PCOG Directions 2011
- Order from G.G. Tauber, 4940 Wyaconda Rd., Rockville MD 20852. Account number is 14664. 1-800-638-6667. The previous representative Kevin is no longer with the company
- Recommend using paperstock 420-J. The representative can email you a print program in Word for this stock which is simple and custom. He calls it the Jumbo layout. Order set up is $100 and there is a $35 change fee when setting up each color…therefore in 2006 an order was made which should last about 2-3 years. This order included the following:
Blue (Fellows and Guests) 630
Red (Society Guests and Partners) 120
Green (Caucus Guests and Spouses) 102
Brown (Others) 150
Another similar order was made in 2011. Count the supplies and anticipate. You also should have an experienced member of the Society guess at how many people will attend the meeting. i.e., will it be a big meeting or smaller. Hawaii meetings are usually bigger.
It takes about 15 days for processing and shipping. Order early.
- Also ordered 3 boxes (125 per box) of badge holders. They are a modified model 105-SC with the addition of a safety pin. They also come with a string attachment which then provides three different ways to wear the badge. They cost 53 cents each. At the end of the meeting attendees should return the badges so they can be reused. When the badges are returned remove the paper badge and store them alphabetically. The plastic badge holders can get bent but try to take them home too. They should last several years.
- The badges were printed in 2011using Times New Roman, Size 24 in Bold.
The red star was added to help signify spouses and partners.
- The attendees packet should include the following
- Pre-printed and finished name tags for attendee (and partner if present).
- At least one map of facility.
- An extra copy of the schedule.
- A list of restaurants with contact information (if applicable)
- A list of meeting attendees.
- Recommendations for the meeting itself:
- Have a sign in sheet with their names typed which they initial. This would be separate from the CME sign in as they enter the conference. It can be created from the Excel registration file by an experienced person.
- Bring a printer with a laptop. You will print several extra badges for each color. There are always last minute additions
- Bring scissors and tape.
- Bring 8 x 11 card stock in order to make registration signs.
- The busiest registration day is Wednesday with the busiest time being the last few hours. Thursday morning is also busy. Recommend at least 4 people for the latter part of Wed. and Thurs. Registrants continue to trickle in for the duration of the meeting…the registrars will be frequently interrupted.
f. Consider an activities chair if lots of activities. Should know who is leading each trip as well as contact information.
- Transfer the registration materials (badges, labels, etc.) to next year’s team at the end of the meeting. Collect the badges and recycle them…save the plastic and remove and save the paper badges themselves. Use a rubber band to keep them in alphabetical order.