2017 Nomination Packet

Thank you for your interest in the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Baton Rouge Chapter’s National Philanthropy Day Awards for 2017. These awards will be presented at the National Philanthropy Day Luncheon on November 14, 2017 at the Renaissance Hotel in Baton Rouge.

The AFP Greater Baton Rouge Chapter sponsors this annual awards program to recognize outstanding achievements by individual, foundation and corporate philanthropists, fundraising volunteers and professional fundraising executives.


Outstanding Leadership in Corporate Philanthropy Award goes to a business or corporation that demonstrates outstanding long-term financial support of one or more charitable causes.In addition, they may also offer consistent employee volunteer service to one or more non-profit organizations, and serve as an example of commitment to philanthropy.

Outstanding Philanthropist Award goes to an individual who demonstrates outstanding civic responsibility through financial support with personal contributions or through family foundation or donor-advised funds. A nominee must have a proven record of exceptional generosity over a number of years and have actively solicited and encouraged other individuals, companies, or foundations to follow their example.

Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award goes to an individual who demonstrates exceptional leadership skills in coordinating groups of volunteers for one or more major fundraising projects. In addition, there is evidence of an obvious commitment to the advancement of philanthropy in general.

Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation Award goes to a Foundation that demonstrates outstanding financial support over a period of time to one or more charitable causes. This Foundation sets an example for others to follow.

Outstanding Philanthropic Service Organization Award goes to a non-profit organization that demonstrates ongoing significant financial support and volunteer involvement in one or more charitable causes over a period of time.

Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award goes to either an individual or a group of young people, age 21 and under, who show a genuine commitment to service and financial support of a charitable cause or causes over a period of time.

Outstanding Professional Fundraiser Award goes to an outstanding member of the AFP Greater Baton Rouge Chapter who consistently practices his/her profession in an exemplary manner. Only current AFP members may be nominated. Current NPD Chairperson or members of the Award Selection Committee are not eligible for nomination.

Baton Rouge Legacy Award goes to an individual, couple, or family who has made a significant impact on Baton Rouge organizations through a charitable planned gift. Based on the selection committee’s preference, more than one award may be awarded in this category a year.

Spirit of Giving Lifetime Achievement Award goes to an individual whose exceptional leadership in philanthropy, extraordinary civic responsibility, and overall generosity has a measurable impact in our community. The nominee of this award may be living or recently deceased.The narrative should outline the nominee’s lifetime of philanthropic accomplishments. This is a special award and the judges may choose not to present this award every year.


The Award Selection Committee is a volunteer committee of community-minded individuals with knowledge of the important role philanthropy and philanthropists play in the life of our community. This anonymous panel will review all complete nominations.

Any person from the community may submit a nomination except individuals who serve on the current Awards Selection Committee. All nominations must be submitted by Tuesday, June 6, 2017.

For each award nomination, please review and follow these guidelines:

1.  Your Nomination should include:

a)  Cover Sheet

b)  Narrative – Please answer each of the questions completely in one page or less (500 words). Use a minimum of an 11 pt. font. Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful National Philanthropy Day Awards Nomination” sheet.

c)  Up to three letters of endorsements (optional) – Each letter should not exceed 2 pages.

2.  All nominations must be received no later than Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 5:00 pm. Please send completed nominations electronically as a Word document to .

3.  Each nomination needs to include at least one photograph. All photographs should be jpegs at 300 dpi (minimum). Nominations for organizations/corporations should send a high res corporate logo. Individual nominations should send a headshot/studio portrait as well as any photographs of the nominee in action serving the organization.

4.  Corporations, organizations, and individuals are eligible to receive a NPD Award after a period of five years since a previous award in the same category.

5.  Nominations from the previous year will beconsidered aftera call to thenominator toconfirm re-submission.

6.  Award winners must be present at the luncheon on November 14, 2017.


Just as the quality of a proposal influences a potential funder considering many requests, the quality and completeness of a nomination application influences the Award Selection Committee. As fundraising professionals, our work demands well-written proposals and making a compelling case. Nominees for the Philanthropy Day Awards deserve that same skill and commitment from us.

In an effort to help make completion of the nomination form as straightforward as possible, the Committee is pleased to provide these tips. The tips do not replace the instructions provided with the application materials.

Send questions about the application or process to .

1.  The application deadline of June 6, 2017 is exceptions.

2.  All photographs should be jpegs at 300 dpi (minimum). Nominations for organizations/corporations should send a high res corporate logo. Individual nominations should send a headshot/studio portrait as well as any photographs of the nominee in action serving the organization.

3.  Make sure your nominee meets the minimum requirements noted on the application. If not, please do not go forward with the nomination.

