To Warm or not to Warm
For Naomi Oreskes, professor of scientific history at Harvard, there’s no more vivid illustration of the bitter war between science and politics than Florida’s ban on state employees using terms such as “climate change” and “global warming”. No matter that the low-lying state is critically vulnerable to rises in sea level, or that 97% of peer-reviewed climate studies confirm that climate change is occurring and human activity is responsible, the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott, instructed state employees not to discuss it as it is not “a true fact”.
“The scientific community feels it worked incredibly hard on this issue,” Oreskes says. “It has done exactly what it is supposed to do, which is study the question carefully from many angles, publish the results in peer-reviewed journals, explain it to the public and in reports. Yet it has gained no traction. Or worse – scientists are facing active attempts to deny, discredit, harass and, in some cases, sully their reputations.”
The political split on the issue grew last week when secretary of state John Kerry warned climate-change deniers and obfuscators – presumably including 2016 presidential contender Jeb Bush (who accepts global warming but not that it is disproportionately caused by human activity) – that there is no time to waste on debating the subject. Fail to act, he said, and future generations will want to know how world leaders could have been “so blind or so ignorant or so ideological or so dysfunctional and, frankly, so stubborn”.
As a historian of science, Oreskes is better-positioned than research scientists to challenge the situation. She recently suggested that the threat of climate change is so extreme, and time to curb its accelerating effects so short, that the scientific community should abandon its conservative, 95% confidence standard – which, she argues, is an unfair burden of proof that has no actual basis in nature. The recent data published by the NOAA is quoted as saying they have a 38% Confidence Interval that 2014 was the warmest year on record. That is meeting no standard. That means that the real data is so far away from the regression slope that it resembles a cloud and not a trend. It means it is no more a trend than a bucket full of BB’s dumped on the street is a road map to Oz.
The fact is that according to Arctic Ice News, the current Arc tic ice cap is within 1% of the cap from 1981, the year that records were first recorded. 1%. And the trend has been going the other way…cooler and not warmer. That is according to the NOAA site itself. 2014 was the third smallest January ice level. 2012 was the smallest, then 2013, and now 2014. That means it has been growing each of the last three years, since 2012.
When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the part played in stoking up the scare by the fiddling of official temperature data. There was already much evidence of this seven years ago, when I was writing my history of the scare, The Real Global Warming Disaster. But now another damning example has been uncovered by Steven Goddard’s US blog Real Science, showing how shamelessly manipulated has been one of the world’s most influential climate records, the graph of US surface temperature records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century. The facts are not there to prove this.
But, there is no money in growing ice packs. There is no funding. There are no grants. There is no panic. But, there should be alarm. The Earth is about to enter a 207 years cycle of ice ages. Now is the time to prepare, and begin to move people south, and to get oil and gas pipelines into place.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to War we Go
Today we are going to look at a convergence of events that show we are "one event" away from World War III.
From Israel to Iran, North Korea against South Korea, China and Japan, Iran claiming they take the US on militarily, the world is in chaos, but it is the situation in Ukraine, with the NATO and the west, led by the US, and their actions against Russia that the focus needs to be on.
As NATO creeps closer and closer to Russian borders, with US military bases all over Russia's backyard so to speak, ANP sources tell us "it can happen at any time, this is it," and that all it will take is one tactical nuke in Ukraine or elsewhere, which will immediately be blamed on Russia and it will mean "World War III has arrived."
A portion of the signs we are seeing which show Russia is actively preparing for war with the west, were discussed in the Endgame article, shown below, and recent headlines since that was written make it obvious the preparation on the part of world powers has kicked into high gear.
"Russia isacquiring new vesselsfor their naval strength, developing technology thatturns the US military into helpless sitting ducks, flexing their military andnuclear might with warnings from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who states "Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia.I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclearpowers," while making it clear thatRussia is preparing for the possibility of nuclear war. Russia is also preparing their population for all out war, asWashington Post reports on March 8, 2015, that "Russia’s anti-American fever goes beyond the Soviet era’s."Russia is also simulating "attack scenarios" on NATO ships."
On March 11, 2015, a couple important pieces of the puzzle were revealed but was buried under an avalanche of other "news" but keeping the warning we were given in mind, these articles cast a new light on the escalation of preparation on the part of Russia for what they know is coming.
