Giggleswick Court Rolls

Example 1 - page 1 of 1st Roll

Giggleswick. Court Leet and View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of our noble Lord George, Earl of Cumberland, William Ingilbie esq, and William Farrand gent, feoffees in trust to the same Earl, held in the same place on 11 October 40 Eliz I [1598] before Anthony Wright gent, steward.

Free Tenants Christopher Shutt clerk <appeared>, John Thornton <sessions[?]>, Robert Banks gent <appeared>, William Browne <appeared>, William Armytstead <appeared>, Thomas Carre of Hunthwaitt <appeared>, Ann Carre & Jenet Carre <in guardianship[?]>, James Tenaunt <sessions[?]>, Richard Brayshey <appeared>, Thomas Braishey <appeared>, William Newhouse <appeared>, Nicholas Benson <appeared>, Adam Browne<defaulted 4d>, William Browne, Christopher Willson <appeared>, James Falthropp for the lands late of John Catterall esq <appeared>, Thomas Carre of Raithmell <died>, John Haughton <appeared>, Richard Carre <defaulted 4d> and Elizabeth his wife, Christopher Johnson <defaulted 4d> and Margaret his wife, and Giles Haughton <appeared>.

Tenants of the Lord and ... [?growing] in the same place

Richard Braishey junior acknowledged[?] Christopher Wilson for similar

... and all things 2d by Ro. Banks 2d

Richard Rome for similar 2d Richard Braishey for similar 2d

Adam Preston for similar 2d Richard Preston for similar 2d

James Falthropp for similar 2d Henry Tompson for similar 2d

Hugh Claphamson for similar 2d Oliver Newhouse for similar 2d

Robert Shutt for similar by a certain[?] 2d Thomas Newhouse for similar 2d

Hugh Stackhous for similar 2d Richard Brayshey for similar 2d

William Hine for similar 2d Relict of Roger Carre for similar 2d

Hugh Tailor for similar 2d Thomas Preston for similar 2d

Thomas Foster for similar 2d Thomas Dockerey for similar 2d

Thomas Burke[?] official of the lord 2d Thomas Braishey for similar 2d

George Lawson for similar 2d Christopher Browne for similar 2d

Thomas Pailey junior for similar 2d Robert Fallthrop for similar 2d

Relict of John Bradshey for similar 2d Thomas Tailor for similar 2d

... Thomas Browne for similar 2d

Example 2

Item, the jurors aforesaid say upon their corporal oath that Thomas Wetherhird, late of Giggleswick, yeoman, not having land, tenements, fees, annuities etc to the value of £100 per annum, kept and used one firearm, in English a handgune, to shoot at living things, and with the same firearm, with powder and bullets loaded at Giggleswick within the jurisdiction of this court, both at Tarne in the same place and in other places, was shooting at various living things at times between the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel last past and the date of the taking of this inquisition, against the form of the statute enacted and provided thereupon in the 33rd year of our lord Henry VIII the late King of England. Therefore he should forfeit to the lord of this Leet 50s.

Giggleswick Court Rolls

Example 3

...... other thing or corrupt matter in the spring called St Awteldes[?] well [under a penalty] from now on of forfeiting 12d each time.

Item, the jurors aforesaid imposed a penalty of 2d from now on, upon the Constable of this village from time to time, [if he does not] within two months next after the termination of his office, upon request, deliver a fair account to the new constable and four of the inhabitants in the same place concerning all taxes and sums of money paid by them in the term of his office, and received and collected by virtue of the same, and the remainder and surplus thereof in his hands, to be paid to the new constable but not paid, under a penalty of forfeiting to the lords 10s.

Court Baron. [Alienation by] John [Catter]all Item the jurors aforesaid further say and present that John Catterall esq, being a free tenant of the lords of this manor, of one tenement and messuage and certain lands, meadows and pastures appertaining to the same in Giggleswick, in the tenure of Robert Carre and George Lawson, of the annual rent of 25s; the same John, and Richard Catterall his son, by their indented deed bearing date 7 September 38 Eliz [1596], gave, granted and sold the messuage aforesaid, together with all the houses, lands, tenements and hereditaments appertaining to the same messuage, to a certain Robert Carre, to have and to hold to the aforenamed Robert Carre, his heirs and assigns for ever, of the chief lords of the fee etc, and that the premises are held of the lords of this manor, as parcel of this manor, by military service and free rent of one pound of pepper per annum. And the aforesaid Robert Carre appears etc.

[Alienation by] Robert Carre Item the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid Robert Carre, being seized of the premises as aforesaid, afterwards, by his deed bearing date 14 September 38 Eliz [1596] gave, granted and sold all the moiety of that messuage and the rest of the premises, with the appurtenances, to Christopher Shute, clerk, that is to say, all that capital messuage, one small barn, and one small house next adjacent to the same capital messuage now in the tenure of Richard Brown, all the garden appertaining to the same messuage, two crofts called Sublime Croft and Innerd[?] Croft, and all those parcels of land within the territories of Giggleswick now or late in the tenure of William Newhouse, one piece of land of The Browneside, one house called The Barkehous, one garden, otherwise “a yard” adjoining to the same in Giggleswick aforesaid now in the tenure of Roger Falthropp, and all that other tenement ...

Example 4

Giggleswick Commission[?]. Stewarde of the courte lately howlden ther.

Accordinge to your Appoyntemente we have vewede the contrav[er]sses, and for the suit betwene Thomas Brayshay & Wm. Roome the p[ar]ties arr agried. And the payne is to be dischargedd.

