, we ended the challenge mid-pack. However, Team Viper!'s spirited play and animated online presence was noted with great distinction in the minutes of the all-chapter cabinet meeting held in San Diego.
· Attended two chapter happy hours.
· Promoted a last-minute contest to award scholarships for student members to attend the convention. After discussion with the executive committee, the decision was made to fund four scholarships for students (full conference attendance) or unemployed chapter members (day-passes) in exchange for articles to be published in the newsletter or on the blog.
· Attended the 2013 Special Libraries Association Convention held in San Diego. I went early to attend the SLA board meeting, which is open to all SLA members. Later in the conference I attended the chapter cabinet meeting and the joint cabinet meeting. The most important issue to be discussed revolved (once more) around changing the name of SLA. The motion brought forward was based on the idea that the prior vote was seen as costly and divisive, and forced as a top-down decision. The presenters wished to put to the membership a query to determine what interest there is in changing the name of our association. Due to time constraints there was no consensus, and it was decided that the cabinets would meet electronically in the near future for further discussion.
· Attended the electronic discussion of the cabinets. It was decided that:
The Joint Cabinet recommends to the SLA Board of Directors, to (1) send a short survey within 60 days, to the SLA membership, eliciting their opinions about the Association name, and (2) create an ad hoc committee of members of the SLA Board and Joint Cabinet to compose at least two questions for the survey within 30 days and circulate them to the Joint Cabinet and SLA Board for input. Those questions should be designed to gauge the full range of current member attitudes about the SLA name itself as a benchmark, and to ascertain memberwillingness to discuss changing the name, including a full range of response options regarding desirability, time frame, and priority level for the organization. From: Minutes of the Special Chapter Cabinet Meeting, July 25
· Accepted the recommendation of the scholarship committee for this year's winner of the Karen Gersten-Sternheim Scholarship, winner to be announced in August.
· Received correspondence from B.J. Combs of the Sierra Nevada Chapter regarding the West Coast Chapter Reception at the San Diego convention. While all agree that it was a great party, the bill was over the allocated amount, and B.J. would like the chapters to send additional funds. He sent requests to each chapter that had members in attendance, and based the requested amount on the number of chapter members in attendance.
· The email from B.J. Combs is attached at the end of these minutes
Mary Sohn Lee made the motion to accept the request for $475.00 in funding from the Sierra Nevada Chapter. The motion was seconded by Maria Brahme.
Peter Johnson will check to ensure that this is the only assessment received from the sponsoring chapter. If this is so, the attendees agreed this request seems appropriate, but there was a discussion on how the overage had occurred, and that one always needs to consider lessons learned. The motion was passed.
b. President-elect Maria Brahme
Past Events
May 24, Friday – Downtown happy hour at the Golden Gopher (hosted by Robin Dodge)
June 4, attend lunch with UCLA Student Chapter
SLA Annual, San Diego
July 10 – Happy Hour Culver City (hosted by Grace
July 13 – CAAM/NHM event Exhibits:
Golden State Mutual art collection & murals
Afrodescendientes – Cuban photog Roberto Chile
Things that cannot be seen any other way – art of Manuel
Becoming LA
The Lady Heart Diamond Collection. Each of t he five diamonds
in this exceedingly rare collection is a different amazing color:red, pink, orange, yellow and blue.
Today! July 27 – Skirball Gary Baseman tour, lunch and business meeting
August 3 – NHM Workday
August 23 – CNN Library Tour
September AFI library tour
In the Works
October – Prof Development Day
November – possible Esotouric – Charles Bukowski tour of LA
Next year
Past President lunch or dinner
Peter mentioned that last year’s board appreciation dinner was very successful
and it may be nice to do that again and invite past presidents.
Not going to happen:
Grammy museum tour –
$300 for a 30 minute tour
$400 for a 45 min tour
$500 for a 60 minute tour.