The first is that Russia has launched simultaneous miltary drills in the west, south and far east.
During a tactical fight training exercise in South Russia’s Stavropol Territory, about 20 Su-25SM (NATO reporting name Frogfoot) fighter-bombers will make 30 sorties with live firing of missiles and rockets.
Meanwhile, some 7,000 kilometers (4,200 miles) away, the Peresvet and the Admiral Nevelsky amphibious warfare ships have begun exercises in the Sea of Japan that include live firing at secure coastal targets.
Air defense units in the westernmost Russian region of the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, have also launched large-scale exercises involving over 500 servicemen and 100 units of military hardware.
The current Russian military drills are taking place concurrently with the annual US military exercises in Estonia and NATO naval drills in the Black Sea. Warships from Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania are participating in the Black Sea exercises.
Secondly, both NBC and RT reported the same day, that according toMikhail Ulyanov, the head of the ministry's department on arms control, Russia has the right to deploy nuclear weapons in Crimea.
Countries practice, conduct war games as they call them, training exercises, all the time, but with tensions high between Russia and the west, NATO and the US deliberately interfering in Ukraine by supporting the ouster of the duly elected Ukrainian president to insert a puppet government, then escalating those tensions by sending arms, troops and encroaching closer and closer to Russian borders, that "one event" that will kick off World War III is being systematically orchestrated and no matter who "fires" that first shot, that first nuke, the west with the help of the MSM (as shown in the video below), is already prepared to blame Russia in order to justify a full scale, global nuclear war.
Headlines today indicate that things are heating up even more, whereRussian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the defense industry, Dmitry Rogozin responds toconcerns voiced by the commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) over Russia’s growing military potential and deterrence capabilities. Sputnik headline "Moscow to NORAD Head: Yes, We Can Contain Your Missiles Better Now. Sorry."
Then we have the mysterious deaths of six former Ukrainian officials, allies of the pro-Russia ousted PresidentViktor Yanukovych:
Oleksandr Peklushenko, former head of Zaporizhzhya, had suffered a gunshot wound to the neck and authorities said initial inquiries pointed to suicide.
A member of Ukraine's Party of the Regions, he was being investigated over the dispersal of protesters last year.
Five other officials also died in mysterious circumstances this year.
All of them supposedly took their own lives in the past six weeks
• Stanislav Melnyk, 53, an ex-MP was found shot dead in his bathroom on 9 March • Mykhaylo Chechetov, former party deputy chairman, died after apparently jumping from a window in his 17th-floor flat on 28 February; he had been accused of abuse of office and fraud • Serhiy Valter, a mayor in the south-eastern city of Melitopol, was found hanged on 25 February; he too had been accused of abuse of office • Oleksandr Bordyuh, a former police deputy chief in Melitopol linked to Mr Valter, was found dead at his home on 26 February • Oleksiy Kolesnyk, ex-head of Kharkiv's regional government was found hanged on 29 January.
Makes one wonder what these men knew and ask who wanted to silence them?
In the first video below, Fabian4Liberty lays out the patterns being seen now in comparison to events that were seen as the world was led into the first two world wars, showing that World War 3 Draws Near" as he titles his video.
We see the "spin" from the MSM in the second video below, where it is stated outright that US officials say "Ukraine will be the epicenter of a 'new' European war."
Make no mistake, in 2007 when Putin made it clear they would not rubber stamp every war the US decided to wage, then proved it by blocking the Obama administration from war in Syria, the puppet masters in control started to systematically implement a plan to start WW3 and lay the entire blame at Russia's feet.
The UK Dumps the US? Don’t believe it
Et tu, Britain? United Kingdom to join China in the anti-dollar alliance,
In another awkward blow to the rapidly waning US-dollar hegemony, America and Britain just had their “It’s not you, it’s me” moment.
Late yesterday, the government of the United Kingdom announced that they would be applying to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank… as a founding member.
This is huge.
Right now, the United States dominates the global financial system.
But after years of endless wars, spying, debt, money printing, bailouts, and insane regulations, the rest of the world has had enough. And they’re looking for an alternative.
China is coming up with an answer.
The soon-to-be-live Chinese International Payment System (CIPS) will provide a way for banks to transfer funds to one another without having to use the US banking system… or the US dollar.