Item for the watter Course betwene Thomas Preston stable house ende and Brigholm we ordre it shalbe made Two yerdes wyde and Ric. Barton to scoure and clence agaynste his close endlong the syde as it is sett furthe by the Jurie upon the payne. And beneth his close to Beggerwathe upon the easte syde every man to scour & clence so farr as he grownde goethe. And for the other syde all th’inhabitants upon the west syde of the Towne becke, with Ric. Radclife, to clence the weste fylde to Beggerwath. And beneathe the Beggerwath bridge every man to scoure and clence so farr as he grownde goethe. And this to be donne before the Laste day of November next after the date hereof upon paine of every defaulte 3s 4d.

Giggleswick Court Rolls

Example 4 cont

Item for the [?]scrooke endes every man to scoure and cutt upon his Awne grownd upon bothe sydes the becke as it is sett furthe, of either syde alike, vizt, from the bridge downe to the mydes [ie midst?] of Ric. Claphamson grownde seven quarters brodd [ie broad], & beneathe to the Towne becke sexe quarters brode, every man agaynste his Awne grownde. And this to be donne before St Andru day upon payne of every defaulte 3s 4d. In witnes hereof we have here unto sett our markes this 26th of Octobre 1586. Thomas Palay, Wyll’m Preston, Roger Carr, Robert Craike, Rawlyn Fanthropp, Rog. Carr younger, Ric. Brayshay, Wm. Browne, Olyver Newhouse, James Jackes, Robert Carr, Wm. Hale, Rog. Armitstead.

Example 5

Gigleswick. Pleas in the same place 17th day of April 36 Eliz [1594].

William Browne versus Christopher Shute, clerk, in a plea of trespass, because: When the legal action and suit occurred between the same complainant and a certain Robert Kellett for a certain messuage in Giggleswick, and for various assaults and affrays and drawings of blood done between them, the same defendant, in consideration that the aforesaid William stopped his aforesaid legal action and suit and put himself in arbitration for all the premises at Giggleswick within etc on the [blank] day of September last, promised to the same William and took it upon himself on behalf of the same Robert, that the same Robert would acquit and exonerate the same William of whatsoever amercements or costs which the same William should incur, from then onwards, for the affrays and assaults aforesaid. And afterwards the same William was amerced 6s 8d for a drawing of blood upon the same Robert, and paid it, however the aforesaid Robert has not paid the said 6s 8d to the same William, albeit that he has often requested it, but he utterly refused to pay the same, nor did he wish to acquit him of the same according to the promises and undertakings of the aforesaid Christopher. Whereupon he says that he is worsened and has damage to the value of 10s or thereabouts. The defendant says that he did not give any undertaking in the manner and form alleged by the local jury. However the defendant, after the evidence of Brian Cookeson and Hugh Andrew given in court, paid 6s 8d to the complainant.

The jurors are given a date to render their verdict in this plea, such that they should be here etc, at the next court, under a pain for each of them of 10s. George Lawson complains against John Armitsted in a plea of trespass, because the same defendant broke and overturned the soil of the complainant, at Longland Heades in Giggleswick in the summer time in the 35th year of Elizabeth [1593], with his plough and cart, and similarly trampled and wasted his crops growing thereupon at the time aforesaid with his plough and cart and his trampling feet, and carried out other enormities against him, to the damage of the said complainant of 3s 4d, as he says. Whereupon the defendant says that he is not guilty, because he claimed his usual right of way for carrying etc from Saltraines and Sandholmes to Giggleswick in the place where he is supposed to have trespassed. And he puts himself upon the local jury about this. And the complainant likewise.

Richard Braishey of Giggleswick complains against Richard Lindsey and Hugh Tailor in a plea of debt of 3s 8½d which he unjustly withholds from him and ought to render to him for two parts of 5s 7d which the same complainant paid both for himself and for ...

Example 6 - Isabel Preston executrix etc

Giggleswick. Pleas in the same place on the 11th day of October in 35 Elizabeth [1592]

Richard Braishey complains against John Armitsted in a plea of detinue of one pair of Cowpe raithes to the value of 5s which he lent him, to be redelivered when it might be required, and he has not redelivered them although often required, as he says. The defendant says that he neither borrowed them from the complainant nor withholds them in the manner and form alleged to the local jury. We fynd Jhon Armestead gyltie 3s.

Isabel Preston widow, executrix of the will of William Preston, complains against Robert Carre of Giggleswick in a plea that he owes her 20d which he unjustly withholds and ought to have rendered to the same William at the time of his death, which is in arrears out of the price of malt, and for equipment, as she says. The defendant acknowledges 18d and the complainant is content.

George Lawson complains against Robert Crake in a plea of trespass because the same defendant broke the soil of the same complainant, and trampled and wasted the crops growing thereupon, at Longlandes Head in Giggleswick in 35 Elizabeth, with his plough and cart, and carried out other enormities against him, to the damage of the said complainant of 3s 4d as he says. The defendant says that the place where he is supposed to have trespassed is his usual way for carrying his crops and dung from Saltraines and Sandholmes to Giggleswick, and that he came into the same place with his plough just as etc. And he puts himself upon the local jury about this. And the complainant likewise. The def[endan]t not giltie.

George Lawson complains against John Armitsted in a plea of trespass because the same defendant broke the soil of the same complainant, and trampled and wasted the crops growing thereupon, at Longland Heades in Giggleswick in 35 Elizabeth, with his plough and cart, and carried out other enormities against him, to the damage of 3s 4d as he says. The defendant says that the place where he is supposed to have trespassed is the usual way for the defendant for his cart of crops ...