Section 3.1: Controlling HSW Risks

PRO3.1-11 Working in Confined Spaces

1. Objective

The objective of this process is to outline the requirements for the management of Confined Spaces for person(s) conducting work activities for or on behalf of the University to ensure risks associated with health, safety and welfare are minimised.

Note: The purpose of this process is to reflect key requirements outlined within The University of Adelaide HSW Policy and Handbook whilst addressing reporting, operational needs and site specific hazards within the Infrastructure, Property & Technology (IPT) Branch.

2. Scope

The scope of this process is limited to activities undertaken or managed by the IPT Branch.

Note: Exposure to hazards in a Confined Space includes but is not limited to areas identified within the University and associated properties.

3. Process

This process applies to all locations where employees and managed services work and University accommodation owned and designed/maintained by the IPT Branch.

Process Steps / Responsible Person / Frequency / Relevant Documents
3.1 Design and/or Procurement
3.1.1 / Design, manufacture and supply the Confined Space as per the Standard specifications, manufactured and supplied, so as to eliminate or minimise risks to persons associated with work in such a hazardous environment. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers / Design phase / AS/NZS 2865 Confined Spaces
3.1-07F04 Permit-to-Work Instruction – Confined Space
3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form
3.1.2 / University stakeholders may need to seek specialist advice to ensure legislative compliance. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers
Property Managers / As Required / AS/NZS 2865 Confined Spaces
OHSWRegulations 2010
SA Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986
3.2 Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment of Existing Confined Spaces
3.2.1 / Branch stakeholders to identify and register all Confined Spaces. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers
Managed Services / Every time / 3.1-11F01 Confined Space Register (Campus Services)
3.2.2 / Any area suspected to be a Confined Space should immediately be reported to Campus Services.
No work should be undertaken in the area until a determination of the status of the area is made. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers
Managed Services / Every time
3.2.3 / A risk assessment shall be undertaken by a competent person(s) before work associated with the Confined Space is carried out.
The assessment will form part of the Confined Space Permit-to-Work and shall consider the following:
(a)The nature and inherent hazards of the Confined Space;
(b) Work activities to be performed and duration;
(c) The range of methods by which the work can be done including selected equipment proposed to be used in association with the Confined Space;
(d) Emergency response procedures;
(e) The competence of the person(s) to undertake the work; and
(f)The range of services entering the Confined Space and their isolation. / Business Unit Managers
Managed Services / Every time / Risk Assessment
Safe Work Method Statement
3.1-07F04 Permit-to-Work Instruction – Confined Space
3.1-07F05Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form
3.3 Entry & Permit-to-Work Requirements into a Confined Space
3.3.1 / Prior to any person(s) entering a Confined Space, the person(s) must liaise with the relevant Branch contact and consult the Confined Space Register. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers
Property Managers
Managed Services / Every time / 3.1-11F01 Confined Space Register (Campus Services)
3.3.2 / A Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form must be completed and associated documentation provided by the Managed Services to the Branch prior to entry.
Only trained employees and Managed Services will be allowed to enter confined spaces. / Managed Services
Business Unit Managers / Every time / Risk Assessment
Safe Work Method Statements/JSA
3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form
3.2-01F02 Managed Services HSW Induction Application Form
3.3.3 / Only trained and authorised Branch personnel may issue a 3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Formonly after providing all conditions of the Permit have been addressed / supplied. / Permit Issuers / Every time / Register of Permit Issuers
3.3.4 / Atmospheric testing and monitoring must be carried out by the person(s) before entry to a Confined Space, during occupancy and prior to re-entry to ensure hazards are identified and addressed. / Managed Services / As Required / Risk Assessment
Safe Work Method Statements/JSA
3.3.5 / A competent stand-by person(s) must remain outside the Confined Space to maintain communication and initiate rescue in case of an emergency. / Managed Services / Every time / Risk Assessment
Safe Work Method Statements/JSA
3.3.6 / The Permit-to-work shall be closed out at the end of the work with the Branch Permit Issuer.
If work is undertaken or progresses out of hours then arrangements can be made, in advance, with Security to close out the Permit.
If work is likely to extend after hours the relevant Campus Maintenance Service Centre must be informed. / Managed Services
Business Unit Managers / Every time / 3.1-07F04 Permit-to-Work Instruction – Confined Space
3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form
3.4 Emergency & Signage Requirements
3.4.1 / A First Aid and Rescue Plan shall be devised and documented prior to work commencing that:
  • Is not reliant on the emergency services attendance;
  • Does not endanger rescuers or other persons; and
  • Does not depend on actions by the person being rescued.
/ Project or Contract Managers
Business Unit Managers
Managed Services / Every Time / First Aid and Rescue Plan
3.4.2 / During occupancy of the Confined Space, appropriate signs and protective barriers shall be erected to prevent unauthorised access for the duration of the works.
In addition, the 3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form shall be displayed at a prominent location during the Confined Space activity. / Managed Services / Every time / 3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form
3.5 Documentation
3.5.1 / Permit-to-Work documentation shall be maintained for one (1) year unless longer periods are necessary e.g. health surveillance being required. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers
Property Managers / As Required / PRO2-07 Document Control
3.5.2 / Risk assessments will be kept for a minimum period of five (5) years. / Business Unit Managers
Project Managers
Property Managers / As Required / Risk Assessment
Safe Work Method Statement
3.5.3 / The Campus Services will maintain and conduct periodic reviews of the Confined Space Register to ensure any changes are addressed. / Business Unit Manager Campus Services
Project Managers
Property Managers / Annually / 3.1-11F01 Confined Space Register

