Post:Operations Manager[Nursing Home]

Employer:Hafod Care Association limited

Responsible to:Home Manager

Main Objectives of the Post

  1. To support the Home Manager to achieve consistent delivery of the very best person centred care for residents through a fully compliant, profitable and well run nursing home.
  1. To be responsible for effective people management to include talent acquisition, performance, conduct and attendance.
  1. To continually drive standards to ensure that Hafod Care’s company objectives and the National Minimum Standards of Care Homes ( 2004) are implemented in accordance with the care Standards Act 2000 and associated regulations.
  1. To be responsible for the running of the Home in the absence of the Registered Manager.

PrincipalDuties andResponsibilities

  1. WorkwiththeHomeManager andstafftoensure the Homeis compliantin meetingthe National Minimum Standards of Care Homes and localmonitoring teamstandards
  1. Ensurethatthe Home is operating inalignment withcompany standards,policies andprocedurestoprovide thehigheststandardsofcareandservice asdeterminedby ourcustomersandlegislation
  1. Beproactiveinidentifyinganyareasofnon-complianceandprioritise thedevelopment of comprehensiveandtimeboundactionplans
  1. Takeappropriate andswiftremedialactionusingtheHR expertiseavailablewithinthe Hendre Grouptoperformancemanagestaffwhofailtomeetexpectations or objectivesrelevanttotheirroleandjobdescription.
  1. Fosteracultureofcontinuousqualityimprovement andassurancewhilstembedding aframeworkthat encouragesownershipandaccountabilityandpromotesinnovation, sustainability and openness.
  1. Workwithclinicalandoperational leadstodevisepoliciesandprocedurestosupport excellentservicedeliveryandstaffdevelopment.
  1. Leadandassistininvestigations ofseriousuntowardincidents,includingwritingreportswithfindingsandrecommendations.

  1. Ensurethatanynewinitiativesbyourinspectingbodiesarecommunicatedeffectively throughout theHome.
  1. Takeresponsibility forhealthandsafety.Ensureallstaffareawareoftheir responsibilitiesunder currentHealthandSafetyLegislation,ensuringcompliancewithin thelegislativeframeworkandcompanypoliciesandprocedures


  1. Througheffectivequalitymanagement,assist the Home Manager in ensuring thatallclientsreceivethehighest standards ofcareandservicewhichmeetstheirneedsandsatisfiesalllegislative requirementsandcompanystandards.
  1. Help with the investigating of complaints, taking appropriate action and reporting to the Registered Manager/ Head of Nursing Homes and/or the CSSIW.
  1. Liaise and co-operate with the CSSIW, along with all other authorised inspectors and inspections.
  1. Compile quarterly and annual Quality Assurance Report.
  1. Ensure on-going auditing systems of work are completed monthly


  1. Tomaximisethe Home’soccupancyandfeeincomeperclienttoensureaviable andprofitablebusiness.
  1. Ensuretheorganisation’sfinancialobjectivesaremetthroughdiligentmanagementofthe Home’sbudget.
  1. Beassistwiththerosteringrequirements ofthe Hometo includeregularmonitoring havingregardforoccupancyandclientmix.
  1. Workingwiththe Home Manager,reviewbusinessperformanceagainstmanagement accounts information andensurestepsaretakentoaddressanyareasofconcernor underperformance

People Matters

  1. In conjunction with the HR department and senior management, be pivotal in developing and reviewing an effective talent acquisition strategy to ensure the effective recruitment, appointment and development of nursing, care, catering and domestic staff.
  1. Work with the management of the Association to ensure that there is effective communication with and between staff and to arrange regular staff meetings.
  1. Ensure that effective induction, supervision and assessment of staff is carried out and that training needs are identified and met, using the training matrix.
  1. Be responsible for the operational management of staff to include attendance and performance/conduct issues in accordance with the Association’s policies and procedures.
  1. Assist the Home Manager with the formal supervision and appraisal of staff members in line with Company policy, to ensure high standards are consistently maintained.

Running of the Home

  1. Assist with the managing of the day-to-day running of the home, to include:

•compliance with fire regulations, environmental health, infection control, building control, health & safety etc

•general building maintenance

•reporting of any malfunction eg heating, lighting or emergency systems etc

  1. Ensure the general fabric of the Home is maintained to a high standard and to arrange re-decoration, renewal as necessary and within assigned budgets.

QUALIFICATIONS / Relevant Management Qualification
WORK EXPERIENCE / Demonstrable relevant business management experience in either a:
  • care home setting / care of the elderly
  • high quality customer service focused environments e.g hospitality, retail etc.
Financial Experience / Knowledge of the
care sector and an
understanding of the care
home regulations along with
POVA requirements
Knowledge of the Care Standards Act 2000 and other relevant legislation
SKILLS / Leadership
Effective Quality Management
People management
Developing and managing annual budgets
IT proficient
Excellent communication skills
Change management / Procurement
SPECIAL APTITUDES / Ability to lead and motivate a staff group.
Self-motivated, organised, caring and flexible.
Sensitive to the needs of the resident group
Time management
Ability to form positive relationships / *****
REQUIREMENTS / Full, current UK driving licence
Committed to high standards.
Committed to training

PAY AND CONDITIONS: Operations Manager [Nursing Home]

  1. The salary for this position is circa£35000 per annum.
  1. The Association operates an agreed hours system giving an average of 40 hours per week by agreement with the line manager.

However, the Association reserves the right to alter the arrangement of these hours if it is in the best interests of the Association to do so.

  1. Your minimum paid holiday entitlement will be 20 days per annum plus bank and public holidays and extra statutory and concessionary days amounting to an extra 14 days in total per annum (pro rata for part time employment).

In addition to the basic entitlement, staff with more than two years continuous service at the beginning of the leave year will qualify for one additional day's leave for each following complete year of service up to a maximum of ten working days.

  1. Employees are entitled to join the company pension scheme after three months employment with the Association.
  2. On appointment you will become a member of the Association’s group life insurance scheme which entitles your next of kin to receive a sum of money equal to twice your annual salary in the event of your death whilst an employee of the Association.
  1. You will be required to be in possession of a current valid driving licence and provide your own car. You will be reimbursed for mileage undertaken on the Association's business under the Fixed Profit Car Scheme under which the Association can pay tax free mileage allowance.
  1. Eligible employees are entitled to join the Group Private Health scheme, and, on payment of the necessary contribution, extend cover to members of their family.

Closing Date: Monday 16th February 2015

Interview Date: Monday 2nd March 2015