African Caribbean Achievement Network (ACAN)

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday June 8th 2010

at St Michael’s CatholicHigh School


Chair: Garry Power (St Michael’s),Janis Keys (Bushey Meads), Nick Dixon (Queens’), Angela Walford, (Mecs Race Equality Advisor),Tim Clarke, Noah Kaindama,Adwoa Djan, Madeleine Lake (Mecs).

Item / Action
1. / Apologies: Michael Taylor,Rashida Kazi (Westfield CTC), Jackie McEleney (St Michael’s),Naima Ech-Chadli (Francis Bacon), Yemi Dede (Mecs), Des Reid (Youth Connexions), Michelle Penny (Laurance Haines), Dwight Smiley (Mecs).
2. / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on Feb9th 2010
NB. Minutes of past meetings can be read on the website.
2i) / Promoting Community Cohesion
- Mecs staff reported that the Community Cohesion Conference has been postponed until October 11th.
- GP made the point that if there are significant differentials between different groups’ achievement then a school can be judged as not having community cohesion in place. Good hard edged analysis of data essential.
- JK reported on having attended a useful session for governors on community cohesion.
- ML reported that a local primary school has received some funding to run events in the week of June 21st promoted by ‘Who Do We Think We Are?’
Noted that the WDWTA week was not at a good time for Secondary schools because of exams etc.
2ii) / ‘How we are making the difference’ - Research Report
-TC said that Heather Jones (Secondary National Strategy manager) had been positive about GP’s offer to speak to Heads about the Report. Not yet followed up with Kate Smith.
-Discussion about the ‘vulnerable groups’ model. Agreed that the groups within this umbrella term all have very different needs. ‘One size’ does not ‘fit all’.
-Concern expressed that the findings of the report about the strategies that support children from Black backgrounds have not been disseminated in the places that matter and that this is due to the lack of priority given to Black children’s achievement in Herts. There is a still a need to get the message to the Head teachers of Herts Secondary schools.
Agreed that a letter should be drafted for Heads and copies of the Report sent to them early in the new school year. / GP/ML
2iii) / ‘Show Racism the Red Card’
-AW updated members on the workshop programme in Primary and Secondary schools, which is going well. Powerful and engaging content. Includes football fitness session.
-15 out of 30 nominated primary schools and 2 out of the nominated 15 Secondary schools have so far taken up the offer.
-The project is continuing until March 2011.
-AW is planning an ‘in house’ competition so that current Year 6 pupils transferring into Yr 7 will not miss out due to the timing of the national SRtRC annual competition.
-Three Herts teachers attended the training in April. Further training sessions open to all staff – whether or not in a nominated school.
-Nick Dixon offered to be the Queens’ contact and will liaise with AW about involvement of Yr 9/10.
-JK said Bushey Meads would like to get involved. The Islamaphobia DVD is already being used in Yr 7 and 8. AW will meet her.
-See the website ‘teachers area’ for activities
/ ND/
3. / Narrowing the Gaps
i)TC introduced the National strategy document ‘Narrowing the Gaps - Leadership for Impact’ which can be found at

He circulated a document summarising the main points including Key Actions. (Attached with these Mins).Raising the achievement of children entitled to FSM is the focus.
Some discussion about the use of the term school ‘culture’ (as opposed to ‘ethos’). The development of ‘a culture conducive to success’ is put forward as key.
Unknown what the new Govt will do with this guidance.
Another useful document ‘Resources to support the achievement of Black and minority ethnic, disadvantaged and gifted and talented pupils’ is available at

ii)TC AD and NK reported on the interventions they have been offering to pupils in a number of Secondary schools.
TC circulated a spreadsheet of data he used to identify the schools/groups to target.
Three programmes (two academic and one pastoral) had been developed. Targetting Yr11 Maths and English C/D borderline students. Also Yr 9.
Example: a school with high achievers not doing as well in Maths.
Some schools had been ready to take up the offer – others not.
Variety of responses from students – some very positive, others less so.
Evaluations showed that in some cases logistical problems had affected outcomes.
5. / News
i)‘Hello Mr Capello’ - Open auditions being held at Watford Palace Theatre on June 11, 12 and 15th
ii)‘Britain’s Got Bhangra’ – Watford Palace Theatre on June 15th – 19th
iii)Bushey Meads Spring 2010 School Magazine ‘In Touch’
iv)AW drew attention to ‘Rights Respecting Schools’ Award (UNICEF)
Introduction for Govs in July.
Course on October 8th (see CPD programme for Autumn Term)

v)GP reported on work at St Michael’s (NK and JMc) – successful targeted intervention on Monitoring Days.
vi)ML reported that Yemi Dede (Learning mentor) will be leaving Mecs in July as she will be going to study in New York – Doctorate course in Counselling Psychology. She began working at St Michael’s in 2003.
Any member wishing to contribute to a leaving present please contact ML.
Date of the AutumnTerm ACA Network Meeting
Fixed for:
TuesdayOctober 5th 2010
at 4.15pm
at St Michael’s CatholicHigh School
***Please bring news of BME students’ achievements –academic and otherwise