Constitution of the SouthCentralMiddle School
Band Booster Organization
Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1.The name of this organization shall be the SouthCentralMiddle School
Band Booster Organization.
Section 2.The purpose of the club is to promote the band program through active
participation in all band activities, financial assistance, and the
encouragement of community pride in the SouthCentralMiddle School
band. The Club’s policies shall be in harmony with those of the County
Board and school administration. It shall not seek to direct the operational
activities of the band director in his/her administration of the band program.
Article II
Section 1.Voting membership shall consist of parents and interested persons who
desire to support the band program, to uphold the policies and by-laws.
Any band parent that is not current on all band fees shall forfeit all voting rights until all accounts are current.
Section 2.The Band Director and Principal shall be ex-officio members.
Article III
Officers-Duties, Election and Terms
Section 1.Officers and Duties
- President- The President shall preside over all executive board and
general meetings. She/He will not vote on any issues unless his/her vote will break a tie.The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Vice President- Shall assume the duties of the
President in his/her absence.Thevice president shall manage the following standing committees: Fundraising, Uniform, Chaperone and Equipment.
- Secretary- The Secretary will keep records of all executive and
General meetings. She/He will handle all correspondence on behalf of the club. Whenever she/he is unable to attend a meeting, she/he will send the minutes and designate someone to take her/his place. The secretary must have on file a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.
- Treasurer- The Treasurer shall collect and keep records of funds of
the organization, and be prepared to report to the general membership at all meetings. If he/she cannot attend a meeting, he/she must send a report.The treasurer shall be solely responsible for collecting all monies and properties on behalf of the SCMS Band Boosters. The treasurer may appoint a booster member to collect money and properties. All collections must be turned over to the treasurer immediately following the event. Only the treasurer may appoint members to collect monies and properties. Any member of the executive board may collect money, but all collections must be turned over to the treasurer immediately following the event.
- Publicity Director- Shall act as a the liason between the band program and all print and electronic media. This office will be responsible for all printed programs for all concert performances or events.
- The Executive Board shall consist of the above officers.
- To be an officer, you must have a child active in the band program and be a voting member.
Section 2.Election and Term of Office
- Officers shall be nominated by the Executive Board. Additional
nominations can be made from the floor.
- Elections will take place at the May general meeting of the school
year. Those elected will assume office once the meeting is adjourned.
- The term of office shall be for one (1) year. If an officer cannot
complete his/her term, he/she will be replaced at the next regular meeting or a meeting called for the purpose of replacing him/her. (Except the office of President, which will be filled by the currentVice-President for the remainder of the current year).
- Officer Eligibility Requirements: To serve as an officer the following requirements must be met summarily. 1) Must be a parent or legal guardian of a band student. Extended family such as grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, or siblings may not serve as an officer. However, extended family members may serve as committee chairs or as a booster volunteer or as a chaperone. 2) Must be in good financial standing in regards to all band fees, dues or expenses.
Article IV
This organization shall meet once a month at 7:00PM in the band room at
South Central Middle School, unless otherwise notified. No meeting will
take place during the month of December.
- The order of business shall be:
- Call to Order
- Reading of the minutes
- Treasurers Report
- Standing Committee Report
- Old Business
- New Business
2. A quorum shall consist of six (6) voting members, two (2) of which must be club Officers.
3. Methods of voting may include:
Voice vote
Rising vote or show of hands
Roll Call
4. The Executive Board shall submit the budget and goals to the membership by the August meeting. The Executive Board has the power to approve emergency monies.
Article V
Standing Committees
Section 1.There shall be four (4) standing committees. (1) Fundraising,
(2) Uniform, (3) Chaperone, (4) Equipment
Section 2.Committee members shall be selected by the Chair.
She/He may select or recruit as many members as
she/he feels necessary. Any member may volunteer to serve on a committee.
Section 3.The function of the standing committees shall be:
1. Fundraising...... ………….. To plan, coordinate and execute all fundraising efforts of the band booster organization.
2. Uniform………………...... Issue uniforms to students at the beginning of the year. Responsible for repair and care of uniforms. Collection of uniforms after the Spring concert.
3. Chaperone...... To recruit, train, schedule and coordinate an adequate number of chaperones for all band events which require chaperones. All chaperones must be approved by the board and Director.
4. Equipment...... Responsible for pulling band trailer to all band performances, competitions, or other events. Keep trailer in good working order.
Section 4.Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President. If the President does not appoint a standing committee, then Article III will stand as appointments. The President hasthe power to appoint special committees as needed and shall be an ex-officiomember or chair of all committees.
Article VI
How to Amend the Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1.All amendments must be read at two (2) consecutive meetings and be passed by a two-thirds majority of the voting members attending the second meeting.
Publicized meetings maybe considered as one of the two consecutive meetings, but the other should be a regular meeting.
Article VII
Reimbursement Policy
Section 1.No SCMS booster member may purchase any item on behalf of the SCMS Boosters or the SCMS Band Program without approval by the SCMS Executive Board and the Program Director. If approval is given, a detailed receipt is required to receive reimbursement. No reimbursement will be given without a receipt. No exceptions. Any item purchased on behalf of the SCMS Boosters or the SCMS Band program without approval will be considered a donation. A tax deductible receipt will be provided.