Date:8th May 2007 Time: 2.00pm Venue: Brynteg Memorial Hall
In attendance:
Cilla Robinson
Chair / NEW NHS Trust / / Lloyd Kenyon / Chair, Wrexham Governors’ Association / X
Sue Aston / NEW NHS Trust / / Dafydd Ifans / Chair, Wrexham Primary Headteachers’ Federation / X
Yvonne Harding / NEW NHS Trust / X / John Davies / WCBC Head of Service: Achievement 0 - 12 /
John Gallanders / Chief Executiive - AVOW / / Margaret Southall / WCBC Head of Service: Family Support /
Pat Kearsley / Third Sector - / / Hilary Harriman / WCBC Chair, EYDCP
Lead Officer, Early Entltilement / X
Carol Gardner / Third Sector – Dynamic / / Lyn Millen / WCBC Family Support /
Tricia Hughes / Third Sector - / / Helen Edwards / WCBC ICC Manager / X
Caroline Selby / Third Sector – / / Jerry O’Keefe / WCBC Health Alliance /
Cllr. Jim Kelly / WCBC CYP Scrutiny Chair / X
Angela Roberts / WLHB / X / Jan Jones / Head of Service: Perf., Support and Development /
Minutes only
Terry Garner / WCBC Strategic Director Children and Young People / Clare Field / WBCB Chief Prevention and Inclusion Officer
Sue Willis / WLHB / Bob Maclaren / WBCB Chief Safeguarding and Support Officer
Hywyn Williams / WBCB Chief Learning and Achievement Officer
Distribution: As above Minutes taken by: Elaine Sheldon
Agenda/Points covered: / Respons- ible person:Pre-Agenda
- Not applicable
- Apologies
- Lynn Millen
- Angela Roberts
2Previous Minutes (Joint Partnership 04 October 2006 and Framework Partnership 28 February 2007 and 25 April 2007) and matters arising not already on the agenda
- The Children’s Partnership has not met for a number of months. Minutes of recent meetings were reviewed, page-by-page.
3. Confirmation of Agenda
- Nothing further raised/added.
4. Strategic Co-ordinating Groups
- JHJ explained that as the re-structured Partnership arrangements were at an early stage there was not a great deal to report at this meeting. Previous Sub-groups are being re-organised and, in some cases, re-named, but any on-going projects will be continued and completed.
- Team Around the Child (TAC) Flying Start now established.
- JO’K stated that the Health Alliance relationship with SCoGs needs to be evaluated and a small group is looking at this.
- JG pointed out need to maintain vigilance re. transitional issues – young people into adult services.
- The Substance Misuse group (SMAT) has undergone some re-organisation.
4.1 Learn and Achieve SCoG
- Scheduled to meet on 18th May. One of this SCoG’s priorities is likely to be bullying
4.2 Enjoyment and Participation SCoG
- A pre-meeting has taken place and the SCoG itself will meet early in June.
4.3 Safe from Harm SCoG/LSCB
- The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) is a statutory Board which comprises two parts – an Executive Board and a Developmental Group. To avoid duplication and waste of time in meetings, it has been agreed that the LSCB Development Group will also act as the Safe from Harm SCoG.
- It should be noted that the LSCB Development Group currently meets every two months and that, should there be a conflict of interest, the governance arrangements of the LSCN will take precedence over those of the Children and Young People’s Framework Partnership which includes the Young People’s Partnership and the Children’s Partnership.
4.4 Healthy and Active SCoG/
- Scheduled to meet on 01 June 2007.
4.5 Children and Young People’s Framework Partnership Board
- Minutes of previous two meetings provided.
- New structure reflected in agenda which places work of the SCoGs at the centre of the debate/action.
- Determination to concentrate on outcomes rather than funding.
- ToR will eventually documentation set out all useful and necessary information relating to the Framework Partnership.
4.6Young People’s Partnership (JG)
- YPP is to meet twice per year and they will join with all other Partners in the Annual Conference (27 June this year).
- YPP meetings will take place at rotating venues with the host organisation providing a short presentation on their work and goals.
- The next meeting (date TBA) will have a member of the Welsh Language Board as a speaker following enquiries from them re. young people provision and the Welsh language.
- £10,000 has been allocated for the development of a “Youth Parliament” (working title only) .The item has received support from Elected Members; JHJ explained that Elected Members were keen to ensure that anything developed was truly representative.
5. Children’s Partnership – for Action
5.1 Terms of Reference/Governance document (Draft) (JHJ)
- Page 3 shows how the new structure reflects the WAG 7 Core Aims.
