FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

June 11th, 2016

Call regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees to Order at 9:32 a.m. by President Sally Doherty

Board Members in attendance: Sally Doherty, Vic Dykstra, Mark MacDonald, Mark Robben, Randy Taylor, Sherry Ploor, Doug Barlow, Glen Post and Dave Stratford.

Approval ofminutes: The minutes from 5/14/16 Regular Board Meeting were approved as distributed

Employee Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Office Manager – Amanda Graham


Accounts Receivables: $75,292.31

35 Members on Monthly/Quarterly Payment Plants Totaling: $9051.55

5 Accounts Delinquent 2015-2016 Annual Dues Totaling: $8500.00

9 Chronically Delinquent Accounts Totaling: $57,740.76


2015-2016 Annual Dues: $397,621.18

Prior Years Dues and Fees: $21,272.49

Fire Pit Rings and Gravel: $145.00

Service Fee: $669.72

Title Transfer Fee: $20,999.96

Dividends and Other: $851.00

Accounts Payables:

Expense Year to Date: $187,260.96


Disclosure Statements for Escrow: 11

Email Blasts: 1 Blast sent to 213 Members

Successful Deliveries: 200

Opened so far: 93

Open Rate: 46.5%

Bounced: 13

Clicked: 0

Unsubscribed: 0

Legal provided information regarding Delinquent accounts as needed.

Operations – Travis Graham – No Report submitted

Board Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes.

Personnel Committee- Mark MacDonald #1

Met on June 10th, 2016 continuing towork on employee reviews

Secretary- Glen Post- No report submitted

Treasurer- Randy Taylor # 2

Discussion under New Business

Director Reports–Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes.

Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra #3

Discussion: Burn Pile - No non-burnable items or building material with nails and hardware should not be on the burn pile, please check the website for more information. Glen will look for the Burn Pile policy and update with input from Vic, Kevin and Travis, if necessary.~Glen and Vic will work on signs and communications regarding Burn Pile issues

Drivers Speeding - Speed bumps and stop signs are possible solutions for speeding drivers. Drivers need to slow down on our roads for the safety of all members and families. Would posting stop signs and speed signs help?

Legal- Mark Robben #4

Discussion: Water Rights Certification should be completed by the end of July. Agreement with Columbia Collectors, Inc. has been signed and delinquent members are being turned over to them.

Committee Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Architectural – Dave Stratford and Sherry Ploor – No written report submitted

Discussion about recent applications - 2 application approvals and one application is under review, requesting more information from the applicant.

Budget – Randy Taylor

Discussion under New Business

Communications – Sherry Ploor – No report submitted

Discussion about participation and interest – information posted on website needs to be posted in a timely fashion with all of the information included in the post so that members can respond at that time. Post “looking for communications volunteers” with all of the information to contact Sherry. Bulletin Board clean up?

Firewise- Kathy Cardona –No written report submitted

Please report all clean up hours (adult and children) to Kathy Cardona at 503-755-2245 or all the Fire Department if you see suspicious smoke 503-755-2710

Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow #5

July 9th, 2016, from 1:00 to 3:00 Neighborhood Watch Awareness Meeting,mark your calendar. Several local agencies have been invited to attend including: Mist-Birkenfeld Neighborhood Watch Association, Clatsop County Police, Columbia County Police, Vernonia Police, Columbia County Animal Control

Policies- Glen Post - No Report submitted

Solutions team– Vic Dykstra #6

Discussion: An Engineer update, concerning phase two of the Spillway/fish ladder project, will be presented at the next meeting.

Revisions- Dave Stratford - No Report submitted

Social Committee– Carolyn Taylor and Kris O’Shea #7

Discussion: Independence Fireworks at 10:00 July 2nd, 2016 for FLRC members, families and guests including the surrounding communities. Requests Lake Access signs for FLRC members only be posted before 4th of July weekend.

Unfinished Business

Water Shut-off policy update – Sally Doherty

Discussion about including a waiver in the current water shutoff policy to include procedures for turning the water back on for properties that have had their water shut off, house sale inspections or financial obligations have been resolved. Buildings and Grounds will draft an addendum to the water shut off policy andLegal team will finalize. Sally will send policy in Word to Vic.

Online Forms – Sally Doherty

Discussion about items which should be and need to go on website: Boat Policy, Collections Policy, Request for Documents Form, Certification of Board Eligibility, Complaint Procedure and form. Sherry and Glen working together.

Complaint status & resolution- Mark MacDonald: Issue is resolved.

Recap Complaint procedure –Doug Barlow

** Doug Barlow Moved that the‘Member Complaint and Procedure form’ be adopted as presented. Motion seconded by Mark Robben. Motion approved unanimously. **

Tree cutting Nick Berg and WOEC – Sherry and Dave

Discussion: Board of Trustees and Architectural committee needs more information before the application to remove trees will be considered. Amanda will pull property files for pastarchitectural information. FLRC has not had any communication from WOEC about tree removal. Architectural will request more information and review the requested documents before moving forward.

