The Masibambane Coordination Committee met on 24 February 2011 to review water sector performance over the past quarter – Q3 of 2010/11.


1.1. Welcome Remarks

Ms Portia Makhanya (DWA) chaired the meeting on behalf of the Ms T Mbassa (DWA-DDG Regions). Ms Makhanya welcomed all participants and expressed her appreciation about the good attendance.

1.2. Introductions

All delegates introduced themselves

1.3. Record of Attendance and Apologies


Portia Makhanya (Chairperson) Amanda Gaju (CSO)

S Selowa (DWA-HO) Petunia Ramunenyiwa (DWA-FS)

Catherine Mgangira (EU) Louise Colvin (Masibambane Support)

Selemeng Morapedi (DWA-EC) Cait Moran (Irish Aid)

Sinead Lynam (Irish Aid) Nontobeko Sobekwa (DWA-HO)

Debbie Prinsloo (DWA-HO) Lusanda Salman (DWA-EC)

Sivuyile Ngewu (DWA-Gauteng)) Ditshego Makhoro (WIN-SA)

Magamase Mange (DWA- HO) Stephen Marais (DWA HO)

Hameda Deedat (CSO) Mapela Matlhabegoane (DWA)

Busi Mwasi (DWA-HO) Itumeleng Modiba (DWA-HO)

Neil Macleod (Ethekwini Metro) Tabita Napakade (DWA-HO)

Jabu Mtolo (DWA-HO) Mkhize Neliswa (DWA-Gauteng)

Thami Mpotulo (Human Settlement) Jay Bhagwan (WRC)

Nozuko Zamxaka (DWA-HO) William Moraka (SALGA)

Jenny Evans (DWA-HO) Ntsebeng Monggae (DWA-HO)

Xola Mlandu (CSO) Lefa Mabaso (DWA-FS)

Oupa Machado (DWA-HO) Nkuna Victor (DWA-LP)

Belinda Makhafola (NDoH) Konanani Khorommbi (DWA-HO)
Unathi Mila (DWA-HO) ` Kathy Eales (Masibambane Evaluation) Tony Brutus (DWA-HO) Pauline Lewis (DWA-HO)

Johan van Heerden (DWA-HO) Israel Raphalani (DWA-LP)

Tahulela Muhashela (DWA-HO) Victor Mathada (DCoG)

Maru Bannita (DWA-HO) Nokuphiwa Zondi (Sisonke DM)

Alvin Lagardien(CSO Support) Mokhele Jerry Moletsane(DWA-NC)

Mokgaetji Seanego( DWA-HO) Joanna Fatch (Maluti Water)

Sehlakgoe Kgabo (DWA-HO) Dennis Ramayi (DWA-HO)


Thandeka Mbassa (DWA-DDG: R) Audrey Makola (DWA-HO)

Galelo Mbambisa (DWA-EC) Cyprian Mazubane (Human Settlement)

Thami Mnguni (DWA-Gauteng) Frank Kirwan (Irish Aid)

Zachariah Maswuma (DWA-HO) Mandy Reddy (DWA-HO)

Thoko Sigwaza (DWA-HO)) Motsamayi Motsoari (OTP-FS)

Raxen Mtileni (DWA-LP) Phumza Lubelwana (DWA-WC)

Mehlomakulu Nasele (DWA- HO) Ramaano Masibigiri (DWA-LP)

Magda Ligthelm (DWA-NC) M Komape (DWA-HO)

1.4. Approval of Agenda

A few changes were made on the agenda, mostly regarding people who were going to present. In addition, the following item was taken off the agenda:

ü Item 5.b: Review of the National Water Resources Strategy


2.1. Corrections and Approval of Minutes

The following names were omitted from the attendance list of the previous meeting:

Hameda Dedat (CSO)

Xola Mlandu (CSO)

Thami Mnguni (DWA-Gauteng)

Neliswa Mkhize (DWA-Gauteng)

Thandeka Mbassa (DWA)

The minutes were approved as a fair record of the proceedings and outcomes of a meeting held on 11 November 2010 with the additions on the attendance list.