As far as the Grammy museum tour is concerned, it might be possible if
promotion of the event is successful and there are a sufficient number of participants to make the cost per person low enough.
A suggestion was made for Maria to look into the Peterson Auto Museum’s “sub-basement” tour.
c. Past-President Bill Lee
Revising Policies and Procedures
Have rewritten Executive Board job descriptions/request review
Bill requested board members to look at the changed sections of the procedures and give him their comments.
Combined stipend section from three descriptions into one appendix
Resolving broken links due to SLA website upgrade.
Eliminated handbooks from SLA
Recruiting 2014 board
Attended SLA Succession Planning webcast
Help from Peter and Sara
Will bring to board for approval when all positions are recruited.
Hope to have early turnover
d. Secretary Mary Sohn Lee
Minutes for March 6, 2013 Board Meeting have been distributed for approval.
Reports for July 27, 2013 Board Meeting received, recorded and distributed.
e. SLA-SCC Director-at-Large Jennifer Pflaumer
Total SLA-SCC members as of June 21, 2013: 266
9 new members in June of 2013:
7 Lapsed Members in June of 2013:
Overall membership has declined from 282 in June of 2012 to 266 in June of 2013:
The chapter appears to be losing members at the same rate as the overall organization.
The responses to the questionnaire revealed that 6 people wanted to become more involved, some were interested in being mentors/mentees and were willing to host tours. One was interested in becoming a board member and one is willing to help create webinars and podcasts. The names of these individuals have been given to the appropriate board members so that can contact them directly.
Lapsed members do not often respond when attempts are made to contact them, but those who do indicate that the main reasons given for dropping their membership are the dues are too high or they have lost their jobs.
The suggestion was made that it might be nice to put out an invitation to a free event.
f. Treasurer Peter Johnson
Chapter Accounts as of July 27, 2013
Pooled Fund as of June 30, 2013 $25,092.68
Scholarship Fund as of July 22, 2013 $50,614.68
Checking Account as of July 22, 2013 $12,138.58
Outstanding Checks: $ 2,648.43
TOTAL ASSETS $85,197.51
Peter added that the main expense as of late has been the stipends. A suggestion was made that he contact Ed Vazquez the Vendor Relations Chair to see what we can do to gain more sponsorship. He reminded us that Ed had relayed the message from potential sponsors that it was the chapter’s responsibility to provide more people at events to make it worth their effort.
g. Communications Ruth Chung
No report.
4. Advisory Board reports
a. Archivist Joyce Hardy
No report
Joyce has been spending hours converting the bulletins from the 30’s and 40’s to OCR as the quality of the original documents is poor. Bill mentioned that the quote received from EOS was $3,000 per year for their search software. All agreed that it was not worth that amount.
Mary has been working on a comprehensive list of board members to bring up to date the list which ended in 1961. It will be available on the web when finished.
b. Newsletter Nicoletta Beyer and Ashley Soo
As a quick report regarding the newsletter:
Nothing very new to report --- there are generally no responses to our "call for submissions", but the incentive of Conference INFO-EXPO passes did yield the handful of submissions, which was wonderful! I wonder if offering free admission to events from time to time with the stipulation of article/photo coverage would be an interesting idea?
Otherwise, newsletter business has been smooth sailing! Please be in contact if there are announcements and/or events we have been failing to include, we generally just cross reference the SLA-SCC website for upcoming events.
Charissa will write an article for the newsletter highlighting the chapter’s
mentoring program.
c. Professional Development Toni Rodriguez
No report
d. Scholarship Teresa Baily
2013 Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship Mid-Year Report
Scholarship committee report mid-year: Scholarship Committee Activities; January – July 2013
Teresa Bailey, Chair
Grace Rosales
Sara Tompson
Scholarship website: http://southerncalifornia.sla.org/student-programs/scholarship/
Established the Committee members and Chair
Updated the scholarship application and checklist and updated the Scholarship website
April and May:
Sent out publicity blasts to school groups and professional associations discussion lists, posted in Facebook and LinkedIn, sent tweets
· Publicized scholarship at SLA San Diego, West Coast Chapters reception and SJSU reception.