New Business

Water quality update – Vic Dykstra

FLRC Water meets or exceeds all Drinking Water Quality Standards.

PLC – Vic Dykstra and Bill Robinson

Bill Robinson volunteered to help with the Water Treatment Plant automation, which seemed to be stalled. The WTP automation needs an updated PLC– Programmable Logic Controller, which will help FLRC make water during weather events and cut back on the overtime monitoring the water treatment plant.

**Randy “Movedto accept the Advanced Electrical Technologies Bid at a cost of $7735.00 for the replacement of the Programmable Logic Control for Water Treatment Plant automation to be funded out of Reserves.” Motion seconded by Mark. Motion passed unanimously. **

Bill Robinson will be the Project manager of the PLC installation.

Lake Health – Randy & Vic

Spraying Lake Weeds on June 20th, 2016, it is the same plan as in 2015. The lake level is as high as it will be for the year unless we get more rain.

Discussion about cleaning out the inlets, a committee needs to be formed to work with the division of State Lands. The objective is to work with the division of State lands to get approval and an agreed upon plan then to get bids for the dig out/clean outof the inlets. Seeking volunteers to organize a committee to research catch basins in Fishhawk Lake Inlets.

16/17 Budget Proposal- Randy Taylor

Proposed Budget For 2016-2017

The Proposed Budget for next fiscal year is being presented to the Board today. The Budget Committee met with Vic Dykstra, Kevin Adolphson and Travis Graham to put the figures together for Buildings and Grounds. Many of the areas have not been raisedWe are using 257 as the number in determining the amount expected from each lot because that's the number of dues paying lots we currently have. The proposed increase is mostly in our Utilities, Insurance, Spillway and spillway project. The proposed dues for the next fiscal year are $1796.00.

2016/2017 Budget Town Hall July 3rd at 11:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse

Lake Members Open Forum:

During Open Forum, members may address the Board for up to three minutes. A Trustee or Employee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Members are encouraged to remember that the FLRC board is comprised of volunteers who should be treated with courtesy. Members are also encouraged to communicate in advance. Please note that no action will be taken on non-emergencyissues, but may be addressed at future Board Meetings.

Member lot access discussion – Board members have walked the lot in question, reviewed documents and files from the office and member. Legal will have a letter sent outlining the findings.

Good of the Order- Salad Bar tonight!- 6:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 1:39.

Minutes Submitted by Amanda Graham

June 11th, 2016 Board Meeting Reports

The submitted reports may not have been read in their entirety, therefore appended to the minutes below

#1Personnel committee – Mark MacDonald

Met on June 10th, 2016 continuing to work on employee reviews

1) Reviewed updated draft of FLRC's Unpaid Sick Leave policy.There is still fine-tuning to do, with additional information needed from Portland Payroll.

2) Discussed minor changes and need for clarification in FLRC Paid Time Off policy.

3) Annual employee evaluations will be scheduled soon. Discussed performance objectives for Operations employees.

#2Treasurer’s Report – Randy Taylor

Current Balances Snapshot

Checking - $13,544.33

Savings - $125,590.26

Total - $$139,154.39


Cash - $55,319.75

CD Ladder - $601,395.50

Total - $656,715.25


We've continued to be very frugal in our spending. The summer months typically are a greater challenge. We will begin dredging this month. If you look at the P&L vs. Budget we are only at 52% of budget in our total employee costs. Part of this is because I found we have a credit with SAIF. We have one more payment for this year of $71 but we have a credit of $2000. We won't be putting Workers Comp Insurance in next year's budget.

We are over in Legal, Utilities and Insurance.

Last year we failed to pass a budget. This year we've taken a "bare bones" attitude toward spending because we wanted to find out exactly what it takes to keep the lake going spending the minimum. There have been a lot of instances each of our leads has wanted to do things but decided against it because of money. This includes employee continuing education but involves B&G primarily. Vic has done a great job keeping costs down but he will be the first one to tell you that we can't continue delaying a lot of these projects.

Proposed Budget For 2016-2017

The Proposed Budget for next fiscal year is being presented to the Board today. The Budget Committee met with Vic Dykstra, Kevin Adolphson, and Travis Graham to put the figures together for Buildings and Grounds. Many of the areas have not been raised. We are recommending a Reserve Deposit of $50,000 for next year. Our reasoning is this. Some of the costs outlined in the Reserve Study are not reflective of actual spending. As a small example, we replaced a truck. The amount that was "saved" in Reserves for that replacement was $14,500. We spent $7,500. Because of the potential spillway and fish ladder project it will change some of the planned spending in spillway and fish ladder repairs. For now, we felt the $50K was appropriate. We are using 257 as the number in determining the amount expected from each lot because that's the number of dues paying lots we currently have. The proposed increase is mostly in our Utilities, Insurance, Spillway and spillway project. The proposed dues for the next fiscal year are $1796.00.

