The faith that moves mountain
Matthew 17:14-23
Key verse 20 “He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’”
The last passage was Jesus’ glorious transfiguration on the mountain. Filled with heavenly glory of Jesus, Peter wanted to put up three shelters to stay in the mountain. But Jesus came down the mountain and entered the town where spiritual battle was going on. The life on earth is battle against our enemy devil. We see God’s power and glory through our worship in church and it is our responsibility to take care of God’s flock of sheep in the world. In today’s passage we are going to learn how Jesus drove out the demon and what kind of faith we need.
First, Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy (14-18).
Look at verses 14-16.“When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. ‘Lord, have mercy on my son,’ he said. ‘He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.’”
This father was suffering terribly because his son was subject to seizures. A demon took possession of a young boy and he became self-destructive and unpredictable. His father dared not bring him to a summer barbecue, or he might throw himself into the fire and burn his body. His father also couldn’t take him to the beach in summer, or he might throw himself into the water and drown. The father had to be constantly alert. He must have spent many sleepless nights, babysitting his son.
According to the Bible, the prince of this world is the demon. People are suffering a lot by the power of the evil spirit. Over the years, mankind have been developed technologies, revolutionary IT products and economic growth. But human beings are still under the power of sin and death. Increasing suicide rate in the worldwide shows how the demon works in our human life specifically. People are exposed to the violence, sexual immorality and criminals more and more as time goes by. John 10:10 says that “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Demon is like a thief who steals and destroys our soul. However, Jesus is the only hope for the world. The demon is trembling in the name of Jesus and Jesus came to the world to save and to give life for us.
In desperation, the father had brought his boy to the disciples who were left in the town. Upon hearing the father’s request, they said, “Sure, we can drive it out.” The previous victory made them confident and they were willing to heal the boy. In spite of disciples’ will and confidence, however, they were not able to drive out the demon. Rather, the disciples’ trial provoked the demon and suddenly the boy began to look like the incredible hulk, being out of control. The disciples, in one accord, turned and ran away. This failure was not a light matter. The suffering boy was getting worse. His father’s heart was broken. It was a disgrace to Jesus, and discouraged everyone.
How did Jesus respond when he heard about the story? Look at verse 17. “‘You unbelieving and perverse generation,’ Jesus replied, ‘how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.’” Jesus was deeply grieved over the entire generation. Yet Jesus was especially grieved over the unbelief of his disciples. They had seen many great miracles. They had been taught many spiritual lessons face to face. But they looked nothing but ordinary men who were trembling before the power of the demon. Their faith didn’t work at times of need. When Jesus called and trained the disciples, he had hope that they would grow as mature and influential people who serve and help others with the power of faith. Seeing the disciples’ spiritual reality, however, Jesus must have pain in his heart.
In the Bible, Jesus was generous to embrace and to forgive the disciples’ mistakes and failures. Peter disowned Jesus three times when Jesus was arrested. Instead of rebuking Peter, Jesus embraced his failure and Jesus even served him the breakfast with fish barbecue. But whenever the disciples had no faith, Jesus rebuked them saying that you of little faith. Jesus really values one’s faith. When Jesus accepted people’s request, Jesus saw their faith first. Particularly, Jesus was very pleased to see the centurion’s faith when the centurion said, “I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you, but say the word, and my servant will be healed”(Luke 7:7) The centurion’s faith was deeply rooted in Jesus’ words. He put 100% trust in Jesus’ words and asked mercy based on that faith. In response, Jesus said “I have not found such great faith even in Israel” and healed the centurion’s servant at that moment. Hebrews 11:6a says clearly “without faith it is impossible to please God.” The best gift that we can offer to God is our faith. As Jesus is a son of God and God himself, He is also very much pleased to see our faith.
Jesus diagnosed the problem of that generation. It was unbelief and perversion. The word “perverse” comes from a Greek word that means rebellious without cause. People in Jesus’ generation were like that, and people in our time are like that as well. Sometimes we respond well to the word of God and discuss spiritual issues as we do bible studies. But after Bible study, if we don’t put our trust in God’s words practically we may become unbelievers. People go home, watch television, surf the internet, and swim in the unbelieving generation. We lose our spiritual power and we have no respect toward God’s words. Judas Iscariot was the worst example. He was one of the disciples who stayed with Jesus just before Jesus’ death, learning of Jesus’ teaching closely. But when he rejected to believe in Jesus as a son of God constantly, he became perverse and committed the sin of betrayal and suicide. Nobody wants to be called “perverse” or “you pervert.” Jesus wants all of us to be people of faith that pleases God.
Though Jesus was grieved, he did not ignore the plea of the father. Look at verse 18. “Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.” Jesus’ word was the very word of God Almighty. The demon trembled and left the boy at once. This is not an old story. Jesus can also heal all the tormented young people of our times.
Then let’s think about our faith. Do we have faith that pleases Jesus? Or do we grieve Jesus? I pray that we may have faith like the centurion by serving sick and suffering people by the power of God’s words.
Second, faith that moves mountains (19-21).
Jesus’ mighty work drove out unbelief and made an atmosphere of faith. But something troubled in the hearts of 9 disciples. It was their failure to drive out the demon. Jesus had made it look so easy. But to them it seemed to be impossible. They were more puzzled when they considered their past experience. According to Mark 6:13, they drove out demons and healed many sick people during two by two mission journey. But this time, they failed. They did not understand why. They asked Jesus, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”
Look at verse 20a. “He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith.’” The power to drive out demons comes from faith. The disciples had little power because they had so little faith. How do we know if the one has little or great faith?