China is also the ringleader behind both the BRICS development bank (called the New Development Bank, or NDB) as well as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
Both of these are multilateral development banks that aim to end the dominance of the western-controlled World Bank and IMF.
NDB includes all the BRICS nations– Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
Founding members of the AIIB include China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, etc. They’re typically all rapidly growing and/or resource-rich developing nations.
New Zealand was the first western nation to join AIIB back in October. And yesterday afternoon, Britain announced its intention to become the second.
(Of course in the UK’s eyes they’re the first since New Zealand still belongs to the Queen!)
This is a massive, embarrassing blow to the United States, and to the future of the US dollar.
It’s pretty obvious when you look at the dozens of signatories to the NDB and AIIB charter documents: the rest of the world is sick and tired of the United States dominating the global financial system.
And by putting these new development banks and alternative payment systems together, they’re actually doing something about it.
Even America’s own allies have supported this anti-dollar movement.
Last summer the French Finance Minister explained to reporters how completely unnecessary it was for a European aircraft manufacturer to sell jets to European airlines in US dollars (instead of euros).
He also slammed the US government for arrogantly fining French bank BNP a whopping $9 billion for doing business with countries that the US doesn’t like.
(Side note: one of the ‘evil’ countries BNP did business with was Cuba, and they were heavily punished for this, even though BNP broke no law in France. But now all of a sudden the US and Cuba are buddy-buddy again. Is BNP going to get a refund?)
His conclusion? It’s time for a ‘rebalancing’ of the global financial system away from the US dollar. Other political allies of the United States have echoed similar sentiment.
But now we can see words are turning into action.
Britain might be too polite to tell the US straight up– “Look, you have $18.1 trillion in official debt, you have $42 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and you’re kind of a dick. I’m dumping you.”
So instead they’re going with the “it’s not you, it’s me” approach.
But to anyone paying attention, it’s pretty obvious where this trend is going.
It won’t be long before other western nations jump on the anti-dollar bandwagon with action and not just words.
Bottom line: this isn’t theory or conjecture anymore. Every shred of objective evidence suggests that the dollar’s dominance is coming to an end.
It’s happening. Time to plan for it.
Our goal is simple: To help you achieve personal liberty and financial prosperityno matter what happens.
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The future of the U.S. Treasury Ponzi Market will likely unfold in two scenarios. Unfortunately, both end up with a crash of the U.S. economic and financial system. Which is precisely why it is important to own physical precious metals before this occurs.
Chris Hamilton explains these two scenarios in his most recent article:
Treasury Buying – Pyramid, Ponzi or GDP Crushing Paradox???
By Chris Hamilton,
If we believe the Federal Reserve’s emergency policies of QE (quantitative easing…aka, printing money to buy select US debt)are finishednor is there an unannounced“shadow QE” taking place behind the scenes, then two of the four sources of US Treasury buyinghave dried up (Federal Reservepluswaning “intra-governmental” surplus trust fund purchases). Unless the third source (“foreign holdings”)is re-doubled (at continued record low yields) the last man standing is the “domestic public” (US domestic institutions like insurers, pensions, banks, plus retail buyers, etc.). Without the Fed and much larger “foreign” bid, theDomestic Public has onlyone choice available; the interest rates by which eitherthepublicgoes bankrupt or the government goes bankrupt.Over the next four years (’15-’18…and beyond)the Domestic Public is left withbuying 10x’s more Treasury debt than over the previous four (’11-’14)…effectively crashing US GDP and the US economy.
(Source TIC, Federal Reserve)
How it all Works:
The Treasury puts all potential Treasury buyers into four distinct classifications:
1.Intra-government (Social Security and other surplus trust fund tax revenues held in special Government Account Series or GAS Treasury’s).
2.Domestic pubic meaning US institutions like pensions, insurers, banks, plus retail Treasury buyers.
3.The Federal Reserve
4.“Foreign holdings”
The chart below outlines the changes in ownership since ’09…note that ’12 through ’14 nearly all buying is courtesy of Fed and “Foreign held”. As an aside, clearly whatever has intrigued the “foreign held” bid since 2011 has not intrigued US institutions to buy more record low yielding US Treasury’s. Strange such different business models and yield expectations exist domestically vs. “foreign held”?!?