#3Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra

  • Warm weather brings more members to the lake. Keeping the water treatment plant operating has been a priority. There have been a few issues as usual but persistence and Kevin's knowledge of the plant have kept the water flowing.
  • Grass mowing. The grounds are looking good. Sunshine makes this an ongoing project. The zero turn mower has had a few issues. Adjustments, sharpening and tweaking by Travis has kept it going.
  • The Plant automation guys have continued to be illusive. Bill Robinson it turns out has some experience in this area. Bill has taken this on and has already made progress. He went to the PLC manufacturer and found new resources. Turns out that many saw mills, even our local one, use a company in Longview for automation. He has completed phase one trouble shooting the PLC and is moving forward from there.
  • We have to give Bob Yoder a little credit. His delegating ability has provided another "volunteer".
  • Weed spraying will begin June 20th.
  • Algae have shown up around the lake and will need to be addressed with the company as well.
  • Burn pile issues -Someuninformed members are using the burn pile as a garbage dump.This needs to stop. Lake employees have to sort and remove it, then haul it away to the dump. More money taken from the budget unnecessarily.
  • Maybe a sign is needed. Something on the website? No garbage, plastic, Styrofoam, vinyl flooring, carpet, asphalt shingles, boards with nails, screen, patio doorframes, etc.
  • Travis has said that burn season is over for the season. Limbs, debris and grass clipping will be piled up until fall.
  • Many members are weighing in on lake level preferences. With summer here we all wish to enjoy the lake at the perfect level. It isn't quite that easy.
  • The lake employees manage the lake level constantly, all year. All things are considered. In the winter it is rain forecasts, flood warnings and fish passage to balance. In summer it is lack of rain, fish passage and trying to maintain lake levels. Currently the lake is receiving very little stream flow. This could continue all summer if rainfall continues to be light.

#4Legal – Mark Robben

1. Water Rights Certificate Upgrade -Stuntzner Engineering will have the process done and submitted in July.

2. Member Complaint Letter - Drafted and sent letter to a member about the incidents with their renters and informed them they need a current lease agreement on file in the office. We were told they have complied. The renters have moved out. The members state they are going to sell the properties.

3. Collections -Signed an agreement with Columbia Collectors, Inc. and sent off two accounts. We held two back at this time because of possible change in circumstances on the accounts/properties and a chance we can recover more than the 50% CCI would take. If they don’t pan out, they will be sent to CCI as well. Two or three of the long-term debt we were given have sold recently with possible movement on a couple more.

We have been frustrated by the lack of in-house systems to coordinate efforts and communication between the office and the collections committee. We have been ready to turn accounts over for collections, only to find out—almost by accident— that the property has been sold or some other thing is happening with the property. We need a flow chart or some kind of feedback mechanism to keep us all on the same page.

4. Parkview Easement - Vic and Kevin put in a lot of time trying to locate the connections the owner described to no avail. We looked at the lots ourselves and talked to the owner by phone. Currently there is nothing for the lake to do and the owner is not dissatisfied with where things got left.

5. Lot 100 Easement -First, we’d like to thank Randy and Vic for all the time and effort they put out on our behalf trying to get us information for VF Law.

#5 Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow

Incidents reported to or by the Patrol - No incidents were reported by or to the patrol.

Requests for assistance - a new resident voiced a complaint. The complaint was that the lawn of the property at 71257 Northshore Drive that is excessively long in violation of FLRC CC&R Section 8.1. Doug Barlow looked at the subject property and agrees that the property is not being properly maintained. Doug Barlow filed a complaint on the resident’s behalf on 5/24/2016

Other items of interest – The Patrol was planning a Neighborhood Watch Awareness Meeting on June 11 from 1:00 to 3:00. Several local agencies were been invited to attend including:

Mist-Birkenfeld Neighborhood Watch Association

Clatsop County Police

Columbia County Police

Vernonia Police

Columbia County Animal Control

Due to late response from several agencies timely notification for this meeting was not sent to the Lake Membership, it was decided to postpone the meeting to July 9th, 2016,from 1:00 to 3:00Neighborhood Watch Awareness Meeting,mark your calendar.

#6Solutions team meeting June 4, 2016 – Vic Dykstra

  • In attendance Mark and Janine Robben, Sherry Ploor, Vic Dykstra, and Jeff Busch was to Skype the meeting, but connection problems prevented this from occurring.
  • Dates were tentatively set for the up and down stream meeting with our neighbors.July 14th and 16th were the dates selected. The dates will need to be approved by other members involved in thisthat were unable to attend.
  • Solutions team budget Jeff sent a worksheet. Randy and Vic discussed this. Jeff will provide an update and a finalized version will be presented to the budget committee.
  • An Engineer update, concerning phase two of the Spillway/fish ladder project, will be presented at the next meeting.

#7Social Committee– Carolyn Taylor and Kris O’Shea