4.  Give comprehensively summarized answers. Be clear and concise. Sometimes less is more.

5.  Use your responses to tell a story, not only to list or record facts. Compelling, well-organized and well-articulated content is critical for understanding why your nominee should receive the award.

6.  Specifically answer the question posed. Responses that do not tie directly to questions will receive low point scores and weaken your nominee’s opportunity.

7.  Responses that verify your nominee’s involvement with multiple organizations are much stronger than those that demonstrate your nominee’s involvement with only your organization. Partner with those organizations to complete the nomination.

8.  Letters of support that specify a nominee’s impact can sometimes tip the balance in a close situation. Generic, non-specific letters of support do more harm than good.

9.  Have someone you trust proof the application for content and typos before you submit it. We all know what it’s like to read poorly constructed proposals and letters.

Thank you for the time, thought and energy you are putting into submitting your nominations. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your applications!


Instructions: Save this document to your computer and complete it electronically. Email the completed nomination (Cover Sheet and Narrative) as a Word document to no later than Tuesday, June 6, 2017 by 5:00 pm.

Award Category - select one
Outstanding Leadership in Corporate Philanthropy Award
Outstanding Philanthropist Award
Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award
Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation Award
Outstanding Philanthropic Service Organization Award
Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award
Outstanding Professional Fundraiser Award
Baton Rouge Legacy Award
Spirit of Giving Lifetime Achievement Award
Nominee’s Information
Full Name
Nominator’s Information
Full Name
Contact Person, if different than Nominator

If you require assistance in submitting a nomination, please contact Tammy Abshire, Chapter Administrator, at or (337) 501-5696.


Outstanding Leadership in Corporate Philanthropy Award

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.

To qualify for this award, a corporation or its corporate foundation must demonstrate outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement. List your nominee's achievements, including:

●  Evidence of direct gift support indicated by support of projects in the community.

●  Description of impact of gift support on above projects.

●  Description of specific achievements accomplished through the organization's efforts.

●  Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement (i.e. employee volunteerism).

●  Evidence of philanthropic support of innovative approaches to solving problems.

Outstanding Philanthropist Award

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.

This award is presented to an individual or family with a proven record of exceptional generosity who, through direct financial support, has demonstrated outstanding civic and charitable responsibility, and whose generosity encourages others to take philanthropic leadership roles on a community, national and/or international level. Your nomination should include the following information with specific examples:

●  Evidence of direct gift support.

●  Description of impact of gift support.

●  Description of participation in and gift support of nonprofit organizations.

●  Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles in philanthropy.

Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.

The individual eligible for this nomination must have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills in coordinating groups of volunteers for major fundraising projects. The recipient should demonstrate exceptional skills coordinating and motivating groups of volunteers for fundraising projects for the benefit of charitable institutions and a commitment to the advancement of philanthropy. List your nominee's specific achievements for the past year or several years, such as:

●  Evidence of quality of leadership and organizational ability in fundraising campaigns.

●  Description of time, effort and financial commitment.

●  Description of fundraising goals achieved by his/her effort.

●  Evidence of success in recruiting and motivating others.

●  Description of participation in other local, national or international nonprofit organizations.

Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation Award

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.

To qualify for this award, a foundation must demonstrate outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and local community involvement. List your nominee's achievements, including:

●  Evidence of direct financial support indicated by support of projects in the community.

●  Description of impact of financial support on above projects.

●  Description of specific achievements accomplished through the organization's efforts.

●  Evidence of philanthropic support of innovative approaches to solving problems.

●  Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement.

Outstanding Philanthropic Service Organization Award

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.

To qualify for this award an organization must have a proven record of exceptional generosity demonstrated through direct financial support, outstanding civic and charitable responsibility, and whose generosity encourages others to take philanthropic leadership roles.

Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.

This award recognizes service by an individual or group of young people ages 5-21 who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the community through direct financial support, development of charitable programs, volunteering and leadership in philanthropy. Your nomination should include the following:

●  Description in detail of what the nominee did, including goals, process, and other people involved in the process (adult leaders or advisor, e.g.) and of the time, talent and treasure the youth gave for the common good and the results that were achieved.

●  Description of the impact the nominee had on the community, including numbers of people involved, financial impact, organizations helped, etc.

●  Description of the impact of the nominee's work. Will the project(s) be ongoing and has the nominee considered next steps or is working on other projects?

●  Evidence that the project(s) can serve as a prototype for others or is easily replicable in other communities.

Outstanding Professional Fundraiser

Instructions: In a separate page, please address the nominee’s merit in one page or less (500 words). Your narrative will serve as the primary basis for the award selection process. Resumes, annual reports or other attachments are not accepted as part of the application. Please refer to the “Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination” sheet.