- The intention is that there will be true Task and Finish groups, which will complete a task and then disband, though some groups will need to continue on a longer-term basis. In these instances, the work programme will be scrutinised to ensure that they are achieving identified outcomes.
- Details of groups and memberships will be circulated once final decisions have been made.
- Work Programmes for SCoGs will be detailed, including those inherited.
- Note page 38 – Children’s Partnership Terms of Reference.
- Note page 44 – dates for year – DRAFT ONLY at THIS STAGE!!
- The ToR document and other papers will eventually appear on the internet site. Link will be included with minutes of this meeting.
5.2Summer Conference 2007
- This has been postponed from April and is now to be held on 27 June.
- It was noted that an important meeting on Autism was now being held at NEWI on the same day, but it was felt that arrangements were now too far advanced to change the date.
- The draft intentions of the conference are:
- to review achievements via SCoGs update;
- explore a multi-agency approach to bullying;
- to apprise Partners of the work of other Partnerships – eg. Community Safety, Health, Social Care and Well-being;
- to review NSF draft plan and draft guidance for CYPP.
- Further suggestions were invited and the following were offered:
- provide explanation re. expectations re. bullying workshop so that those who think this issue does not affect them will not be put off;
- there was praise for the multi-agency structure, which works well for WCBC management away days;
- the idea of children’s/young people’s musical accompaniment was considered and the possibility of a saxophonist group suggested by JG.
JD left the meeting at this point. / JHJ
5.3Future shape of Children’s Partnership meetings
- It was agreed that time was needed to study the draft Terms of Reference.
- CR described that the new role, meeting only twice annually plus the Conference, would necessitate the SCoGs bearing the greater burden of work. This Partnership’s main duties would now be to look at the work of these groups and the Framework Partnership Board, and influence them by use of their knowledge; this is no longer a decision-making group.
- Membership was reviewed. Possibility of inviting Governors’ Wales Field Officer suggested.
- The future Children and Young People’s internet site was discussed, with the main concerns being that it should be up to date and with appropriate levels of security.
- JG stated that he would want to disseminate the link to this site, so that reports and relevant minutes could be viewed by interested parties, so that it could never be secure.
- Agreed that documents should be produced in the knowledge that they would be public which would obviate the need for complex security measures which would probably be circumvented and which would militiate against openness.
- Questions were invited: On-going work of original sub-groups? This will be taken up by SCoGs. Any problems on this matter should be brought to the attention of the Children’s Partnership.
- Information
- Reports for information
- Performance, Support and Development (PSD) (JHJ)
- This is a new Section in the Children and Young People’s Service. It sits within the Prevention and Inclusion Department but exists to serve and support all three Departments and all Children and Young People’ Framework developments and work. There are three teams within the PSD Section:
- Performance Analysis – dealing with all issues re. data collection, interpretation and IT systems holding data – they paint the picture;
- Performance Development – dealing with all planning, commissioning, contracting, consultation and legislation – they act on the picture painted;
- Performance Support – support services to CYP Service and Framework groups.
- The separate Framework Support Team is now part of the PSD Section signifying the closer alignment of goals and outcomes implied in the requirement for a unified Children and Young People’s Plan by 2008.
- This was highlighted and the closing date for responses noted – 23 July 2007.
- Additional (Cymorth) funding for Children with Disabilities
- Helen Edwards has canvassed those involved in the Play Forum for suggestions on how this funding (£40k approx.) ought to be deployed. JHJ shared the suggestions with Partners.
- It was noted that there was no guarantee that the funding would continue beyond the 2007 - 08 financial year which limited its flexibility. Time for sending a response to WAG was also limited.
- Proposals discussed were:
- to fund an additional play scheme aimed at children aged 0 – 8 with disabilities who are currently not catered for by available services;
- to fund a series of awareness-raising events and publicity materials to celebrate and highlight existing practice, and in order to consult with regard to future planning and development involving all partners and families;
- to enable investigation of a buddying scheme such as that being successfully implemented by colleagues in Flintshire.
- that any further available funding be used to:
- top-up assisted places if required;
- to provide additional training opportunities;
- to purchase additional equipment.
Action: JHJ to write to WAG with the above proposal
7.2 CYPP – young people’s version of the guidance
- This was circulated by JHJ for information.
- Date and time of next meeting
- Meeting closed at 3.45pm
- Next meeting – Tuesday 13 November 2007 @ 2pm
- Brynteg Memorial Hall