When Jesus saw people who were worried about their lives thinking that what will eat and what will wear, Jesus said “you of little faith”(Matthew 6: 30). Jesus also says in Matthew 8:26 “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”, when his disciples were fearful of storm. The opposite meaning of faith is worry, doubt and fear and these things make our faith weak. The world is tough. There are many problems and difficulties such as finance, health and broken relationship. These problems keep challenging our faith. If we become easily worried and fearful to the matters in the world, Jesus will view our faith as little.
Then what kind of faith Jesus wants us to have? Look at verse 20b. “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Jesus says that we don’t need grandeurs faith to move the mountain. We only need little faith as small as a mustard seed. Do you know how small it is? The size of mustard seed is usually about 1 or 2 mm in diameter. We can’t see it easily if it is placed on the ground. Having faith like a mustard seed means to have a living faith. Although a mustard seed is very small, it has life in it so it grows up to 20 feet high tree. In the same way, if the one has small faith like a mustard seed, people can’t recognize his or her faith in the beginning. But as a seed grows to be a big tree, this faith grows to be powerful enough to move the mountain. The core point is that we must have faith that is living.
I often bring my son to Ton Tai Chinese supermarket. Both of us like to stay in the seafood shop and we see how a butcher deals with living fish. When a butcher takes a fish out of an aquarium, fish jumps up and up to survive. As I see the fish, I feel that “Wow this is life!” On the other hand, dead fish sleeps peacefully covering their body with ice blanket. They never move. Whatever has life in it, it moves and struggles. In the same way, those who have living faith put their trust in God and keep challenging the situations by faith. Of course, there are obstacles and difficulties in life but the people of living faith never give up because their faith is alive. If you are a student, challenge school study by faith. If you are a bible teacher, challenge fishing by faith. If you are a business man, challenge your business by faith. Put your faith in God and never doubt until God fulfills his promise.
There are many people of faith. When Abraham put his trust in God, it was like a mustard seed faith. Abraham received the word of promise from God and he left for the promise land by faith even though nothing was promising to him in human point of view. However, the life in his faith kept growing and he became a father of all nations at the end.
William Carey who is known as a father of modern mission was one of them. He was an uneducated shoemaker boy. At the age of 17, he was convinced by God and he committed himself to live as God’s servant. He believed that God had a special plan for him and he knew that it was world mission. By faith he shouted “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God!” He challenged world mission work beginning from small faith. He put a world map on the wall of the working place and prayed for each nation diligently. God saw his faith and vision for the world mission. God used him greatly as a missionary in India. He established university and the Bible translation centre where he raised up many devoted Indian Christians and translated the Bible in 40 different languages. His influence was great and God used William Carey to ignite the fire of world mission revival during 18 and 19th century in England. Who can believe that an uneducated shoemaker did all these powerful works? Williams’ small faith and act of prayer changed the course of England mission history.
This is my story. Coming to Canada as a missionary was great challenge to me. My parent was having financial difficulty and I didn’t have any plan or measures to live in Canada. However, God planted a small faith like a mustard seed in my heart. Joshua 17:18 “Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours; though the Canaanites have chariots fitted with iron and though they are strong, you can drive them out.” This verse became alive in my heart and made my faith strong to live as a pioneer. In the beginning of my life in Canada, the life was tough. I didn’t know how to support my family, how to teach the Bible in English and even I didn’t know how to get back my home when I was lost. Over the years, my faith has been challenged a lot. I worked at the bottom of the society for more than 6 years. I failed twice to get a permanent residence. In general, my life had been unsecure, uncertain and unpredictable. However, I never doubt God’s leading and guidance upon my life. God is the one who sent me to Canada. God is the one who gave me the words of promise. God encouraged me once again when I was is despair in the middle of my mission life. He visited me during the prayer night and spoke to me. “Look up at the sky and count the stars if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be.”(Genesis 15:5) Hearing this word of promise, I felt my faith was getting bigger. I believed God’s word and trusted in him. Since then on, God led me to the best way according to my faith. I give my thanks and praise to God who blesses my faith guiding my life as a pioneer. I pray that I may live my mission life by faith to the end.
We are learning of the living faith. Keeping our faith living is same as prayer. Mark chapter 9 describes the same event with this passage and Jesus says in verse 29 “This kind can come out only by prayer” Prayer is a key to experience the power of God. Prayer and faith are closely related. Those who believe in God pray because they know that true help comes from God. Someone says that I will challenge my school study by faith. Then what if he doesn’t pray? It means that he does not believe in God. He believes in his own knowledge or wisdom. Here is another example. My son, Peter, likes to play with pieces of puzzle. Sometimes my wife buys him 30 or 50 pieces of puzzle. This is very challenging to him. However, Peter believes that dad is capable to do this puzzle so if I ask him he will help. As a father, of course, I am willing to help him putting together all the pieces in the right place when he asks. This is the way which shows how our faith and prayer work together. Peter’s belief on me and his asking make his job done. But some people try to solve challenging tasks by their own effort relentlessly although they believe in God who is almighty. 9 disciples were like them. Driving out the demon was quite challenging task for them. But they depended on their previous experience or self-effort neglecting prayer. It is easy to say that I live by faith. But we need to prove our faith before God by coming to him in constant prayer.