2.2. Matters Arising

a) HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming Strategy – Ms Makhanya reported that the strategy is being prepared for presentation at the DWA Functional Management Committee, then to DWA top management. A progress report will be given in the next MCC meeting. Responding to a question of whether DWA sees the strategy as important, Ms Makhanya indicated that DWA values the strategy within the framework of what the water sector seeks to achieve hence the need to secure approval/endorsement at the highest level possible. The delays are caused by several administrative changes within DWA. Whereas there cannot be a commitment on the timeframe for finalising approval, it is expected that notable progress would have been achieved by the next MCC meeting.

b) Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) – Ms J Evans (DWA) reported that the proposed SPV model has not been approved yet. COGTA will present the model. Ms Evans further argued for intensive engagement with COGTA to agree on how the water sector will benefit from the introduction of the SPV.

c) Review of role of the MCC in advent of outcome-based service delivery programme – Ms T Napakade (DWA) reported that the proposals on how to re-orientate the MCC towards enhancing the water sector part of the outcome-based service delivery programme were presented to the WSLG at its last sitting in November 2010. It was agreed that the review will form part of the broader review of sector structures and will be led by the WSLG EXCO. Concrete proposals from WSLG EXCO will be presented in the next sitting of WSLG then feedback to MCC.

d) National Water Resources Strategy – the WSLG EXCO has noted that the sector would be a critical voice in the development of the new NWRS especially regarding difficult debates and choices. Key parties and expertise will be needed to enrich the process and the final strategy.


3.1. Strategic Highlights (Ms Nomsa Teffo, DWA)

a) Access to basic water and sanitation

ü An additional 141, 528 people were served with basic water supply between October and December 2010. This brings the delivery figure since April 2010 to nearly half (438, 649) of the set target of 1 million people to be served in the 2010/11 financial year.

ü As at the end of December 2010, an additional 59,472 households can now access basic sanitation bringing the total number of households served since April 2010 to 201, 579. The target for 2010/11 is 879.628 households.

ü Two additional regional bulk projects were completed between October and December 2010, bringing the total number of completed projects to six (6). Thirty-six (36) projects are currently under construction.

b) Institutional development and performance

ü DWA has participated in the development of Municipal Turn-Around Strategies in 25 municipalities. The water perspective addresses operation and maintenance, waste water treatment works, planning and WSP contracts.

ü 101 water service authorities have now completed contracts with their water service providers and 80 WSAs have consumer charters

ü Catchment Management Agencies - The institutional realignment project is underway – a two-tier structure has been established to steer the process; this consists of a steering committee and five working groups

ü Water User Associations – three irrigation boards have been transformed leading to establishment of two WUAs (two irrigation boards amalgamated into one WUA). Two new WUAs were also established in the reporting period.

ü As at end of December 2011, 3077 rain water tanks have been distributed for purposes of improving access to access to water and food security.

ü Adopt-a-river programme has created 729 jobs

ü Resource poor farmer support programme has benefitted 454 farmers

ü Water Allocation Reform (WAR) has finalised authorisation of 2195 licences, of which 440 are for Historically Disadvantaged Individuals

ü 36 new directives were issued to transgressors through the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement programme

ü R20 million has been allocated to help those affected by recent floods

ü An Acid Mine Drainage study was completed in Gauteng – the western basin (Krugersdorp area) is the most at risk

c) Participation of Civil Society Organisations

ü A professional service provider has been appointed to coordinate the implementation of the CSO participation programme on a national level

ü DBSA has also supported Northern Cape CSOs in the implementation of water conservation and water demand management projects.

d) Sector Collaboration

ü The Minister is implementing a programme of public participation activities and has visited Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Free State in the past nine months

ü A number of provinces and district municipalities have convened localised water summits aligned to relevant themes such as water and rural development, water and energy and so forth.

ü The Water Sector Leadership Group met in eThekwini in November, where it was agreed, amongst others, that DWA will take full leadership responsibilities of the sector and that the review of WSLG sub-structures will be led by the WSLG EXCO.

e) Sector Partners

i. Water Information Network-SA

· One lesson and one field note were published and disseminated

· WIN-SA exhibited at the Water and Poverty Alleviation workshop in Durban

· WIN-SA in partnership with Buffalo City and Amathole municipalities, Amatole Water Board and ABSA held a working session in East London in October 2010

· WIN-SA attended a China Forum on sustainable sanitation, in Beijing


· An action plan for a sector specific Councillor Induction Programme was developed in conjunction with DWA

· Initial consultation for the roll-out of the Free Basic Sanitation policy has taken place with 17 municipalities

· Approval received to use ERWAT to train waste water operators

· The municipalities of Kannaland, Ventersdorp, Dr JS Moroka, Ngwathe, Joe Qgabi and Tsantsabane were visited to gather information with regards to the status of WCDM.

iii. Health

· A Health Related Water Quality Management training manual has been developed and is ready for pre-testing

· A draft HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming guideline that relates to water supply and sanitation services is in place.

· Education and communication materials related to Health and Hygiene Education have been finalised

· Provincial Environmental Health Practitioners were workshopped on the Environmental Health Indicator Data Set

Key challenges affecting sector performance

· Poor coordination: Coordination of information related to backlog figures remains a challenge. This directly affects planning towards meeting targets and results in stakeholders communicating different messages.

