The Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness in the City of Alexandria
2018 VHSP RRH Competition – Notice of Intent
Name of Organization:
Organization Type:
DUNS Number:
Contact Name & Title:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Name of Subrecipient Organization (if applicable):
Organization Type:
DUNS Number:
Contact Name & Title:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Organizational Capacity
Describe the applicant(s) organizational experience and capacity delivering homeless assistance services in Alexandria or Northern VA:
Describe applicant(s) experience operating Rapid Rehousing or other short-term rental assistance programs in Alexandra or Northern VA:
Describe the applicant(s) experience utilizing federal funds including HUD and ESG. Note if applicant(s) had any findings in an audit by HUD or Virginia DHCD:
Has applicant(s) returned any funds to HUD or DHCD on existing grants in the last 2 years? If yes, what amount and why?
Project Description
Describe the full scope of the proposed project including the target population, projected number of clients served annually, and the anticipated types of units acquired (ie. scattered site, shared housing, etc.):
Describe the applicant(s) plan for prioritizing clients in each of the City’s literally homeless programs excluding transitional housing (ie. emergency shelters, safe haven, and street outreach) equally for RRH services:
Describe the applicants plan for allocating income-based rental subsidies including processes for approval, review, modification, and termination of the subsidy amount:
Describe the project’s proposed application of housing identification services including landlord recruitment and vetting methods, and strategies for retention.
Describe the project’s proposed application of community case management services including housing stabilization services, connection to mainstream resources, and strategies for retention.
Describe the applicant(s) transition strategy for clients currently receiving a VHSP RRH subsidy:
Additional Attachments to Submit
· Please attach job description of the applicant(s) housing locator position(s) with your submission:
· Please attach a job description of the applicant(s) community case manager position(s)
· Please attach a proposed organization chart including Program Director, Community Case Manager, Housing Locator