HappyChristmas to you all.

Coming Events

In house Tournament

Monteith’s sponsored the

Christmas pairs. This is

filling fast and there is a

limiton numbers. If you miss

out you will be listed as

a reserve


Ian Nicholls President

Dennis Lahman Secretary

Murray Kennett Treasurer

Bill Sewell Tournaments

Anna Kennett raffles/Almoner

Mike Kent Building Manager

Sara Enoka Directors

Ralph Brown Computer Manager

Jennette Newport Newsletter


Off committee:

Bill van Waas Security.

All other off committee

responsibilities are listed in the

new club book.

If you have a concern about

anythingplease approach the

person whose responsibility it is.

Paraparaumu Bridge Club

Budget 2015

The budget for 2015 is principally based on the requirement verbalized in the Long Term Maintenance Programmme, (LTMP) which was proposed and accepted by the Club committee during this last year. The programme is planned over a 15 year period and provides for the replacement/upgrade of all of the major items of hardware used or owned by the club. A copy of the maintenance programme is attached to the minutes of this AGM.

The programme calls for the club to make a profit of operating income over expenditure of some $10,470 pa to cover its various features.The past year provided a profit of $10,072 towards this target. As the planned expenditure over the year ahead is less than this year’s LTMP we expect to be able to comfortably meet this year’s maintenance target. However, having sufficient money at this stage may have its down side in the future when outgoings against planned income are likely to be substantially more. The committee must keep this in mind and save wherever it can to help prepare for heavier outgoings in the future.

The budget for 2015 is based on last year’s outgoings and includes a small increase of 3% to help cover expected (cost of Living) increases over the year. Club outgoings are regularly checked (monthly) against the plan and should this amount prove to be insufficient interim adjustments can be made quickly to either income or expenditure. Also, to ensure the club has sufficient funds to meet its expected current and future outgoings, increases in the table money and the MST prices have been made. As noted above, interim changes to the collection can be made by the committee if adjustments are indicated at any time during the year.

While the maintenance plan is not particularly ambitious, should we have a major issue with the building air conditioning for example, club funds would be overextended to meet the expected costs associated with replacement. The committee will be closely monitoring this aspect over the year ahead and the members will be kept appraised in the various communications media used from time to time by the committee.

The budget for 2015 is attached to these minutes for the information of all members. Regular updates to the budget are provided at the committee meetings and these are posted on the notice board along with the minutes following these committee meetings.

Murray Kennett


Several members are buying multiple tickets in protest against the rise in price. The committee made the price increase from next year not anticipating people who choose to stock up at the old price. The committee was entitled to raise the price according to the Constitution. Only a rise in membership fees has to be approved by the AGM. Fortunately most members accept the decision that was made.


Items for this newsletter from any member are welcome

Instructions for collectors