· Delays: Late allocation of donor funds hampers the speedy implementation of projects on the ground

· Floods: The recent floods caused major damage to water resource infrastructure, directly affecting service provision

Summary of Inputs and Agreed Actions

a) Integration – it was observed that there has not been effective integration of how the different sector partners implement programmes with a similar goal. This includes rainwater harvesting where Departments of Human Settlements, Water Affairs and Rural Development are involved. It was agreed that the implementing departments must find ways of integrating the implementation – standards, prioritisation criteria, target areas, etc.

Action: MCC to propose how the affected departments can integrate their rainwater harvesting programmes.

b) Profiling the role of CSOs – it was noted that a lot of field work undertaken by civil society organisations is not being reported at MCC level. The sector needs to also consider how to engage CSOs in broad livelihoods and food security initiatives through meaningful partnerships, especially noting the emphasis on rural development – meaning that whatever is proposed must find expression within programmes undertaken by the water sector.

Action: The next MCC to discuss rainwater harvesting addressing inter-departmental coordination mechanisms and involvement of CSOs. The agenda item should also include sharing of experiences by CSOs that are already involved in rainwater harvesting programmes.

3.2. Overview of Financial Expenditure (Mr Tahulela Muhashela, DWA)

a) Budget – the total water sector budget for 2010/11 is recorded as R24, 5 billion of which about R217 million is from the international donors (European Union and Irish Aid).

b) Expenditure – as at the end of December 2010, the following expenditure was recorded:

· Equitable Share 75%

· Municipal Infrastructure Grant 25%

· Donor funds 23%

· Regional management 57%

· Regulations 68%

· Water management 52%

· Water resource infrastructure 77%

Key challenges affecting financial performance

· Expenditure of donor funds is very low and this is a result of a number of factors that were explained to the MCC previously. The Irish Aid concerns have also not been resolved.

Summary of Inputs and Agreed Actions

a) The budget for rural sanitation has not been included in the sector budget

Action: DWA Finance to work with the Department of Human Settlement to include budget for rural sanitation.

b) DWA is working with National Treasury on the unresolved issues raised by the Irish Aid

Action: DWA senior management to address this through the office of the Auditor General

c) DWA is considering paying all invoices against the National Treasury allocation which will then allow for roll-over of donor funds.

d) To address low expenditure, it is further proposed that each component should submit an expenditure forecast, which will be used to shift funds to components that require additional funds.

e) Any remaining funds will be subject to new reallocations for 2011/12. Such reallocation should consider, amongst others, areas that are unlikely to receive voted funds such as WIN-SA, partner programmes and vulnerable programmes.

Each receiving sector partner must develop its own exit strategy (how it proposes to carry forward or complete work that was funded through international donor funds after 2011/12), which will be used as a basis for motivating for funding in the next financial year.

Action: Programme Management Unit to engage the CFO office on considerations for the 2011/12 allocations to ensure fair allocations.

f) Allocations for each sub-programme, including WIN-SA, SALGA, CSO participation and others are available in.

Action: A detailed list of budget allocations for sub-programmes to be included in the next MCC report. This list should also reflect expenditure to date.


4.1. Enhanced Approach to Local Government Support (Ms Jenny Evans, DWA)

DWA is reviewing its approach to Local Government Support guided by the Minister’s intentions to enhance support to local government and to take full oversight responsibility of the water supply value chain and the institutions involved. The revision aims to result in practical support programmes without undermining the primary duty of the Department as a regulatory authority. Support is also primed to address the local government water services environment holistically without confinement to internal institutional issues. Whereas initial ideas on enhanced support and priority action areas, it was indicated that the approach is still at an early stage of development and therefore more ideas and proposals would be welcomed. The team has arranged meetings to further debate the issues and propose a process of engaging with stakeholders intimately.

Summary of Inputs and Agreed Actions

a) Concerns – There were general concerns about whether DWA is a support agent or regulator, whether DWA has capacity to provide enhanced support to local government, and whether DWA sees the crisis in the water services sector and therefore firmly believes that the proposed approach will adequately respond to this crisis.

b) Proposals towards enriching the approach – (1) sustainability of water services requires an outcome based and action oriented approach with skilled people at the centre of its realisation, (2) interaction with municipal water services officials is central to getting the approach right (3) Use findings of the Masibambane evaluation to inform the approach (4) develop a clear framework within which the proposed support will fit, and such framework should be embedded within a guiding vision of what water services in local government should achieve

Action: The issues to be discussed in detail and a response on some of the burning issues will be considered during the drafting of the concept paper