Minutes Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, September 16, 2016

1018 Kanawha Boulevard, 9th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM – 10:30 AM


Pam Alderman

Cynthia Persily

Mary Beth Barr-dial in

Shelia Kyle-dial in

Brenda Mason

Ron Moore

Gerald Bragg

Leah Salyers-Phone

Frank Mace

Rachel Bowman


Laura Boone

Drema Pierson


Cheryl Basham

Connie Cantrell

Greg Chiartas

Call to Order-Cyndi Persily

Standing Business:

Approval of Minutes Board Meeting of Friday, July 15, 2016

Leah Salyers motioned to approve and Shelia Kyle second,

Minutes approved.

Financial Report

Drema Pierson provided the July 1 – August 31, 2016 financial report showing an ending balance of $349,750.67. It was noted that LPN and RN renewal fees will be coming in by the first of the year. Ron Moore motioned to approve and Leah Salyers seconded. Financials were approved.

Strategic Priorities

Nursing Scholarship Program:

Ron Moore, Chair, Recruitment/Retention Committee reported that the final amount awarded was $225,000 up from the original $204,000 that had been announced. The graduation date for several students was entered incorrectly by the school and when corrected, they became eligible for the award. The final amount paid out was $199,000 due to some students declining the award. The difference will go toward the Spring and Summer awards to be paid after schools update the student’s GPA and status.

The News Release announcing the awards was picked up by several newspapers across the state and blogs. It will be featured in the upcoming RN Board and WVNA publications. The good work of the committee and staff to make the scholarship program so successful was acknowledged by Cyndi Persily and the board.

Program Operations Update: Drema added that the application will be opened again Oct 1 – Nov 1st this year only for those LPNs who did not apply by the June 1 deadline because they were not yet half way in their program. The schools have been notified through the LPN Board.

Going forward, the application will be open April 15 – June 1 for everyone to apply. If they are not yet half way in their program, but will be within the year, the application will be held in the system and updated when they reach the midpoint of their program.

Nursing Workforce Development

Jr Nurse Academies Grant-Drema Pierson said that the Thomas grant has been paid and asked that the Recruitment/Retention Committee please consider how they would like to promote the program and how much will be allocated to Jr Nurse Academies.

Ron Moore said the Recruitment/Retention Committee will determine award criteria and budget.

Nursing Workforce Shortage Data

RN/LPN Data Analysis-Cynthia Persily, Chair Data Management Committee discussed the Committee meeting held on September 9, 2016. It was attended by Cyndi, Rachel Bowman, Drema and Sue Painter, the new Executive Director of the RN Board. Cyndi reported:

WV RN Board License Renewal Data – The RN Board was able to provide an excel spread sheet of 2015 data that included zip codes and county for workforce region analysis. She and that the 2016 renewal data will be available in the same format after renewals complete October 31. There was discussion of incorporating the new Minimum Data Set for the next renewal.

Workforce data draft report – Rachel Bowman provided and explained extensive workforce data for health care workers in West Virginia for 2015. The Bureau will provide analysis for RN categories and LPNs for total employment, jobs per 1000 and mean annual and hourly salary data. Drema will compare to previous report and update numbers on web site when available.

Status update on hospital demand survey Workforce Survey- WVHA did send the survey to members and has done several reminders, but there has been a very low return. The data is not submitted to other organizations such as the AHA survey or Health Care Cost Authority. Drema and Sue Painter will be presenting at the upcoming WVONE meeting on November 9, 2016. Ron said it may be possible to give it as a pre survey, however, HR usually has the turnover rates for most hospitals. Cyndi discussed the reluctance of hospitals to provide their vacancy and turnover rates due to use in potential litigation even though the data is de identified by the WVHA.

Status update on Nurse Faculty Survey-The survey, on survey monkey, was announced in the spring ADDNE meeting and several reminders have gone out, but there were only 9 responses. There was discussion that many of the questions may be answered on the annual survey schools must submit to the RN Board. Shelia said she had just completed the board survey and will compare the surveys to see if the information might be available there.

Sheila said there has been a lot of turnover of Nursing Deans and Directors, making it more difficult to get a good return on the survey.

Additional Data sources-Discussion

Cyndi said that the committee recommended the possibility of forming a joint data committee to avoid duplication and assure that the same data set is being used. There was discussion about bringing the following together as a joint data group: RN Board (Sue Painter), LPN Board, Center for Nursing, Future for Nursing (Pam Alderman), WV Workforce (Rachel Bowman) and ADDNE (Shelia Kyle).

Drema spoke with Michelle Mayhew, the new executive director for the LPN Board and learned that they are using a new online application working with the National Council and can request data reports.

Laura Boone said that the committee may want to look into grant possibilities to support the cost of data analysis and managing so many data sources.

The Research Data Management Committee will meet to develop a plan for a joint Data Committee and explore grant opportunities.

Workforce Survey: See above.

WVCN Website

Web Hosting-Drema Pierson reported that the site is currently being migrated over to WVNET and Word Press. It will be much easier to update and get user reports.

She will have training on managing the new program.

Expansion Capacity of Nursing Programs/Resources

Clinical Scheduling Program-Drema Pierson reported the new program has been used for the fall semester and there has been positive feedback from users. The user group is helping the developer to work out any issues and make changes/improvements.

Drema will receive training from WVNET and hopes to make it available to other parts of the state this year. She will discuss it at the November WVONE meeting and hopes to do a brief demo of the program.

Nursing Faculty Survey-See above

Restore Conference, October 23, 2106-Ruth Blevins invited the WVCN to attend and do a display to help raise awareness of the Center to the nurses expected to attend.

WVONE Invitation, Drema will present an update on the WVCN on November 9, 2016

National Forum Annual Directors Meeting, December 3-6, 2016 The Board encouraged Drema to attend if possible.

Advisory Councils: Drema said she has attended the Garnett LPN Advisory Committee meetings and has been asked to join the Bridge Valley Advisory Council. It was agreed that this is good exposure for the WVCN.

WVSNA: Shelia asked that Drema participate in the annual meeting in Huntington on October 7, 2016 if possible.

WVCN Board of Directors:

Announcement of Officers-Drema announced that the slate of candidates presented by the nominating committee was approved unanimously. New officers are:

Chair: Pam Alderman

Vice Chair Ron Moore

Secretary Gerald Bragg

Committee Reports- (See above)

Executive Session: None

Announcements: Drema announced that the WVCN will report to the Legislature in December or January with a program update.

Future Board Meetings 2016:

Strategic Planning Meeting-November 18, 2016 9:30 – Noon.

The Executive Committee will meet in advance to develop the agenda and determine how to facilitate the strategic planning process.

Adjournment 11:10 am.