Essay 1

Essay 1

The aim of Essay 1 is to provide evidence of the ability to apply an area of mainstream psychological knowledge to a clinical domain or problem.

Specifically, the essay should demonstrate that the following learning outcomes have been achieved:

  • Knowledge and understanding of an area of mainstream psychological theory and evidence;
  • Application of this knowledge and understanding to a clinical problem;
  • Ability to think critically and evaluatively about the literature;
  • Ability to communicate using appropriate style.

/ Doctorate
in Clinical



Candidate: Marker Date


Comments could cover the following areas:

  • Comprehensive coverage and good understanding of the relevant literature;
  • Critical appraisal, rather than simple description, of literature reviewed;
  • Clear application of the literature to a clinical area;
  • Good structure and organisation;
  • Clearly written and well-presented (grammar, punctuation, referencing conventions).

What was good about this piece of work?

What would have improved this piece of work?


Pass Grade / Fail Grade
Excellent / Good / Pass / Borderline / Clear
------ / Moderator
Date / _____/______/______/ _____/______/______

Grading Criteria -Essay 1

Excellent (70 - 100%)

This piece of work shows an excellent knowledge and understanding

of psychological theory and evidence. The literature reviewed is highly comprehensive, very clearly described and its relevance to the clinical area in question made very apparent. The clinical area in question is very clearly outlined. The literature is applied to the clinical problem in a very thoughtful and insightful way. Excellent research skills are in evidence, especially identifying and critically appraising research evidence relevant to practice. The material is very clearly organised and standards of communication and presentation are very high.

Good (60 - 69%)

This piece of work shows a good knowledge and understanding

of psychological theory and evidence. The literature reviewed is comprehensive, clearly described and its relevance to the clinical area in question made apparent. The clinical area in question is clearly outlined. The literature is applied to the clinical problem in a thoughtful and insightful way. Good research skills are in evidence, especially identifying and critically appraising research evidence relevant to practice. The material is clearly organised and standards of communication and presentation are high.

Pass (50 - 59%)

This piece of work shows some knowledge and understanding

of psychological theory and evidence. The literature is reasonably, though not comprehensively, covered, moderately well described and is of some relevance to the clinical area in question. The clinical area in question is reasonably clearly outlined. The literature is applied to the clinical problem, but with more scope for thoughtful and insightful application. Fair research skills are in evidence, for example, identifying and critically appraising research evidence relevant to practice. The material is organised and standards of communication and presentation are fair.

Borderline Fail (45 - 49%)

This piece of work shows limited knowledge and understanding

of psychological theory and evidence. The literature is not adequately covered, not well described and its relevance to the clinical area in question not made clear. The clinical area in question is not clearly outlined. The application of the literature to the clinical problem is limited in its insightfulness and thoughfulness. Adequate research skills are barely in evidence, for example, identifying and critically appraising research evidence relevant to practice. The material is not well organised and standards of communication and presentation are low.

Fail (< 45%)

This piece of work shows very limited knowledge and understanding

of psychological theory and evidence. The literature is poorly covered, not well described and its relevance to the clinical area in question left very unclear. The clinical area in question is not at all clearly outlined. The application of the literature to the clinical problem is very limited in its insightfulness and thoughtfulness. Adequate research skills are not in evidence, for example, identifying and critically appraising research evidence relevant to practice. The material is very poorly organised and standards of communication and presentation are very low.