· Received 10 application packets by June 30th deadline.
· Independently scored application packets.
· Discussed application scoring and selected recipient via telecon on July 19, 2013.
· Received chapter board approval for the recipient on June 25, 2013.
Next steps by August 1st deadline:
· Scholarship chair will telephone recipient, invite to fundraiser (need the date) and the awards dinner (general timeframe?).
· Send emails to all applicants.
· Announce the winner on the chapter discussion list and website.
· Send press release.
· Coordinate recipient essay to Communications Director for newsletter (Last year the Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship Essay, By Tina Lerno Katz was published in the July/August 2012 SLA SCC Newsletter, vol. 37-4).
· Coordinate with Treasurer to send the recipient the check (Last year the scholarship check was presented at the 2012 fundraiser held at LA84 on Sunday, August 19th).
August – end of 2013:
· The chapter president invites the Gersten and Sternheim family members to the fundraiser.
· Determine who will introduce the recipient and present the check at the fundraiser (depends on the date).
· The Awards Committee chair will present the recipient at the Awards event.
e. Scholarship Fundraiser Bill Lee
Contacted several restaurants.
Contacted Shawn and agreed to make it a combined awards/fundraiser,
Aiming for last three Sundays in September
f. CSUN Liaison Doris Helfer
No report.
g. UCLA Liaison David Cappoli
The chapter will be led in 2013-14 academic year by the following officers:
· President: Nicoletta Beyer
· Vice President: Ashley Soo
· Treasurer: Nina Mamikunian
· Publicists: Caroline Yee
· Web Admin: Clarice DeVeyra
· Secretary: Emily Appleton
· Student Group Liaison: Nick Auricchio
Since the March 6, 2013 board meeting, the chapter organized the following programs:
· Los Angeles Family History Library Tour, March 9 – this tour was organized by the LIS program at CSUN/UNT
· A tour of the Motion Picture Academy’s Margaret Herrick Library, April 17
· Career panel at UCLA, co-sponsored with the LIS Alumni Association), April 17
· Dodger game, April 28
· Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising Library tour, May 18
Also of note, 2012-13 student chapter President Tim Gallati received an SLA Science and
Technology Division Award to attend the conference in San Diego.
h. SJSU Liaison Sue Brewsaugh
No report
i. SLA Board Liaison Sara Tompson
No report
j. Vendor Relations Ed Vazquez
No report.
k. Website Bill Lee
Became Webmaster discussion list admin, created spreadsheet.
Transitioning from Eric
Performed backup of files and database, went over limit
Deleted non-event posts, had to restore. That cost in transfer units.
Had two “outages”
Posted for several events/cleaned up entries
Buy external storage?
Contact the Webmaster?
l. Discussion List Bill Lee
As of July 24:
371 subscribers
20 on hold
15 unsubscribed
1 other (spam complaint)
m. Awards Shawn Stamm
No Report
n. Mentor Charissa Jefferson
No Report
Charissa will be working with Doris Helfer at CSUN and hopes to reinvigorate the
Mentoring program.
5. Old Business
No old business
6. New Business
New date needed for meeting currently scheduled for August 21.
Letter from B.J. Combs requesting additional monies to cover cost of West Coast
Chapters Reception at 2013 SLA convention.
7. Date(s) for next Meeting(s)
Phone in meeting, date TBD.
October 5 - in person
December 15 - in person
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 2:55pm
SLA Western States Chapters’ Reception 2013
San Diego, CA
Final Report and Lessons Learned
The American West Chapters’ Reception was held at the Marriott Marquis Hotel on Sunday evening, June 9th from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. This location was chosen for its convenience to the San Diego Convention Center and many of the hotels where attendees were staying. Another reason for the choice of this location was concerns about transportation to and from the reception.