4. Responsibilities and Process Compliance

Accountable Person / Action / Auditable Records
Director, Infrastructure, Property & Technology / Manage Permit-to-Work and Working in Confined Spaces Process in accordance with the IPT HSWMS. / Confined Space Register
Business Unit Manager
Property Manager / CheckManaged Services/Contractor has completed OHS Inductions prior to commencing work;
Conduct regular inspections of the Managed Services activities to ensure system compliance;
Liaise with relevant University staff in areas where work activities impact them; and
Review relevant safety documentation and/or Safe Work Method Statements/JSA relating to work activities. / OHS Induction Records
Workplace OHS Inspection Checklists
Safe Work Method Statements/JSA
Non-Conformance Reports
07F04 Permit-to-Work Instruction – Confined Space
3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form
Employees / Report any unsafe employee / Managed Services activities to the Manager/Supervisor in the area. / Incident/Property Damage/Hazard Report Form
Managed Services / Confirm all employees and sub-contractors have completed the relevant Branch OHS Inductions prior to commencing work;
Develop Safe Work Method Statements/JSArelevant to the work activities;
Conform to University OHS and Permit-to-Work system requirements;
Report any hazards, incidents or OHS issues; and
Ensure the work site remains safe for the duration of the work activity or project. / OHS Induction Records
Safe Work Method Statements/JSA
Incident/Property Damage/Hazard Report Form
Licenses/Training Records
3.1-07F04 Permit-to-Work Instruction – Confined Space
3.1-07F05 Working in Confined Space Permit-to-Work Form

5. Definitions

Confined Space / An enclosed or partially enclosed space that is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy and is not intended or designed primarily as a place of work, and
(a) is liable at any time to—
(i) have an atmosphere which contains potentially harmful levels of contaminants;
(ii) have an oxygen deficiency or excess; or
(iii)cause engulfment; and
(b) could have restricted means for entry and exit.
Competent Person / Means a person who is suitably qualified by training to carry out the work or function and including:
(a)identifying the hazards associated with confined spaces;
(b)risk assessment procedures;
(c)suitable control measures for confined spaces;
(d)the selection, use, fit and maintenance of safety equipment;
(e)emergency procedures; and
(f)legislative requirements.
Managed Services / An organisation or individual engaged by the University of Adelaide by way of a contract for service in accordance with the contract terms and defined scope of contract schedule(s).
Contract Manager / University of Adelaide representative responsible for the administration and management of the contracted services.
Safe Work Method Statement/JSA / Document that identifies the steps involved in the conduct of a work process and hazards associated with that work step. In addition it provides a process of evaluating the probability and consequences of injury or illness arising from exposure to an identified hazard or hazards and records the control mechanisms to eliminate or if not reasonably practicable minimize the risk associated with the hazards.
Risk Assessment / The process of evaluating the probability and consequences of injury or illness arising from exposure to an identified hazard or hazards.
Training / Nationally Accredited competency based in accordance with the requirements of OHSW Regulations 48 Education and training.

6. References

  • Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986
  • Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations2010
  • AS/NZS 2865 Confined Spaces
  • Safe Working in a Confined Space - Australian Standard AS2865-1995 (NOHSC:1009(1994))
  • NOHSC:1003 (1995) Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment
  • AS/NZS 1715 Selection Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Devices
  • AS/NZS 1716 Respiratory Protective Devices
  • University HSW HandbookChapter 3.16 Confined Spaces

Document Title: / PRO3 1-11 Working in Confined Space.docx / Version No. / 1.0 / Effective Date: / 26 November 2010
Filepath: / S:\Services_Resources\Infrastructure\Shared\HSW\IPT HSW Management System\Section 3.1 - Controlling HSW Risks\3.1-11 Working in Confined Spaces\PRO3 1-11 Working in Confined Space.docx / Next Review Date: / May 2014
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